Box 1, Folder 22, Document 10

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Box 1, Folder 22, Document 10

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Direction Sports

An educational/motivational
program designed for
underprivileged children

A Piece of Glass...a Stolen Car

Direction Sports was never formally
planned—it happened. “How it happened”
is covered below in an excerpt from A
Sports Story for Christmas, written by
John Hall for the Los Angeles Times on
December 15, 1967.

“A foot slashed by broken glass and a
stolen car have combined to produce what
may be the Christmas sports story of the

“If this sounds unlikely, you just don’t
know Tulley Brown.

“Brown is a 34-year-old law school grad,
a Santa Monica resident who has an over-
whelming compassion for sports and
youngsters. While living in 52 different
countries during recent years, Brown
found the two mixed wonderfully.

“But his story really began one morning
when he was doing his daily four miles of
running on the beach at Santa Monica.

with YMCA Director George Pohlman.

© Copyright 1969, Direction Sports Inc.

He stepped on a piece of glass and cut his

“Looking for emergency treatment, he
came across a doctor connected with [a
center for ] retarded and disturbed children.

“One thing led to another and Brown
soon quit his old job [as a sales execu-
tive] to take over as athletic director...

“Bringing in several Lakers to help him
at times, he began to get the kids to take
out their frustrations and erase their
doubts on the basketball floor. Psychia-
trists used the word ‘amazing? to describe
the progress he was able to make. Parents
were overjoyed.

“About this time, Brown’s car was stolen
... fypically, Tulley’s reaction after an 18-
year-old boy was arrested for the theft
was regret. He urged police not to press

“He and his wife asked to adopt the boy,
an orphan who had been shuffled around
various foster homes?’

Instead, the boy was sent to a juvenile
camp, serving a sentence of fifteen months.
Tulley learned from the probation officer
on the case that often in such situations a
minority or poor youngster would be sen-
tenced while, for the same offense, a white
middle-class youngster would be released
to his parents on probation.

Married and the father of three chil-
dren, Brown returned to business and
spent the next six months putting together
a program that could help provide dis-
advantaged youths with reasons to stay

If the magnetism of sports could break
through to the retarded and emotionally
disturbed, then why not use this magnet-

(continued, inside back cover)

Direction Sports: the fundamental concept

“Among the educational approaches which we believe should
be considered and evaluated are the current efforts to develop
new patterns of education which do not fit into the traditional

Recommendation of the


DIRECTION SPORTS is a Los Angeles-based project designed
to answer that recommendation with an innovative program—
involving educationally disadvantaged youngsters, through
the magnetism of sports, with local youth leadership, profes-
sionals in the fields of education and psychology, and other
concerned adults from all parts of Los Angeles County.

Direction Sports objectives:

For the first time, to expand the content and goals of the
average sports program for youth. Specifically, to use the uni-
versal appeal of “Little League” type sports activities for the
development of basic learning skills (through carefully pre-
pared “chalk talks”) and to build positive self concepts and
social attitudes (through post-practice group discussions).

To provide an opportunity for meaningful exchanges of
communication and values among both youngsters and adults
from a variety of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
(through regularly scheduled field trips and group activities ).

To help resolve the tremendous disparity between the num-
ber of privately funded sports programs for youngsters in
middle class or suburban areas and the programs available to
youngsters from disadvantaged communities.

The kinds of social problems which prompted the idea of
DIRECTION SPORTS are common knowledge, but have never
been considered as responsive to simple, direct solutions. A
brief review follows of those problems, their consequences,
and the solutions the DIRECTION SPORTS program offers.
Our primary concern is to show that there is an alternative
to the current expenditure of billions of dollars to treat social
symptoms. There is a way to affect their causes.

The problems we face

Welfare. More than 7 million Americans are now receiving
welfare assistance, and another 14 million citizens are identi-
fied as eligible for aid; a total of 21 million persons in this
country whose family income is below what the government

“Recidivism”—an ugly word we have to face up to i. be

defines as basic subsistence. For example, six out of every ten
Black children subsist on welfare payments at least a part of
their lives. Did you know that if you are born in a poverty
area, odds are about ten to one you'll remain there for life?

A Culture of Hopelessness. The old myth that citizens “on
welfare” are so by choice is no longer tenable. Rather, the
children of the poor grow up conditioned to failure, to the
uselessness of ambition and the futility of dreams.

To quote anthropologist Elliot Liebow, “In the end, a
man’s wife and children become a symbol of his own failure
as a man and the easy camaraderie of ‘the corner’ becomes
an irresistible lure. At the moment he submits, he comes
into his full inheritance bequeathed him by his parents,
teachers, employers, and society at large. This is the step into
failure from which few if any return and it is at this point
that the rest of society can wring its hands or rejoice in the
certain knowledge that he has ended up precisely as they had
predicted he would.’

Educational Dilemna, Educational surveys of the learning
skills of youngsters from the depressed areas of Los Angeles
County indicate the relatively poor learning skill improve-
ment of minority youth, From the Los Angeles Times, Janu-
ary 10, 1969: “Many Anglo students in the Los Angeles City
School System showed marked improvement in reading last
year, but Negro and Mexican-American youngsters made
only slight advances, test scores indicated...The reading
scores climbed as high as 16 percentage points...In pre-
dominantly Negro and Mexican-American schools, however,
the scores rose only an average of two points and remained
at generally low levels. The lowest percentage increases, one
percent, were recorded by first graders in the north and
mostly Negro south-central areas and the predominately
Mexican-American east side?’

The consequences

Failure-Punishment Syndrome. Here's what the GOVER-
1967) had to say: “The actions taken thus far in Los Angeles,
and, for that matter, elsewhere throughout the United States,
fail to meet the urgent existing need; and unless and until we
in our City and State, and throughout the United States,
solve the fundamental problem of raising the level of scholas-
tic achievement of disadvantaged children, we cannot hope to
solve all other problems of our disadvantaged minorities . .”
It is clear that a grossly disproportionate number of under-
privileged children experience failure in their first contact
with the greater society — when they enter school.

Civil Disorders and Delinquency, The NATIONAL ADVI-
“The expression of inadequate educational practices lies in
the high incidence of riot participation by ghetto youth who
had not completed high school. Our survey of riot cities
found that the typical riot participant was a high school drop

Recidivism. Almost half the juveniles released on parole
in Los Angeles County are back in detention camps within
six months. With a total minority population of about 20
percent in the county as a whole, nearly 50 percent of its
detention camp members are cither Negro or Mexican-
American, Neither a city nor a nation can begin to realize
its potential while continuing to fail to reach so high a per-
centage of its youth.

Without a significant impact on the source of these con-
cerns, the nation can only continue to expend increasing bil-
lions in the treatment of crime, poverty and unemployment.
There can be no real solution in attempting to treat these
consequences as though they were solvable on a symptom
level. The great majority of programs for the disadvantaged
reach people after they are already in trouble. DIRECTION
SPORTS is preventive treatment — working logically at the
source—and is using the most successful formula which has
proven successful in regularly motivating and involving more
than one million youths throughout the United States: pri-
vately funded sports programs.

Special programs for underachievers can be successful. It
was demonstrated recently in an experiment conducted by
the San Francisco City Schoo] System, combining smaller
classes with experienced teachers. One of these experimental
classes achieved the highest reading scores for its age group
of any public school class in the city—“and every one of
these children was black?’

Most school districts in the country are making conscien-
tious efforts to improve the learning achievements of children

from underprivileged areas. Whether the full burden of such
an accomplishment should be placed on the schools alone is
debatable. On the other hand, conditions never have been
more ready for the development of “new patterns of educa-
tion” to support and reinforce the schools’ efforts.

A crucial need

Currently, privately funded sports programs for youngsters
provide the most popular youth format in the nation. Yet
little has been done to overcome the scarcity of these kinds
of programs for underprivileged boys and girls. For example,
in 1968 the tremendously popular Little League Baseball
program involved approximately 55,620 youngsters from the
greater Los Angeles area. Yet of this total number not one
team was in operation within the immense minority popula-
tion corridor extending through Los Angeles from North
Broadway south of the central city to adjoining Compton
and including some 200,000 school age children.

Economic breakdown of family in-

come in the Los Angeles area shows

clearly the areas of the city which

cannot support conventional privately

financed sports programs of the

Little League type.

Family income, 1960/1965 estimated

[_——]_ Under $5,000

MEE $7,000—9,999

ME $10,000 and over

Sources: United States Census, and
Annual Reporis, Franchise Tax

Board, State of California,


The magnetism and personal satisfaction of sports

The Direction Sports program

The premise of DIRECTION SPORTS is that the magnetism
and personal satisfactions of athletic competition can pro-
vide a motivational breakthrough for normal but disadvan-
taged youngsters — that it can provide a basic format through
which learning skills and positive attitudes toward education
itself can be developed, using sports-related group discus-
sions and curricula, and community adult leadership.

California State College at Los Angeles volunteered aroom
for an initial training seminar for DIRECTION SPORTS’ staff,
and two Cal State coaches, Walt Thurmond and Robert Mil-
ler, prepared special guidelines for instruction in football and
basketball. Young college men who had grown up in disad-
vantaged communities were hired as DIRECTION SPORTS
youth leader trainees.

Their first formal training meeting was set at the University
of Southern California and kicked off with speeches by foot-
ball coaches John McKay, Dave Levy, and Willie Brown.
During that first week trainees attended lectures on methods
of instruction, coaching, and group discussion techniques, con-
cluding their training with a two-hour session at the office of
UCLA’s John Wooden. On the final day the new DIRECTION
SPORTS coaches put on a demonstration for their instructors
at Cal State, working with youngsters from city poverty neigh-

DIRECTION SPORTS is answering a dual need—the need
for privately funded sports programs in underprivileged
areas, and the need to deal early with the threat of educa-
tional underachievement. Therefore, the program itself dupli-
cates other youth sports programs but adds two unique new
features —“chalk talks” designed to promote learning skills,
and professionally supervised group discussions.

An afternoon schedule

3:30-3:35 p.m.—Orientation.

3:35-4:00 p.m.—“chalk talk” learning skills. (For an exam-
ple of a typical DIRECTION SPORTS chalk
talk, see the materials included at the back
of this brochure.)

4:00-5:00 p.m.— Team practice. These practice sessions fol-
low a daily plan carefully developed and
formalized by professional college coaches.

5:00-5:30 p.m.—Group discussion, Group discussions are
led by the community coaches; a profes-
sional psychologist participates regularly
to reinforce their talks.

The basic group discussion outline is as follows:

1. What makes a boy like himself? (Goal: Positive self con-

cepts and social attitudes. )
2. Why are there schools? (Goal: Value of education.)
3. What do I want to become? (Goal: Steps necessary for
achievements. )
4, What jobs are available? (Goal: Opportunities for work
experience. )
5. If | were...“role playing”
a) a fireman? (Goal: Value of property.)
b) a policeman? (Goal: Value of the law.)
c) an athletic hero? (Goal: Responsibility to others.)
d) blind? (after visiting school for blind children) (Goal:
Self-discipline. )
6. If I fail (sports, school, etc.)? (Goal: Work harder.)

Special Saturday activities

Saturdays are game days. DIRECTION SPORTS’ unique fea-
ture on Saturdays is that before each game teams meet in a
“spelling bee” kind of competition involving math, spelling,
and reading problems. Winning teams are rated ‘touchdowns,’
“baskets?” etc. corresponding to the seasonal sport they are
engaged in that day on the athletic field. These scores are
added to each team’s actual game score at the end of the play-
ing day, and the winning team thus has the highest combined

Every other Saturday all the youngsters go on a special trip
after the game. Since DIRECTION SPORTS started in 1968,
its young athletes have shared in experiences such as:

1) Yachting, as the guests of 24 boat owners at the Marina
Del Rey.

2) Guests of the University of Southern California at the
USC-Cal football game.

3) Guests of the National General Corporation, which pro-
vided a private showing of the film, “The Paper Lion?’ for
150 youngsters.

4) Guests at a UCLA basketball practice. After practice, the
youths met the players, and Lou Alcindor gave an inspi-
rational talk which no one present will ever forget.

5) Guests of the Griffith Park Observatory for a showing of
“The Sun, and Its Family of Planets?’

6) Guests of the Los Angeles Music Center at a childrens’

DIRECTION SPORTS is operating now in park and recrea-
tion facilities within four poverty communities of metropoli-
tan Los Angeles. These communities were chosen because of
their high percentage of school drop-outs and rate of delin-

The program currently employs the following adult person-
nel: one project director (full time ), one secretary (full time).

Top: The Gauchos in pre-game “pep talk” with
Coach Pichardo.
ions at Fred Roberts

Center: A portrait of the I
lshaw and Myles in charge.

Park, with Coaches Brad

her and 80% of their




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The Direction Sports Variety Show:

Top left; top right: Youngsters are guests of universities at athletic events (SC-Cal game, in this case).
Top. center-left and center-right: Regular competition—the Normandie Park Rams, halftime

with the South Park Trojans, and the East L.A. Packers. Charge!

Center and top-center: Exciting “chalk talks” by visiting athletes and regular coaches—here
Trojans respond to Olympic Gold Medalist Bob Seagren, while at another site Coach Vie Pichardo
teaches Gauchos.

Bottom left: One day Brown heard a group Of little girls practicing yells. When he learned they

had decided to be the Trojan cheerleaders. he had sweaters made and asked USC songleader
Penny Ward to do some coaching.

Bottom: Direction Sports Awards Banquet made possible by contributions from seven food
markets and the catering of the King Swede Restaurant. Magician Barry Lee of the Magic Castle
captivates the children. Over 200 persons attended the affair. including 97% of the parents invited.

SS a

A broad-based community response...

one educational psychologist (part time), two psychometrists
(part time), one curricula specialist (part time), and ten
field coaches (part time).

Direction Sports results are measurable
Fred Neidemeyer from Southwest Regional Laboratory (Cur-
riculum Center), an agency of the Federal Government, has
contracted to design special curricula using sports activities
and concepts to teach specific learning skills. Victor Coppin,
M.A., USC psychologist, contracted to coordinate group dis-
cussions aimed at developing self pride and positive social
attitudes among the youngsters participating in the project.

Two psychometrists, Dr. Stephen Klein of UCLA and Dr.
Ralph Hoepfner of USC, were enlisted to develop cross-vali-
dation methods for testing the actual effectiveness of
DIRECTION SPORTS. The testing program compares the pro-
gress in specific learning areas of DIRECTION SPORTS experi-
mental and control teams. See first post test results inside
back cover.

The basic design of the program is indicated in this table:

Victor Coppin




Pre-tests Treatment(s) Post-tests
Teams 1-3 Math Math and Math
(Direction Spelling attitudes Spelling
Sports) Attitudes “instruction” Attitudes
Teams 4-5 Math Spelling Math
(Direction Spelling instruction Spelling
Sports) Attitudes Attitudes
YMCA teams Math ‘None Math
(Comparison Spelling Spelling
groups) Attitudes Attitudes

The DIRECTION SPORTS groups being compared are essen-
tially equal in all other variables (socio-economic level, age,
presence of father, etc.), so that the unique aspects of the
program can be validly measured and evaluated.

Los Angeles responds

In its first four months of operation, the DIRECTION SPORTS
concept attracted so much attention that it was featured on
eight television programs—KTLA, KCOP, and CBS and NBC
affiliates. With additional coverage through KGFJ and KFWB
radio shows, it is estimated that the story of DIRECTION
SPORTS has been told to more than three million people in
the Los Angeles area. The first national attention given the
project was a feature article in the Christian Science Mon-
itor (copy enclosed), and The Johnny Carson Show.

The national magazine, Sports Illustrated, is providing a
weekly subscription for every boy in the program. The 7-Up
Bottling Company has donated uniforms. In November of
1968 CBS-Los Angeles, with the approval of its national of-
fice, voted DIRECTION SPORTS one of the top six programs
in Los Angeles and contributed a thousand dollars worth of
jackets, track shoes, and pants for the future use of program

Numerous additional supporters and contributors are
listed on the back cover of this brochure.

Here is what some well known public officials have said
about the DIRECTION SPORTS program:
---"I believe the program has merit. The activities appear to
be planned with great care, and the instructions are clear and
explicit. DIRECTION SPORTS’concern for the welfare of young-
sters in our minority communities is commendable”
— Thomas Reddin, Chief of Police, City of Los Angeles

“The concept of using sports as a touchstone to educa-

tional achievement for youngsters who have heretofore with-

Top: Direction Sports coaches
(from left to right) Acuna, :
Galindo, Castruita, Myles, Cano,
Bethel, Spaulding, Bradshaw and
Carroll, with Director Tulley
Brown appear at USC's Bovard
Field with coaches John McKay
and Dave Levy and players

O. J. Simpson and Steve Sogge.
Center left: Ray Norton, 1960
world record holder, now

with CBS, speaks at Awards

Center right: Los Angeles Chief
of Police Thomas Reddin dis-
cusses the project with Brown.
Bottom left: Mayor Sam Yorty
proclaims “Direction Sports
Week” for the City of Los Angeles,
March 31-April 6, 1969.
Bottom: Heisman Trophy winner
Mike Garrett ata “chalk talk?
You are needed...will you help?

drawn from full participation in the educational process be-
cause of a belief that other incentives are nonexistent and
that society is oblivious to their needs, is, in my opinon, ex-
tremely innovative and worth pursuing.

I feel the program will make a significant contribution in
developing a faith in the American system for these young-
sters, and in the extreme, may salvage some youngsters who
otherwise would be lost to society?’

—Thomas Lynch, Attorney General, State of California

“The program not only offers deprived youngsters an op-
portunity to participate in a nationally recognized sports pro-
gram but it also provides for educational enrichment for the
participants as an integral part of the format?

— Peter Pitchess, Sheriff, County of Los Angeles

“T can think of no alternative to formal study better suited
to inculcate the rudiments of reading, writing and arithmetic
into the untutored mind than an organized sports program.

I heartily encourage all personnel associated with the pI-
RECTION SPORTS project to implement it with expediency
and total effort?

—Sam Yorty, Mayor of Los Angeles

“Since three of the DIRECTION SPORTS teams operate in
the 29th Senatorial District I can personally attest to the fact
that the children and families involved are most enthusiastic
about the use of a sports format to teach learning skills and
develop positive self concepts and social attitudes.
DIRECTION SPORTS is a uniquely beautiful program cap-
able of making a significant diflerence to thousands of minor-
ity people”

— Mervyn M, Dymally, State Senator, 29th District
Most of all, it’s working! The best way to confirm this is to
see the program in action for yourself. Write DIRECTION
SPORTS for a schedule of daily practice and teaching sessions
or weekend team and intramural games. You are invited —
and welcome!
Plans for the future

Plans are underway to begin a similar program this year
for girls, ages 9 through 11, from the same communities. By
September of 1969 it is anticipated that DIRECTION SPORTS
will have spread to every disadvantaged area of greater Los
Angeles, and will include pilot programs for 12 to 14 year
old boys. By September of 1970 it is intended that all young-
sters ages 12 through 14 will be able to participate in the pro-
gram. Subsequently, with private and public support, DIREC-
TION SPORTS is designed to expand to every disadvantaged
community in America.

Plans are underway for a seminar which will be held in
Los Angeles for representatives from all interested cities in
America. Half the cost of travel and accommodations will be
defrayed and DIRECTION SPORTS’ materials and methods
of operation will be presented to the delegates.

And, with this support and leadership, this unique pro-
gram will be capable of regularly involving over one million
under-privileged boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14
in an enriching and meaningful learning-through-playing ex-
perience which offers a new pattern for educational motiva-
tion and success.

DIRECTION SPORTS is at this time, totally supported by vol-
unteer funds and is a non-profit corporation. All contribu-
tions, large or small, are tax deductible. If youre concerned
about your tax dollar—and who isn’t?—the greatest saving
you can make is your contribution to a program like this one
—a contribution toward redirecting a youngster today to pre-
vent him from becoming a public expense tomorrow.

DIRECTION SPORTS would like to continue happening —
won't you please help?





DATE: APRIL 21, 1969



In the fall of 1968, the five teams took a 44 item mathematics
test dealing with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
whole numbers; and a 20 item spelling test involving sports
related words, such as “offense."" Two teams received spelling
instruction while the other three received mathematics instruction.
The five teams were retested in February of 1969 with tests that
were very similar to ones they took in the fall (i.e., the formats
and instructions were the same but the questions were different
so as to eliminate possible biases, such as memory).


The results of the two testings appear in the table below.
An inspection of this table indicates the following: (1) The
teams had comparable (and relatively poor) performance before
training in both mathematics and spelling. (2) The teams receiving
training in an area have shown substantial improvement in that area,
e.g., the three teams receiving mathematics instruction improved
28% in mathematics compared to only 9% for the teams receiving
spelling instruction.

Average Percent Correct

Teams receiving: Type of Test Fall Testing Winter Testing Difference
Mathematics Mathematics 54% 82% +28%
Instruction Spelling 66% 51% -15%
Spelling . ° 0.
Tastruction Mathematics 54% 63% + 9%

Spelling 55% 78% +23%



Mr. Tully Brown
Direction Sports

4415 W. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, California

Dear Tully:

Upon receiving Dr. Klein's preliminary evaluation of the DIRECTION SPORTS
program, I am pleased to concur with him in the conclusion that your pro-
gram has had a beneficial effect. While Dr, Klein's evaluation was pri-
marily of a descriptive nature; describing the results after the fact, I
thought it might be interesting to see what we might be able to generalize
to future seasons or other cities from what we now know.

Accordingly, I performed two t-tests, one for math achievement and one for
spelling achievement. The two general hypotheses I evaluated were:

1. Improvement in math achievement in the mathematics-instruction groups
(experimental) is greater than improvement in math achievement in the
spelling-instruction groups (control).

2. Improvement in spelling achievement in the spelling-instruction
groups (experimental) is greater than the improvement in the math-
instruction groups (control).

To compute the two statistics, I employed only the 24 math boys and the

16 spelling boys who had all pretest and posttest scores. My reason for
excluding so many of the boys in your program who did not have complete

sets of scores for these t-tests was that we cannot be sure what the instruc-

tional effect was for them,

The t values for the math-score comparison was 2.949, significant at the
.01 level, while the t value for the spelling-score comparison was 1.445,
not significant. The conclusions we can draw are these: with great con-
fidence we can expect your program (or ones like it) to effect significant
improvement in the mathematical facility of disadvantaged, minority boys;
we cannot be very confident of a similar effect in spelling ability, al-
thought the data indicates a similar spelling improvement.

Of course, the mathematics tests and exercises were further developed and
refined than those for spelling at the initiation of this program. It is
quite possible that with refinement of the spelling program we will find

significant improvement there too. The preliminary findings, therefore,

may be expected not to be sensitive to real improvements and we will have
+o await the final data to find out if spelling can be really improved.

Sin ly

alph Hoepfner
RH: ak
Chalk Talk 17

I. Objectives: =6—Basic Division
=7 — Advanced Addition

=8 — Advanced Subtraction

I. Materials: blackboard and chalk for instructor.

paper and pencil for each boy.
IV. Activity:

|. Motivation: It's very important for you to be aware of the
score and the yardage at all times during the game. Then
you will be able to choose the best type of play to make. Let’s
take a look at a whole game here and how it is scored quarter
by quarter. (Pass out game-sheets to boys.) Coach draws
game sheet on board to fill in.
2. Description of Activity:
a. What is the total time of a game? (After they answer,
write it in the square marked “total time?’ )
b. How is a game divided up? (quarters). How many min-
utes in each quarter? (Say it and then write it under time
for each quarter.) How many minutes in a half? (oral an-
swer ).
c. Okay —now let’s figure out the score for each quarter.
(Coach writes on blackboard. )
1) In the first quarter, the Rams made a touchdown and then
made the conversion; the 49ers just made the touchdown.
Now fill in the score at the end of the first quarter, (7-6).
2) In the second quarter, the Rams made a field goal (3) and
the 49ers made a touchdown and the conversion (7). Write
down the score for the end of the second (10-13),
3) In the third quarter, the Rams score two touchdowns, but
muke only one of the conversions. How many points is that?
(13). The 49ers make a touchdown and the conversion (7).
Whiat is the score of the game now? (23-20.)

4) In the final quarter, the Rams do not score; the 49ers make
a field goal (3).What's the final score of the game? (tie game:
d. Now you'll notice on the right-hand side of cach square,
there is a section that says total yards gained. Fill in the fol-
lowing information: :
|) In the first quarter, the Rams made a total yard guin of 43:
the 49ers made 5/ (this is total, not net),
2) In the second quarter, the Rams made 40: the 49ers 45,
(Boys fill in this information as you read it—you write it on
the board game-chart.)
3) In the third quarter,Rams gain 50 yds, 49ers gain 47.
4) In the first quarter, the Rams make 42 yds: 49ers 55.
e. What is the total yardage gain for the Rams? (175) (Boys
will add the numbers up in the margin of their paper: have
them just raise their hand when they have the answer, but
do not shout it out), What is the total yardage game now
for the 49ers? (51+45+47-+ 55=198)
f. This is total yards gained; to determine the net yards gained
we must subtract the penalties.
1) The Rams were penalized three times for off-sides (15 yds.)
and once for clipping (15 yds.) How many yards did they
lose altogether? (30)
2) The 49ers were penalized twice for off-sides (10) and once
for unsportsmanlike conduct (15). How many yards were
they penalized altogether? (25)
(The process here will be first computing the off-sides pen-
alty 5x 2 = 10, and then adding 10 plus 15.)
g. Finally, how will we determine the net yards gained for
each team? (Have one boy explain the process: to subtract
the total penalty yards from the total yards gained. )
1) What was the Rams net yard gain? (145)
2) What was the 49ers net yard gain? (173)

Game Chart

Quarter 1 Time: | Quarter 2 Time:
Rams: Total yards gained Rams: Total yards gained —
49ers: Total yards gained 49ers: Total yards gained
Score: Rams [| 49ers [ ] Score: Rams [| 49ers [|

Quarter 3 Time: | Quarter 4 Time:
Rams: Total yards gained Rams: Total yards gained — SEE
49ers: Total yards gained 49ers: Total yards gained ——
Score: Rams [| 49ers | i Final Score: Rams [ | 49ers [|

Total yards gained in game by Rams:

Rams penalties

Net yards gained in game by Rams:

Yotal yards gained in game by 49ers:

49ers penalties

Net yards gained in game by 49ers:

Total Time:

(© Copyright. 1969, Direction Sports inc




Monday, April 21, 1969

Mr. BELL of California. Mr. Speaker,
it is a pleasure to call the attention of
this House to a unique and successful
program that has been operating in the
Watts area of Los Angeles. Direction
Sports begins where Little League leaves
off—it serves those who have no fathers
to participate, those who have no money
for uniforms, insurance, and the other
requisites of Little League participation.

But Direction Sports gives the boys it
serves more than an opportunity to par-
ticipate in the kind of athletic competi-
tion enjoyed by their middie-class coun-
terparts. Through techniques developed
by the Southwest Regional Lab in Ingle-
wood, Calif—a project which has re-
ceived more than $4 million from the Of-
fice of Education’s Bureau of Research
in the past 2 years—Direction Sports
youngsters improve their learning skills
and social attitudes by means of educa-
tive chalk talks. In my view, Direction
Sports is precisely the kind of innovative
program that those of us who have been
struggling to find solutions to urban ills
have encouraged in legislation passed in
recent years. As important as the heart-
warming results described in the follow-
ing article by the Christian Science Mon-
itor, however, is the fact that program
evaluation have shown a statistically
Significant increase in participants’
mathematics achievement scores,

Mr. Speaker, I wish to commend the
Monitor’s article to the attention of my
colleagues, especially those whose con-
stituencies include disadvantaged metro-
politan areas.



Monday, January 20, 1969

Watts: ‘Direction Sports’

By Cliff Gewecke

Sports correspondent of
The Christian Science Monitor

Los Angeles

Ever since the Watts, and other, riots of
1965, sports programs for the underprivi-
leged Negro youngster have come to the

The idea seems to be: get more of these
youngsters off the streets, inspire and skill
them with sports (and sports heroes), and
potential ruffians and ‘‘lost causes’? may be
motivated into becoming useful, productive

Ore of the most recent, and perhaps most
farsighted, of these programs — which ema-
nated in the Watts section of Los Angeles
during 1968—is ‘Direction Sports,’ an
affiliate of the Urban Affairs Foundation,

Essentially, it is a ‘Little League for the
underprivileged.”” But it has distinct over-
tones, and undertones, of improving positive
learning skills through orientation, ‘“‘chalk
talks,’’ and group discussions.

‘Tremendous disparity?

“Privately funded sports programs involve
more than one million youngsters. and are
the most popular youth format in the na-
tion,’’ says former sales representative Tul-
ley Brown, who is program director for
Direction Sports.

“Yet, there is a tremendous disparity be-
iween the number of privately funded sports
programs for the youth in. middle-class
areas as opposed to those in the underpriv-
ileged areas.”

To drive home his point, Brown cites this
statistic: that, in a letter dated Aug. 2, 1968,
A. E. Houghton, secretary of Little League
Baseball, headquartered in Williamsport,
Pa., stated there were 55,620 youngsters
involved in the Greater Los Angeles area.

“Of this number,’’ emphasizes Brown,
“not one team operates in the immense
minority corridor extending from North
Broadway south to Compton and including
some 200,000 school-age children.

“The reasons for this are basic,’’ he adds.

“Little League programs function with the
assistance of fathers, often with the young-
sters paying for their own insurance and
medical checkup. A general requirement is
that the youngsters have had not more than
one ‘D’ in the preceding semester's school-
work—and no police record.

“Direction Sports’’ head man Tulley Brown dis-
cusses team tactics with youngsters in the
Watts section of Los Angeles. The program’s
educative chalk talks serve as a teaching aid.

Little League for

Started officially Sept. 23 with the advent
of the past football season, Direction Sports
encompassed some 75 youngsters in the pre-
teenage category.

Plans are to go through the major sports
in-season—basketball, track, baseball. And
to expand to other (older and younger) age
categories, and even to reach into the par-
ticipation of girls in the program.

Letters of commendation have been re-
ceived from such men as California attorney
general Tom Lynch, Los Angeles County
sheriff Peter Pitchess, Los Angeles police
chief Tom Reddin, and Los Angeles mayor
Sam Yorty.

Unique chalk talk

The program has been featured on some
eight southern California television pro-
grams, Sports Illustrated is providing a
weekly magazine subscription for every boy
in the project, and the 7-Up Bottling Com-
pany has donated uniforms, CBS-Los Ange-
les, after voting Direction Sports one of the
top six programs in Los Angeles, contribut-
ed $1,000 worth of jackets, track shoes, and
pants for future use by the youngsters.

Don’t qualify for Little League

“Too often,’’ Brown continued, ‘‘the young-
sters in the ghettos do not have fathers to
participate, money to pay for insurance and
doctors, adequate grades, and they do have
police records. Thus, classical Little League
is untenable in deprived areas.”

The idea is to. motivate potential ruffians and

“lost causes’ into becoming useful, pro-
ductive citizens through the inspiration of

Yet, if the program is to continue to thrive
(and, even, go national perhaps someday)
more funds, and help, will be needed. _

(A free brochure may be obtained by
writing: Project Director Tulley N. Brown,
Direction Sports, Inc., Urban Affairs Foun-
dation, 955 S. Western Ave., Suite 204, Los
Angeles, Calif. 90006).

Recently, the writer sat in (with Brown
Negro group leader recruited from a near be
college, and a dozen youngsters) on one of
the educative chalk talks that utilize sports
as ‘“‘transference”’ for learning.

“Ricky,” said the leader, pointing to a lad
in the front row, “chow many points do you
get for a touchdown?”

“*Six,’? answered Ricky. '

“How many points for a field goal?”

ET? /

“You sure?”

“Three?” replied Ricky, hesitantly.

‘‘Add six and three and what do you get,””
asked the leader.


“Good! Now,” continued the leader, “in,
basketball you get how many points PR a
field goal? ... and two minus nine is .

And so the questions, and the transference:
of-learning skills answers, spread Wipaeh

out the room—perhaps someday soon | o-

spread throughout the United States wi

Tulley Brown’s dream of ‘Direction Sports
becoming the Little League of minority.
areas.’ '

mA. 6







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