Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 5, Document 33
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‘A eroup “or ‘Guclve, tler to
Chiceso, Teen on adnescey, tov. Tom Burress formerly with the
AU3th at, 5256F: Me olene ves to Greater Philadeiphia Enterprises.
SP rivowst. a cn.50 av 7330, ove Cie This group tas bern able to build
to scevy Cir tel ic, vu.c lencing shopping centers in that city,
wes delrvod for atest an hour, housing and industrial development,
Tre OncG who ute tne trip Now owner of a Consulting Firm of
“WO"O$ 1.0001 Uitios sssit eG which he organized, was invited to
e.voloyoes, ins :.0dcl Cities Atlanta-to offer guidiance and
Soecrd rovers. Tiere Vere bw PSe suggestions to Model Neighborhood,
9oYrsorns, 100 on b1.0 starr or pecréd. Ine,
VOP LRLOLMC CLO “SNSSS. Gits3 i Mr. Burress met briefly with
meade the trip‘ wore: wise tose the Mayor and was welcomed by the
cx CLG oO ETS 2. Lycll Scots, Honorable Ivan Allen to the ever
116 John 100d, 1.25% 22.70) cunlS, progressing city. Mr. Burress's
LESeLovtic .nsley, #11 So: rd experiences was a great success to
“cuberg? OL. eel CL bids y) 1. rss Model Neighborhood, Inc, He gave
Loeizeti, .1sy Porks, Ui 76.) Led, the organization the kind of
ater en edtrewy aimloyoes, ii. inspiration that they will surely
Byea, Nov. Aieney anc aysolr, consider priccless.
i hesit: wea 6% Pirst, out Model Neighborhood, Inc., call
seeioee eoeR Cie UPL would pro= a Pross Conforence and’ Mr, Burress
vcbly serve Goi.c velue So ..ocel gave a nows release of the Philadel
HWelL~iperhood Lice, nd tie Co. wni=phia Developing Program. Edward
ty. 53 45 - tic letter intent Moody, Model Neighborhood's Exec.
C68 this ¢reieie! is* btins swoliehed, Director also gave a Model
“ednesday night, we went to a Neighborhood, Inc., news release,
neighborhood called #Old Toyn',
This section of Chicago is a re-
habilitated stretch, similar’ to
Atlanta's plan to redevelope the
viaduct beneath downtown Atlanta
It contains some very creative
designs. Some of the old idcas
were restored and Old Town is
quite ah attractive site. It is
now a tourist and residental neigh-
borhood, all located within a few
Thursday’morning we visited
"Lower North", our first stop was
the Olivett Community Center,
Lillian Kimire, the director was
very hospitable and a wonderful
(cont'd page 2)
One news item was the opening of a’
Garment Manufacturing Co., communiti
owned and employed. This is one of
Model Neighborhood's Inc., industric
developments in Model Cities Arca.
ste stasle ste ste ste ste ste ote
Hers ae ole te aie
Mechanicsville Community Center
389 Bass St., is advertising for
a Supervisor, to conduct the variour
activitics and programs of the Cent¢
Mirs.Interviews will be held on Tuesday”
November 24th, from 9:AM to 12:PM,
Ot thes
ese oe 0
BEEPS FS ETS BIS DS HS PS EAS SE AS LIS LISD SHE IE AS BSS SS BS es YR ISIS SASS SAS N SASS, STS SSS HES He aie ale she ake aie ate ale ale ale ake ic ale atc aie ale ake ate ale ate oe
hostess, The Center receives veri~
ous moans of support in being “Oe Is Model Cities a clearance
funded, One is the United Appeal program
the other, long cstablished orza~
nizations. ‘ft was tirough this A. No. It is a rehabilitation
center that, T. U. F., (The progrem, Rebuild and rehabi-
United Fricnds) wes granted litate minium amounts of
267,000 (no strings) for noighbor- , streets and blocks at a time,
hood developments, I will tell
about it later. slestesle cle sle ate ale ate ate ale ate ate ate ate ate
Olivett Community Ccnter
displayed to me, what can be LISTE RIRD
programed with the proper funds. LIGHTS ON (uu MACHINE AND SAYS:
How a community center can be
effective with cnough funds,
A neighborhood center in Atlanta
that is a community supported and
community sorved, can do the same
identical thing,
Leter Thursday morning we
went to the Ts U. #., contor,
Mr. Michacl Hollis is the TUF
co-ordinator, 1t was very inter-
esting to loam of their involve- '"Sinee you cannot tell me
ment, They have optioned some what the Extension's Managers jobs
property and plan to build eleven are suppose to be, I will let
units of housing in the community. you in on something."
There is a Cre ait Union and the "The Steering Committce of
Housing Dovelopment committee, to the Model Citics Mass Convention
nene a fow. One thing if roriomber is being pres ented in the Model
of importance was whet Mr. Hollis . Cities. plan as the Organizational
said; “In this city we use the Community Development Corporation
Politicians for all they are worth. of the Model Cities Area." What
We. apply pressure and in time we do you think of that? Better find
got results’. This isa .good out if it's true,
recommendation for all Atlanta wate
voters, FLIES AWAY
Thursday afternoon we visited SER YOU NEXT WEEK
“Lower North Community Center.“ sa Ere do
We toured the center, whercin we
saw; day care ¢lasses, a pool room PLLTLELALILJOLSEreyisitaniiraret
and a TV-Radio repair. A day
care class on the sccond floor? Jobs------every Tuesday from
In Georgia this is prohibited, 9:4M until 12:PM----Mechanicsville
The conter is part of a high- Community Center, 389 Bass Street
rise public housing project. South West,
Twenty one stories with forty
cight units per floor, shecdbiance
In the lste afternoon we went
to the Model Cities office, We
listened to sone renerks that
we have heared reneated again
and said before and now again,
(cont'd page 3)
: textos! : le gleste
ale ale ate
SieNie este seatespestons declerlclesh fe deat J sissiexe dostefo ge qrak ha: Seslest proyecfech ote cbcpcojerie ats aye alent pleote aleals ole steals ate ale oleale ale ste ale afeskke staves ale ny ace
Thursday evoning we toured several “EXPLORER NEWS"
slum communitics. ‘Ve saw model.
town apartnents. (aparsments con- Mechanicsville explorers will
pletely furnished, four bedroons). go to Fort Benning for the week end
We returned to Olivett community of December 15th, Approximately
center Friday morning and-met with ton boys from & cross section of
a Lincoln Park representative and the area will attend,
he explained their community plans
to us,
Ve returned to Old Town and had
dinner, Afterward, we checked out DE SIEBER YE DS BE BIC SITES ESE
and boarded the home bound plane
at 4:10 Pli, we were one hour getting
airborne, We arrived in Atlanta MEME Release 92 UIA
at ‘7330 PM, ‘ jeaeemeel ;
Model Neighborhood, Inc., will
share with the Community organization "@TRLS CLUB"
in Chicago the programs it proposes.
Mechanicsville Girls Club hes
ABS HS MEME been invited to Roosevelt Hall on
13 Fair Street. They have also been
EDITORIAL asked by The Grady Homes Girls
'BLACK ENTREPRENEURSHIP-WILL WORK" Club to attend a Thanksgiving
Model Neimiborhood, Inc., is Banquet on Friday, November 22nd,
an example of huw to get biack from 6:PM until 8:PM
involved in cconomic ownership.
With the essistance of som> business-
men of Metro Atlanta, a Garment EDIE DIST PAIS SII I
Manufacturing Co., will open at
55 Georgia ave., 5, soon, This
is relatively small, ‘The plane THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
will employ 13 ladics, uplift the
income of some of them, This is "TTAKE NO LITTLE PLANS, THEY HAVE
‘Entrepreneurship", and it's NO MAGIC TO STIR MEN'S BLOOD.
black owned, black operated ond Maki BIG PLANS;AIM HIGH IN HOPE
It is great to know thet there ORDER AND YOUR BEACON, BEAUTY‘
are Exchange houses in Atlanta daniel burnham
willing to loan at 100% risk, money
to promote this cntrepreneur con-
cept. The Machine would like to
ask; are they going to produce
action? In Philndelphia a group
of Banks are jointly londing
money to these cconomic development
corporations, Is this what ijtlanta
banks are going to do? The Ilinchine-
feels that Model Neighborhoo?, Inc,,
is by far, the best qualificc iJon-
Profit Organization in Atiauta
awaiting this assistance.
»! le le ste sie 5!
le le Sle ste tle whe te ale oo She ale gle ale gle le le he als alle gle alle ato slo she gle lle Sle ls ls ale ale ol one ole sls gle ale ale gle ole ale sls aly ale ale le whe fe ale ste ate gfe ste she gly
ate ale ai Se ake ale ale ake Hk Bic Bic aie fg Sea ac He apc Ye aI ie ate BIC aIc oie ale Bic ole he alc he aie ai ake ac afc 3k aie aie al cale He ae ac ic afe ac ac Se aie SKC 3k BIE HE SIS 2K IC BICC OIE SI SICK SIE IS DIS PIS BKC he
25 NOV
‘qe 700 McDANIEL ST., S, W. =