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Box 15, Folder 5, Document 34
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Moehanticwtll e%
/2 ekly Machine
Vol. 1 number 8 Newember 2 1968 Free Edititn
FE /e ae ory ay Ty sé a ay be \/. 5 on
Ve u Ge (Andatae Yo LAT Neighbor
The Machine would like to de semething senocnecen SHERRIE HE SHEBHEEESEE
to make you the Veters mad enough to ge tO
the polls Tiiesday, November 5th and vote PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY
Bu itSreally up to you. “that a person HOMEONERS MET
wants and gets is the soul responsibijities
of the indivual. ‘hat you wanted Monday, Approximatly 350 residents attended a
you may not get Tuesday, and having it is meeting held at Hinsley Temple Church of
strictly up to the voters. God in the Pittsburgh Community Monday
October 28.
IEEE JOH JEEEGHSS Johnny Johnson > Exe cutive Director of
Model Cities tried to explain the clear-
MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD INC. ance area and answer questions. There was
SPONSORS COMMUNITY="IDE MERT several raised, and he answered them very
Model Neighborhood Inc. is undertaking Norris Currington a resident and the
the necessary avenues to disseminate in- .nsuccessful candidate in the race for
formation neglected before to as many Of Representative of the 99 District in the
the residents as possible. September Primary, also a resident and
Tenants, Homeowners, Businessmen, and pysinessman living in Pittsburgh, also
Merchants will attend this meeting, to the person that coordinated the calling of
be better informed of the Model Cities the meeting was given five minutes to
Programe speak. He stated before he began that it'
Planners from the Model Cities office 1] take more five minutes, and would not
have been invited, to meet with the resi- ike to be cut off.
dents, Sunday November 10 1968, 4.00 P. Me yr. Currington said they had no gripe
Peter James Bryant School 252 Georgia Aves with Model Gities only what Model Cities
Se Te was forcing down’the community's throat.
JEG SHEE FREER vir. Johnson had previously asked how many
had attended, or was on Model Cities com—
Mechanicsville Boys Club mittees. Not a single hand was raised. Al-
Sponsors Car—7ash though there was about seven there that
attends and are on every thing in Pitts—
‘Then the need come to raise some fast purgh,
change, the Mechanicsville Boys Club can Mr. Currington addressed his remarks
bring up some good ideas. Every week-end on what he called facts, and according
they will wash autos, for $1.25 per care +o the applauses of the crowd, they ap-
vrash and wax auto, $3.00. Mass production proved the statement. In part the residents
is what they will be looking for, and at wanted to be a part of the total plans. It
that price that is exactly what they will was the consensus of the group, that this
get. Bring the cars to the Mechanicsville ( continued on page 2 col. 1)
Center 389 Bass Street S.™. 8 A.M to 5
/2 ekly Machine
Vol. 1 number 8 Newember 2 1968 Free Edititn
FE /e ae ory ay Ty sé a ay be \/. 5 on
Ve u Ge (Andatae Yo LAT Neighbor
The Machine would like to de semething senocnecen SHERRIE HE SHEBHEEESEE
to make you the Veters mad enough to ge tO
the polls Tiiesday, November 5th and vote PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY
Bu itSreally up to you. “that a person HOMEONERS MET
wants and gets is the soul responsibijities
of the indivual. ‘hat you wanted Monday, Approximatly 350 residents attended a
you may not get Tuesday, and having it is meeting held at Hinsley Temple Church of
strictly up to the voters. God in the Pittsburgh Community Monday
October 28.
IEEE JOH JEEEGHSS Johnny Johnson > Exe cutive Director of
Model Cities tried to explain the clear-
MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD INC. ance area and answer questions. There was
SPONSORS COMMUNITY="IDE MERT several raised, and he answered them very
Model Neighborhood Inc. is undertaking Norris Currington a resident and the
the necessary avenues to disseminate in- .nsuccessful candidate in the race for
formation neglected before to as many Of Representative of the 99 District in the
the residents as possible. September Primary, also a resident and
Tenants, Homeowners, Businessmen, and pysinessman living in Pittsburgh, also
Merchants will attend this meeting, to the person that coordinated the calling of
be better informed of the Model Cities the meeting was given five minutes to
Programe speak. He stated before he began that it'
Planners from the Model Cities office 1] take more five minutes, and would not
have been invited, to meet with the resi- ike to be cut off.
dents, Sunday November 10 1968, 4.00 P. Me yr. Currington said they had no gripe
Peter James Bryant School 252 Georgia Aves with Model Gities only what Model Cities
Se Te was forcing down’the community's throat.
JEG SHEE FREER vir. Johnson had previously asked how many
had attended, or was on Model Cities com—
Mechanicsville Boys Club mittees. Not a single hand was raised. Al-
Sponsors Car—7ash though there was about seven there that
attends and are on every thing in Pitts—
‘Then the need come to raise some fast purgh,
change, the Mechanicsville Boys Club can Mr. Currington addressed his remarks
bring up some good ideas. Every week-end on what he called facts, and according
they will wash autos, for $1.25 per care +o the applauses of the crowd, they ap-
vrash and wax auto, $3.00. Mass production proved the statement. In part the residents
is what they will be looking for, and at wanted to be a part of the total plans. It
that price that is exactly what they will was the consensus of the group, that this
get. Bring the cars to the Mechanicsville ( continued on page 2 col. 1)
Center 389 Bass Street S.™. 8 A.M to 5