Box 15, Folder 5, Document 41

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Box 15, Folder 5, Document 41

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JuL 19 i968

City of Atlanta
Application for a Grant From
City Demonstration Agency

This application is for funds needed to provide staff and technical
assistance in the continuation of the program of Model Neighborhood,
inc. The corporation was originally conceived of as a vehicle for
economic development in 1965. Efforts were begun in the spring of
1967 to build a community owned andoperated shopping center on two
paracels of land cleared in the Rawson-Washington Urban Renewal
Project; and throuch the very limited financial resources of the
individuals on the Board of Trustees, we now hold an option on nearly
one-quarter of a million worth of land. ,

A major objective has been to demonstrate that the peonsle of
our community can succeed in business on our own initiative. We
do not want someone to build a shopping center for us or to otherwise
improve our lives for us, We believe that those who would sincerely
help can best do so by encouraging us in our own efforts, It is in
this spirit that this application is submitted.

And in this spirit, it seems appropriate to re-affirm our
committment to the City's Demonstration Agency and its efforts. We
want the city*s program te succeed and wish to participate in acheiving
its goals, “je request this grant honestly, pleding to support the
city's program, reserving the right to be critical of it, and endeavor-
ing to establish a spirtt of cooperation within o framework of candor
and frankness.

We hope to accomplish two objective with the shopping center;
to demonstrate our own ability to bring our business ideas to frunition
and to inspire and encourage others in our community to do the same,
The specifics of how we intend, to do this are contained in the attached
program statement. In the last sixty days five requests for help with
starting new businesses have come to the corporation from area
residents. These have been for: 1) a ruc clearners, 2) fresh poultry and
seafood store, 3} barber and beauty shop, 4) air conditioning business?
Some have asked us to joint-venture their proposals, while some have sim—
ply asked for advice, ‘

Through our efforts to date, we have become familiar with the
program of the Demonstration Agencv and the city's promotion of economic
development with EDA. We have familiar with other programs and agencies
as well: SBA, National Business League, Cornerstone, the Ghetto Community
Development Prject of the National Council of Churches, the Urban Crisis
Fund end many others. Furhter, we have met many individuals, Negro and
White, who have extensive husiness experience in the local area and who
wish to personally assist people in our community in getting into
business. These have included top ranking officials in one of the
nation's leading Ivohting fixture manufacturing firms, 2 textile industry

consultant, a consulting industrial engineer, several attorneys and others.
¥ i

on 2 ies

We beleive that we can cxuntinue to spark ideas and initive
in our community if we can continue to succeed in our major effort?
the shopping center, We believe that we can continue to perform |
a needed service in the city by assisting those seeking help with

*5. eating services : ‘
their individual efforts to work with agencies and individuals
who want to help. ‘

These require initiative, time and money, We have the initiative and
are willing to invest it and ovt time, but we have meager financial
resources, We are requesting the Demonstration Agency to provide funds to
us so we can more fully participate in the city's program.

We are requesting a total of 912,200.00 to be allocated on the
following basis:

Operating Expenese (for six Months):


Executive Officer $3,900.00
Secretary 2,600.00
Subtotal 6,500.00
Rent 600.00
Utilities 300,00
Telephones 150.00
Transportations* 350.00
Office Supplies 100.00
Subtotal 1,500.00

Technical Assistance

Leqal fees and expenes 600,00
Auditing and Bookkeeping 600.90
Planning and Develonment 3000-00
Total ~ 4,200.00
. Grand Total 12,200.00

. «
*gas, oil, repairs and insurance on automobile,

We are currently receiving free legal services on a volunteer
basis. The attorneys assistina us are incurring out-of-pocket
expenses which we want to be able to pay in the future. In addition,
situations have arisen in the past wherin we have needed immediate
legal help to pay for it. We would like to have the amount shown above

for these reasons. '

Auditing and bookkeeping services likewise are now on a
volunteer basis. The CPA working for us is helping not only with
the books but also with our by-laws and organizational structures.



We need money for thses services in a similar manner in which we
need money for leg] services,

We have receiving help from a city planning consultant
for almost a vear on the same volunteer basis, Cervices rendered

have neth only been in the area of advice on Federal programs, liasion,
and application to the Housing Authority and like but have included
help in getting legal and financial assistance, organizing, making
various contacts with local businessmen and public agency officials

and in advising day-to-dey business prohlems, We wish to continue this
relationship, and the money requested will enable us to do so.


We respectfully request favorable consideration of our


— , By rd

Edward Moody, Cheirman

Board of Trustees

Model neighhorhood, Inc.



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