Box 15, Folder 5, Document 42

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Box 15, Folder 5, Document 42

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July 17, 1968

Miss Natalie Strombeck
4781 Old Dominion Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22207

Dear Miss Strombeck:

I am in agreement with your letter of July 13 stressing the
need for economic independence of the poor.

In Atlanta we are attempting to provide maximum job opportunities
along with decent housing, adequate public services and social
equality to all of our citizens.

At the present time, there is no local development corporation
operating in the City of Atlanta. The City is working with a
neighborhood group in our Model Cities Program to organize

a development corporation of neighborhood residents. This is
called Model Neighborhood Incorporated,

Although plans have not been fully developed, I am attaching a
copy of a proposal by MNI which outlines the organization and
its purposes. I hope this will provide the information you seek.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.

IAS r:fy




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