Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 5, Document 63
Text Item Type Metadata
May 29, 1968
He. Edward Moody
Chairman, Board of Trustecs .
Mode el Neishbornoed, tae, ys ogh 3
2h1 Doan2 Strest Se We
Atlenta, Georgia 30315
mad Bly
Street Un Areas
Dear tir, Hoody:
On May 22, 19
Author vlty Be v a8 9 .
ins., to buy & felon th au vib 35
however, ths action vasa tekken subject to the Corporation
receiving a covrultinen wb of funds. e
Before The Housing Authority can actually
cept your proposal, it mist have knewledse
borhood, Inc., has rece
us When such a corm. cee :
made in this dirceticn.
Very truly yours,
5 Howard Ooonshav
: Direstor of Redevelopment
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