Box 15, Folder 5, Document 64

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Box 15, Folder 5, Document 64

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Model Neighborhood, Inc.
¥%00 McDaniel Street S.W.
‘Atlanta Georgia 30310
June 26, 1968

Mr. Howard Oppenshaw
Atlanta Housing Authority
824 Hurt Bldg.

Atlanta, Georgia 30303 : .
re: Tracts B-10b,58-14

‘Dear Sir:

Since we are in the slow process of finding tenants to
invest in the inner city, especially the major companies, we
must request an extension on our present option to aquire this

We have been informed that we are eligible for a possible
complete building loan from the Small Business Administration,
and the Economic Developing Administration, This is our second-
choice source, our first being private enterprise, and community
owned developing. . ;

We are receiving encouragement from interesting resources
and groupse However, our 5% bid deposit expires on July 13the

Please reply as to our getting the extension on the 5%.

Respectfully yours,

; Eluard TE

Edward Moody

. ; Model Neighborhood, Inc.



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