Box 15, Folder 11, Document 26

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 26

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April 4, 1968



To: Mayor Ivan Allen

From: Dan Sweat


Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANH M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison

Following is a summary of departmental/ agency programs scheduled

and/or proposed in response to the Mayor's March 19 meeting on Civil

Disorders, This summary is organized under the categories of:

1, Recreation
2. Employment
3, Education

4, City Services

Specific program data is being plotted on neighborhood maps. A

detailed plan will be assembled for each of the six target areas as

well as a consolidated citywide plan.

Attached is a summary chart outlining proposed or projected services

of city departments in the six areas of concentration,

.Page Two

‘This summary addresses itself only to prevention, Control programs
will be presented in a separate report,


City Parks Department

The Parks and Recreation programs of the City Parks
Department are tied directly to the overall Youth Opportunity Campaign,’
The City's recreation program plans for operation of 134 recreation
centers, schools, ilareeaunds and parks,

While the program emphasis in the past two years has centered
on pre-teen youngsters through the playlot programs, experience during
the last two summers has shown the need for greater concentration of
programs in the older teen group,

Consequently, the Parks Department will fee heavy emphasis
on teenage activities such as social dances, civic councils, field trips
to the City's Lake Allatoona properties, and work experience programs,

The Parks Department will provide as many jobs as possible
for disadvantaged youth through the Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC)
and other work experience programs,

The Public School System is cooperating with the Parks Depart-

ment to make 62 schools available for recreation programs throughout the

Page Three

Youth Opportunity Campaign

Much of the program of the City Parks Department hinges on
the availability of funding through the Youth Opportunity Campaign. The
same holds true for some 80 other public and private agencies who have
submitted program budget requests to Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
and the Atlanta Council on Children and Youth Services,

EOA now has on hand some $2.5 million in proposals with an
anticipated maximum grant from OEO of $600, 000.

These puegeams are being analyzed to determine a priority
system for funding.

The Atlanta Public Library plans a full program for children
and adults. This includes training "story tellers" who will serve as
volunteers; bookmecbile services extended into the evening; films in
neighborhood centers; seem eReat of book aaweeiveuues in neighborhood
centers, a touring cinemamobile for films and story hours in areas

distant from branches and "main library" activities,

The National Alliance of Businessmen is attempting to secure job
éommitments for 3, 300 youth during the summer school vacation period,
Another 1, 000 jobs will probably be made available through the public

agencies, primarily through federally-assisted NYC and work-study

Page Four

programs. Federal, city and county governments are expected to add
a number of summer youth jobs in addition to federally-supported job

Job recruiting and placement will be done by EOA, the Youth
Opportunity Center of the Georgia State Employment Service,

_The Atlanta Public Schools will assist by having counselors

to help students complete job application forms prior to school closing.

City Services

Mayor's Office

The Mayor's Office will provide overall coordination and
evaluation of the summer program,

A City Services Coordinator will be assigned to an HOA
Neighborhood Center in each target area. The Mayor's Office will
see that the Neighborhood Task Foxes are organized to assist these
coordinators, Constant evaluation will be provided by the Mayor's
Office and recommendations for improvement in programs and services
will be made when necessary.
Police Department

The Police Department has a Crime Prevention Bureau Officer
assigned to each EOA center, These officers will work with the City

Services Coordinators in all areas of community concern, This includes

Page Five

‘coordination with school counselors on absent students and drop-outs,
assisting adults and youth in finding services for employment, hardship
cases, sickness, as well as prompt action on police service complaints,
missing persons, community, civic and recreational activities, and
prompt investigation of rumors of civil disorders.

A special Task P6net of 40 specially trained and adapted police
officers will be assigned to target areas during the 4:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m,

The Police Departinent has taken steps to employ five ghetto
area residents as police ''community service officers" as recommended
by the Commission on Civil Disorders, If a federal program of community
service officers is adopted, 85 other such officers will be employed.

Fire Department

The Fire Department has prépéaea a stepped-up public relations program
in target areas which includes publication of an information booklet on
Fire Department responsibilities and citizen responsibilities in fire
safety and prevention; a program of neighborhood visitations for
inspections and demonstrations of fire equipment.

Community Fire Stations will be opened for visits by residents,

merit badges to be given to children as an incentive to help prevent fires.

Page Six

The Fire Department will also coordinate with the Water Department
and Recreation leaders in providing street showers for children using fire

Water Department

The Water Department will implement 1968 fire protection and
water service requirement plans in target areas. This includes installation
of 6", 8'' and 12" mains where necessary for adequate water for domestic
use and fire protection,

This department will also cooperate with other agencies involved
in street shower activity.

Building Inspection

The Building Inspector will place on loan to the Mayor's Office
two experienced Housing Code Enforcement Officers to serve as City
Services Coordinators, These two inspectors served in the 1967

Summer Pilot Program and are considered key personnel in the overall

program of summer coordination,

Public Works Department
(Street Maintenance Division)
The Street Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department has

scheduled resurfacing of 5] streets in target areas, In addition, from
Page Seven

one to three unpaved streets will be paved in each of the six areas
and sidewalk improvements will continue to be made,
(Sanitary Division)

The Sanitary Division has assigned a full-time coordinator to
assist in a program which includes fwite~s=weelk garbage and trash.
collections, plus emergency pickups as required, sweeping of streets
once a week, washing of streets, removal of abandoned vehicles, This
Department will cooperate in efforts to clean up vacant lots and private
property and in the proposed Rodent Control Program, A special
program called "Operation Scrub" is being designed to help clean up
old stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.

Traffic Engineering

The Traffic Engineering Department will request the Georgia
Power Company to provide cleaning and re-lamping aa repair of all
street lights needing maintenance, Night inspections for reporting of
lamp outages are proposed, The department will re-check target areas
for needed speed control signs and will give priority to the target areas

for sign requirements,


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