Box 15, Folder 11, Document 27

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 27

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Robert M. food, Chairman

Atlanta Children and‘ Youth _—

Services Council.
J, In order to assess the feasibility of implementing the recommendations of
the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorder, the Atlanta Children and
Youth Services Council will first indicate the extent and intensity of youth
problems as related to civil disorder.

Observing the report of the National Advisory Committee, the Youth
Council immediately noticed the extent of youth participation in Civil Disorder.
For example, the Committee reports that the typical rioter in the summer of
1967 was a Negro, unmarried male between the ages 15 and 24, In Detroit, 61.3%
of the self reported rioters were between the ages 15 and 24 and 86.3% were
between 15 and 35. The arrest data indicated that 52.5% of the arresteces were
between 15 and 24, and 60.8 percent were between 15 and 35. In short, the -
typical rioter was a teenager or young adult, a life long resident of the city
in which he rioted, a high school drop-out.

In Atlanta preliminary data revealed that riot participants were between
the ages 9 and 35. The overwhelming majority of those arrested in Atlanta's
riot of 1967 were less that 30 years old. These data reveal that riots are by
and large initiated, prolonged, and participated in by youth and young adults,
These data also bear witness to the lack of interest, energy, and resources
needed to deal with youth problems and needs realistically and honestly.

In Atlanta, the need for more concentrated and realistic allocation of
personnel and resources to deal with youth problems increases ever year. For
example 57% of Fulton County's Juvenile Delinquents were residents of Atlanta's
poverty areas in 1964, In 1965 43% of all people arrested for major crimes
in Atlanta were below 17 years of age. The delinquency rate has increased
114% faster than the general population, The recidivist rate for Fulton County
Youth offenders is 40%. The general restlessness of inner city Atlanta Youth
has increased to a dangerous level. ‘In addition there are 3,000 school drop-
outs in Atlanta. In 1965, 40% of the youth tested by the Fulton County Juvenile
Court were 5 years or more below their proper grade level, Another 40% were
three or more years behind.

These statistics merely reflect some of the problems facing Atlanta's youth,
Other problems are:

1. high illigitimacy rates,

2. increasing delinquency in affluent areas

3. increasing belligerent postures by minority youth, particulary

in civil rights activities,
4. rebellion on college campuses,
5. youth anti-draft and anti-war activities.
Concomitant and correlated to youth participation in civil disorders and riots

is their participation in normal delinquent activities, individually and collect-

Considering the broad range of needs and problems facing Atlanta's youth the
' Atlenta Children and Youth Services Council specifically reconmend the following
courses of actions aimed at reducing tensions and the possibility of civil
disorders in slums and blighted areas for the summer 1968.





That the city of Atlanta emphasize and provide more
recreational programs and facilities in Slum areas
for teenagers and young adults. If this is not
geographically feasible, then the city should
subsidize and/or provide transportation to areas
where such programs and facilities are available.
This recreational provision should be totally
devoted to late afternoon, evening and night
activities as well as evening activities.

That the city sponsor an outreach Street Workers

' Program where outreach workers may go into

potentially trouble areas and work for periods

of time with detached and unreached individual
youth helping them become involved in meaningful
employment, recreation and education. This

program will be coordinated by the Atlanta Children
and Youth Services Council and will be operated on
@ contractual basis with other operationg agencies
to supervise street workers.

That several youth from the Youth Congress be
appointed to the Mayor's Civil Disorder Advisory

That a workshop be conducted by the Atlanta
Children and Youth Service Council, the Police
Department, Social Agencies, Civil Rights Groups,
and Youth Organizations around athere of "Police-
Youth Relationships" in which all divisions of
the police department will participate. The
Community Relations Services, U.S. Department of
Justice will assist in sponsoring such a program.

That all city departments channel all youth requests,
grievances, complaints, etc. to the Atlanta Children
and Youth Services Council] which is the agency
established to deal with these matters.

That the work of the Crime Prevention Bureau and
Juvenile units of the Police Department be more
closely related to the Youth Covncil in the
planning and implementing of their programs.

That the switchboard in City Hall be open daily
from 5:00 p.m, until 12:00 a.m. with persons
available to receive complaints and grievances

and furnish names and telephone numbers of persons
to call during emergency or crisis periods.

That the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council
and the Comunity Relations Comnission be provided
funds to hire community organizers, for youth and
adults in racially transitional areas such as
West End, Bellwood, Grant Park, Capitol Homes and

9. That the police department make available, upon
request and without cost to the requesting agency,
manpower to supervise certain potentially volatile
activities such as dances, especially in areas where
agencies are operating interracial dances.

10. That the police department increase the number of
integrated patrols that operate in certain areas.
11. That the Mayor, or his designee, call a weekly
staff meeting of all department and agency heads.
. All other appropriate public agencies should be
| invited to participate in such meetings.

12, That there be established in the office of the
Director of Governmental Laison the necessary
machinery for getting weekly telephanic reporting
of complaints, rumors, and incidents from all
public and quasi-public agencies in the Atlanta

13. That the Board of Education examine the pupil-
pupil and teacher-pupil relationships in schools
where the degree of desegregation is significant.
The Board should ascertain and deal with rumored
increases in racial conflicts at such schools.

14. That the Mayor establishes a small interracial
committee composed of key businessmen, one solid
type Negro youth, one grass roots type Negro
youth, who he can call on to actually advise
citizens, police, and others in times of civil”
disorder and tensions. This committee would be
representative of the Mayor's office and have
rights and responsibilities to make inquiries of
any city official in dealing with problems of
this nature,

15. That the Atlanta Children and Youth Services
Council be given more funds to facilitate maximum
effectiveness by the Council and to enable the
Council to be of more use to private and public
agencies in carrying out their programs.

The above recomnendations are minimal when compared with Atlanta's needs.
However, the Council emphasizes the necessity for their implementation if
Atlanta is to reduce tensions and possible Civil for the summer of 1968.

Ii. Referring to the recomnendations contained in chapted 10 of the
teport of the National Advisory Cownission on Civil Disorder, the Atlanta
Children and Youth Services Council feels that the advantages of their
implementation for out weigh possible disadvantages. Opinions concerning
both advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

A. Establishment of Neighborhood Task Forces offers the advantages of:





providing more effective citizen-governmental communication.

providing a means through which community problems may
be acted upon and resolved quickly and effectively.

projecting the ideal that government is genuinely
interested in ghetto problems.

restructuring governmental functions to meet city needs,

The mayor of the City of Atlanta has taken the necessary action to
implement the above recommendation, It is desired that such actions pay
particular attention to youth problems. To overlook youth would constitute
a serious disadvantage.

B. Establishment of Effective Grievance Response Mechanisms offers the
advantages of:





providing citizens with meaningful avenues for resolving

reducing frustrations associated with unresolved grievences.


providing en youth with some means of being recognized
as citizens

providing possible employment for ghetto youth,

The disadvantages associated with this recommendation depend entirely
upon improper implementation which will cause:



Improper responses to gricvences, -
Improper disposition of grievances,

Overlooking or ignoring youth grievances,

C. Extended Legal Services to the Poor offers the advantages of:



providing ghetto citizens with legal means for resolving

reducing the probability of the (application of) partial justice.

reducing hostilities and mutual disrespect between police and
ghetto residents, 7

facilitating the grievance response mechanism,

discouraging the unsurption of the rights of ghetto residents
especially by private business and individuals.

Some of thé:disadvantages of implementing this suggestion are:
1. inadequate legal pexsonnel available for the required task.
2. distrust of residents of legal advisors.
3, legal services do not, in ieqacivns, sabve basic problems.

4.- legal services usually are not available or considered
important for youth.
D. Assistance for mayors and city councils offers the advantages of:

1. providing mayors and city councils with needed assistance
from state and federal government as well as other source,

2. creating of new governmental bodies to deal with urban
problems particularly youth problems.

Some disadvantages which may grow out of this recommendation ere:
1. an increased centralization of services.

2. unwillingness of state government to provide services
for city problems.

E. Hearings on Ghetto Problems and Enactment of Appropriate Local Legisla-
tions offers the advantages of:

1. removing legal barriers to solving ghetto problems,

2. providing government with valid and reliable knowledge concerning
ghetto problems,

3. indicating to ghetto residents the degree of concern that city
government has for ghetto problems, 7

The disadvantage associated with this recommendation are few in proportion
to Atlnnta's necds. They are:

1, non-enforcement of legislation pertaining to ghetto problems,
2. wunconcern of legislators with ghetto problems.

F. Expanded Employment by City Government of Ghetto Residents offer the advantages

1. employment of unemployed ghetto youth.

2, city government taking the initiativa and setting an example to
other agencies regarding employment of ghetto youth,

3, adding substances to the édeal that city government serves all

The disadvantages of implementing this recomnendation are:

1. unwillingness to alter present city personnel and merit
system policies.

2. likelihood of hiring ghetto residents in the same traditional
least desirable jobs only.

G. Establishment of Neighborhood City Hall offers the advantages of:

1. decentralization of government to meet to meet particular
community needs.

2. assisting in the encouragement of favorable attitudes by
residents towards government.

The disadvantages of this suggestion are:

1. detexmining the jurisdiction and degree of responsibility which
would enable Neighborhood City Hall to adequately function.

2. the prebability of limited personnel and funds to carry out
this function not being provided.

H. Development of Multi-Services Centers offer the advantages of:

1. providing complete and coinprehensive services to ghetto

2. providing more resources to existing agencies,
I. Jmproved Political Representation offers the advantages of:

1. assuring that the interests and needs of ghetto residents
“are represented.

2. facilitating a reallocation of community resources on a more
equitable basis,

The disadvantages of this suggestion are:
1. ghetto residents are usually politically apathetic.

2. the resistance to restructuring of ae bodies by powerful
special interest groups and parsons

J. More Effective Community Participation offers the advantages of:

1. reducing community apathy.

2. providing ghetto residents with opportunities to help solve
community problems,

3, reducing the seemingly arbitrariness of some governmental
decisions, _
The probable disadvantages of implementing this recommendation are:
1. the lack of meaningful community organization.

2. communication between ghetto residents and city government is
not encoureging at present.

III. fhe Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council is charged with the responsi-
bility for coordinating all services aimed at helping youth in metropolitan
Atlanta. The recommendations of the Advisory Commission, if implemented, will
affect directly the Councils operation. This is due to the very obvious fact

that the recommendations of the Advisory Commission address themselves to urban

problems which in effect are youth problems.

If implemented, the recommendations will provide the Council with staff and
other resources to broaden the scope of its services as related. Therefore,
the recommendations of the Advisory committee are revelant to the Council's
responsibility only if they emphasize youth.

IV. | Brief outlines of the steps involved in implementing each recommendation
mae the Council as follows:

Establishment of Neighborhood Task Forces
I. Organization of Neighborhood Youth Groups.

A. Social Groups
B. Civic Groups

II. Incorporating youth groups into the Atlanta Youth Congress.

A. Delegations
B. Affliates

III. Providing youth groups with opportunities to communicate directly
“ with government,

A. Serving on boards
B. Having government-youth problem solving sessions.

IV. Providing mecting or assembly places

A. Classrooms
B. Churches

Establishment of Grievance ~ Response Mechanism
I. Organize grievance conmittees through Youth Congress.

A. Accept grievances
B. Prevent grievances

Ii, Organize Youth Delegate Grievance Board to refer or disposition
grievences to proper channels.

| TII. Establish a grievance follow-up group

1. Investigate grievances
2. Investigate action taken in response to grievances,
Extended Legal Services to the Poor
Te Providing Legal advice to Youth.
A. Establishment of Youth Review Board
Juvenile Judge

Social Worker

PwnN He
o e °

B. Action and review on every youth involved with the law.
1. Legal advice to youth
2. Psychiatric evaluation
3. immediate case work with youth and his family.

Assistance for Mayor and City Councils

A, Establishment of Youth Review Board
B. Financial Assistance to City Government

1. Governor's Office
2. State Crime Committee

; Expanded Employment by City Government of Ghetto Youth
I. Revision of Merit System standards,
A. Removal of aualification barriers
1. educational barriers
2. arrest records
3. irrelevant tests

B. Active and agressive recruitment of ghetto youth.

Ii, Utilization of Job Development Techniques.


Administration 3 positions $ 36,000

Neighborhocd Organziation 35 positions 200,000

Program 50 positions 290,000

Consultation ae 5,000
Total Personnel $531,000


Bus Travel for Participants “ 10,000

Staff Travel : 8,000 -
Total Travel . $18,000


Office Rental 4,000

Utlities 2,000
Total Space $6,000


Postage 1,000

Consummable Supplies :

(paper, pencils, ink, etc.) 3,000
Total Supplies $4,000


Office machine 5,000
Office Furnishing 3,000
Total Equipment $8,000


Telephone 1,300
Miscellaneous = 800
Total Other Costs . $2,100

Total Budget $538,000
The estimated budget as outlined above is the minimum amount requested
to meet Atlanta's growing and crucial needs.

Atlanta, like this Nation, does have a real chance to thwart civil disorder
by taking away the platform. i.e. poor education, poor recreation, poor health,
poor housing, poor social services, poor and no jobs. It's choices with youth,
who have led and participated in the riots of this Nation are limited, Sound
social planning and program implementation might be the answer.



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