Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 11, Document 47
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th a WOD & two WC I, total of
pment operator, total of 10 men.
Secure one truck from each station wi
3 trucks and 3 WCD and 6 WC I, 1 equi
Borrow 2 front end loader from the Construction Division, our EO to
operate same
This special crew will operate unéer the supervision of the Special
Services unit of the Sanitary Division. They will assign a coordinator
who will determine argas to be worked. This man will work independent
of the) district Enppectors, but in cooperation with them, This crew is
intended to be used in all arcas of the city, especially in urban renewal
and slum areas.
It is intended for this crew to go into yards of private proporty, with
the oviners consent and pickup old stoves, refrigerators, washers, evco
and heul same aweyo
The coordinator vould have his crew to meet him at a prearranged location
each cay and give out work assignments for the cay. He will keep a record
of his activity and report same to the supervisor of special services who
will keep the Supt. of Sanitation informed as to problems anc progresse
The coordinator shall solicit the cooperation of the district inspectors
in locating property owners and informing that they must assume the
responsibility of keeping their property clean.
Extreme caution must be taken Not to damage any private property or remove
anything without securing approval. The conduct or the crew must be
oxamplatory. :
The coordinator must plan his activity well in advance in order to spen
some time in each area involved.
f this program is a success it is recommended that we set up a crew at
Madcox Park, Liddell, and Hill St. and place them under the supervicion
of the Asst. Area Supt. This woulé mean we would need three front end
loaders and three equipment operators, the other parts of the crew vould
be drawn from the existing force. 2
R. BS. Hulsey
Suot. of Sanitation
th a WOD & two WC I, total of
pment operator, total of 10 men.
Secure one truck from each station wi
3 trucks and 3 WCD and 6 WC I, 1 equi
Borrow 2 front end loader from the Construction Division, our EO to
operate same
This special crew will operate unéer the supervision of the Special
Services unit of the Sanitary Division. They will assign a coordinator
who will determine argas to be worked. This man will work independent
of the) district Enppectors, but in cooperation with them, This crew is
intended to be used in all arcas of the city, especially in urban renewal
and slum areas.
It is intended for this crew to go into yards of private proporty, with
the oviners consent and pickup old stoves, refrigerators, washers, evco
and heul same aweyo
The coordinator vould have his crew to meet him at a prearranged location
each cay and give out work assignments for the cay. He will keep a record
of his activity and report same to the supervisor of special services who
will keep the Supt. of Sanitation informed as to problems anc progresse
The coordinator shall solicit the cooperation of the district inspectors
in locating property owners and informing that they must assume the
responsibility of keeping their property clean.
Extreme caution must be taken Not to damage any private property or remove
anything without securing approval. The conduct or the crew must be
oxamplatory. :
The coordinator must plan his activity well in advance in order to spen
some time in each area involved.
f this program is a success it is recommended that we set up a crew at
Madcox Park, Liddell, and Hill St. and place them under the supervicion
of the Asst. Area Supt. This woulé mean we would need three front end
loaders and three equipment operators, the other parts of the crew vould
be drawn from the existing force. 2
R. BS. Hulsey
Suot. of Sanitation