Box 15, Folder 11, Document 48

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 11, Document 48

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lL. Neighborhood Task Force
tne establishnient or such an organization would be of great edvantage
to those people living in low income areas who feel left out of the
system. It would give them the opportunity to talk directly with the
verious aepartment heads in solving their problems. Through this type
of moeting we could explain ovr operation and receive valuable sugges=
tions that would help us in providing sanitary services to all citizens
on an equal basis, Certainly this force wovld be a guide to us in

determining if we are providins the necessary service.

ee Grievance response mechanisms.
In my opinion this comnittes should be composed of interested citizens
from the various communities who would air grievances and pass them on
to the various cepartments for action.

5. Legal service to the poor,
RORA are the people wno need this service the most. Many of them do not
understand the due process of law and the many complex routines demanded
by /this process. It might be well to provide a public defender for those
unable to afford legal representatioh,.

4. Assistance for Mayors and City Councils.
This suggestion needs to be persued strongly, urging the State & Federal
governments to provide funds for sucn assistance, . :

5S. Hearing on Ghetto problems and enactment of appropriate local lerislation.
These types ol nearings wouid ve very helpful in Tinding the real source
of their complaints and give us the opportunity to revamp or include some
additional services in these areas.

6. Establisment of neighborhood city halls.
To me this is an excellent idea, of course the person in the neighborhcod
city halls should be someone the community has respect for and feel that
he is interested in improving conditions in their community.

7. Dévelopuent of milti-service centers.
By cstublishing these centers in the ghetto areas it brings the various
services to the community, it provides a place where the resident of such
a community can take his problems and discuss them and perhaps arrive at

a solution to then,

&. Improved pblitical revresentcation.
Perhaps more representstion on tne Besrd of Aldermen, appointment of
these people to various civic projects, boards, etc, would give them a
sconsoe of belonging. I think that Atlanta has made great strides in this

9. More effective community varticipation,.
This type of program with tho nelp or the multi-service centers could help
thesa citizens to develop pride in their communities, They should be
ineluded in plans that effect their community, even though these people
live in such areas there are a good many helpful suggestions or reconn~
endations they can supply.


Thess recommendations certainly would help us in providing the necessary
sanitary services to these areas, They would provide these citizens an

avenue -to voice their complaints and suggestions.


1. The neighborhood task force could be of great assistance to us in
organizing clean up programs, providing the necessary garbage collection,
the collection of rubbish, removal of abandoned cars on private property,
cleaning of streets, etc.

7. The multi-scrvice center could be very helpful in securing labor to
fill vacant positions in the Sanitary Division through their employment

Dy f : : .

It might be adviseable to sot up a special crew at each sub station who
would devote 100% of their time to these aroas. My idea of such crews
would bo as follows.

1 Inspector to oversee the entire Drop Ree, cost $7,046.00
4 Truck drivers, $5,265,007, ie¢1,060 80

85 Waste collectors, $342,112.00.

4 Equipment operators, 523,868.00

4 Front end loaders, $1§,809<00

4 Open body trucks, $7,900.0Qd0

Total estimated cost. $109,886.00

Note; Of course if we can reduce absenteeism it might be possible to Suppey
some of the man power from existing Trorces, Kiso othsr mechanization
prograns might release the drivers «fid waste collectors.



R. EH. Hulsey
Supt. of Sanitation


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