Box 15, Folder 11, Document 53

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 53

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Ailanta, Georgia 30303

March 26, 1968

Traffic Engineer

Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.,
Mayor of the City of Atlanta,
Atlanta, Georgia.

Dear Mayor Allen:

In reply to paragragh No. 1 of your instruction sheet entitled "Requested Action
to be Taken by City Departments and Public Agencies" and dated March 19, 1968, we re-
commend the following:

(1) Request the Georgia Power Company to provide immediate cleaning
and re~lamping and repair of all street lights needing such maintenance.

(2) Provide the Assistant Traffic Engineer I (street light engineer)
with a Traffic Engineering Assistant II to assist him by making nighttime
inspections of the streets in the six areas on a regular basis (at least
twice per week) and reporting lamp outages and physical damage to the
Georgia Power Company for immediate repairs. Inspecting these six areas
at night would be almost a full time job but any extra time could be well
utilized by the Street lighting Engineer who has no helper now.

(3) Have the two men now available for the field investigation of
requests and complaints do as they did during the summer of 1967and give all
items from the six areas top priority and handle all other requests for
service as time is available.

(4) Add one Traffic Engineering Assistant II to the staff for train-
ing and assign him full time to the six areas as soon as he is capable of
handling the work, (On. the-job training for this work requires three to
four months of work experience.)

(5) Recheck all six areas to supply any needed "speed control"
Signs to bring the signing up to the standards followed in other areas of
the city. (This will not require many new signs.)

(6) Have both sign and marking crews give top priority to work in
the six areas and handle all other work as rapidly as possible with the
time left available. (Same as 1967.) . :

The steps outlined above are very similar to the steps taken during 1966

Page No. 2
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., March 26, 1968

and 1967. The area to be covered this summer, (1968), is much larger and the complaints
‘and requests for service will probably be larger. Our service to other areas in the
city suffered noticeably during 1967 as the result of these steps.’ For this reason, we
are recommending additional ; personnal: to properly handle all of the work. We will be
glad to promptly supply any addi tional information that you may desire.


Sad OC CO ane



cc to:/ Alderman G. Everett Millican, Chairman,
Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders

Alderman Richard C. Freeman.


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