Box 15, Folder 11, Document 54

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 54

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Tel. 522-4453 Area Code 404


April 2, 1968

|Planning Staff Revort:

The Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders,
Chapter 17, “Housing".

In response to the Mayor's request, we are submitting for your

consideration our thinking and recommendation relative to the Housing
section, Chapter 17 of the report of the National Advisory Committee
on Civil Disorders.

Basically, this section contains recommendations for national

action. At the heart of the section is a recommendation for the
enactment of a comprehensive and enforceable federal openshousing law
to cover the sale or rental of all housing, including single-family
homes. The Planning Department would support such a national law,
however, we would not support local legislation in this’ regard until
after national policy has been established.


Many of the following recommendations for national action we
endorsed previously, namely:

Expansion and modification of the rent supplement programs to
permit use of supplements for existing housing.

Expansion and modification of the below-market interest rate
program to enlarge the interest subsidy to all sponsors and
provide interest-free loans to non=profit sponsors to cover
pre-construction costs, and permit sale of projects to none
profit corporations, cooperatives, or condominiums.

Expansion of the public housing program with emphasis on small
units on scattered sites, and leasing and "turnkey" progrems.

We have reservations about the following recommendations. More

information and/or time is needed in order to assess them,
Planning Staff Report
Page 2
April 2, 1968

-= Creation of an ownership supplement program similar to present rent
supplements, to make home ownership possible for low-income families.

Question = How would it work? Whet are its ramifications? Costs?

== Federal write-down of interest rates on loans to private builders
constructing moderate rent housing.

Question = How would it work? What are its ramifications? Costs?

~-- Expansion of Model Cities Program. To date the theory of this
program has been most appealing. However, its much to early to
talk of expansion without more experience in execution.

-« Expansion and reorientation of the urban renewal program to give
priority to projects directly assisting loweincome households to
obtain adequate housing. While we support the expansion, we are
uncertain as to what is meant and the intent of reorientation of
the urban renewal program. If the intent is to return the program
to its earlier days when housing was provided to the mutual
exclusion of new commercial and industrial plants and jobs, then
we would oppose such "reorientation."

As to specific recommendations for local action and public policy,
we refer your attention to a report rendered in October, 1967. This
report was "A Review of Atlanta's Housing Program ~ Its Problems and
Prospects," a joint staff report of the City Planning Department and
the Housing Resources Cormittee. There has been no action taken on
this report and its recommendations. Attached is a copy of that report.


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