Box 15, Folder 11, Document 55

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 55

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1 April 1968

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor, City of Atlanta

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Dear Mayor Allen:

Reference is made to the requirement that your Plan for Civil
Disturbances be updated by 1 April 1968. In this connection,
I have checked with Superintendent Moseley of the Police De-
partment, who states the Police Plan is effective and no
important changes are needed. Chief Hildebrand has two assis-
tants improving his plan in coordination with the Georgia
National Guard. Based on the experiences from riots in other
cities last summer, Chief Hildebrand and I recommend the fire-
men not be used for traffic control. The plan for Disaster
Medical Care has been published, but is not yet approved by
the Fulton, DeKalb and Cobb County authorities. The important
thing is that Grady Hospital is now better prepared to coordi-
nate medical services. A copy of this Plan is attached for
your approval (TAB A). I recommend approval.

We have also prepared an overall "Atlanta Plan for Control of
Civil Disturbances" in draft form. Copy attached (TAB B)e This
Plan cannot be finalized until it is fully coordinated with the
local Departments and the National Guard. I do not recommend
approval except for planning purposes.

On 19 April 1968, Friday afternoon, (1:30 p.m.) at the Civil
Defense Emergency Operations Center, we will brief Police, Fire,
Medical and CD personnel for participation in the National Guard
CPEX to be held Satuxday and Sunday, 20-21 April, in which I
have been asked to represent you, unless you would like to be
presente My main job will be to define, for the National Guard,
their area of responsibility and mission as required by the
Memorandum of Understanding between you and General Hearn. Of
course I will get recommendations from the police playing the

I have obtained a draft copy of the latest plan prepared by the
Georgia National Guard, copy not attached. For planning purposes
Task Force North is to use Chastain Memorial Park and Task Force
Southwest =- Lakewood Park. Obviously other sites must be

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jre -2- 1 Apxil 1968

considered, depending upon the situation at the time. This
plan provides for the City Auditorium, 30 Courtland Street,

to be used as an alternate Command Post. For many obvious
reasons, I believe it best for the National Guard Headquarters
group to be here rather than in City Hall, or the Police Head-~
quarters building. I believe City Hall should be the symbol
for implementing the humanitarian recommendations of the
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and not ‘the
combat Headquarters for control of civil disturbances that
bring hatxed and strife.

recommend you approve our planning to use selected parts
of the Auditorium for the advanced Command. Post, if and when
the National Guard is called to active duty in Atlanta.

I have also enclosed (TAB C) a tentative seating arrangement

‘for activation of our Civil Defense EOC room. You will note

that all important departments and agencies are represented
in order that central coordination may be practiced. Failure
to have central coordination will create many unnecessary

Attached is a draft reply to my recommendations (TAB D).
f ~ - -, J ‘
a ee J) 1 Ly Rivelivree!
William Re. Woodward, Director

Brigadiex General, Ue Se Army (Ret-)

WRW :mc


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