Box 2, Folder 1, Document 9

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Box 2, Folder 1, Document 9

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Meeting: Department of Housing & Urban Development
Atlanta Planning Department
Atlanta Housing Authority
Atlanta Housing Code Division of the Department of Buildings

Held: Committee Room #1
, 10:00-10:30 a.m., March 12, 1968

I. Jim Smith - Introduction of Meeting, Introduction of Speakers

II. Collier Gladin - Importance ae Susvey to City of Atlanta,
Planning Department, Housing Code Division. Responsibility
of Planning Department and Housing Code Division, introduction
of Planning Department Contact Person (ieyers) .

III. HUD representatives - Importance of Survey to Housing Code Compliance
Program, to Workable Program to other Cities. _ Les

In attendance:

J. S. Buchanan
Tom Ficht
Harold Taylor

IV. Questions and Answers


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