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Box 16, Folder 3, Document 59
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This letter was sent to the Atlanta Journal and Atlanta Constitution today.
September 19, 1966
To the Editor:
It 4s hereby suggested that citisens of Atlanta proclaim a MAYOR IVAN ALLSN
APPRECIATION DAY in honor of the illustrious (and commensense) mayor, He was
directly responsible for quelling possible riots instigated by angry individuals
giving vent to their feelings after unfortunate shooting incidents on North
Boulevard Street ani other areas, |
A weiter has viewed his opinion that the scene of the mayor being jostled from
an automobile top to the grouml only to land on his knees before the rioting
crowl was ‘degrading.’ Frankly, my first thought was that the mayor was most
agile in picking himself up before anyone could start a count—iowm to ten.
As can be expected of any brave ani honorable General he was there ready to go
into battle with his men on the battlefield, if need be. However, the peppery
mayor was on the seene placating in the capacity of peacemaker.
The aforementioned writer who 'fired* me up to write this letter has added that
it was a ‘sickening experience* to see the mayor jeered and chanted dow on Boulevard.
Just a reminder that another peacemaker at another time carried his cross to
Calvary amidst jeers and cheers ani has been revered for two thousani years for
his complete dedication to his God«given purpose of bringing light ani truth ani
peace into the world.
Post Office Box 1860% (Lenox Square Station)
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
September 19, 1966
To the Editor:
It 4s hereby suggested that citisens of Atlanta proclaim a MAYOR IVAN ALLSN
APPRECIATION DAY in honor of the illustrious (and commensense) mayor, He was
directly responsible for quelling possible riots instigated by angry individuals
giving vent to their feelings after unfortunate shooting incidents on North
Boulevard Street ani other areas, |
A weiter has viewed his opinion that the scene of the mayor being jostled from
an automobile top to the grouml only to land on his knees before the rioting
crowl was ‘degrading.’ Frankly, my first thought was that the mayor was most
agile in picking himself up before anyone could start a count—iowm to ten.
As can be expected of any brave ani honorable General he was there ready to go
into battle with his men on the battlefield, if need be. However, the peppery
mayor was on the seene placating in the capacity of peacemaker.
The aforementioned writer who 'fired* me up to write this letter has added that
it was a ‘sickening experience* to see the mayor jeered and chanted dow on Boulevard.
Just a reminder that another peacemaker at another time carried his cross to
Calvary amidst jeers and cheers ani has been revered for two thousani years for
his complete dedication to his God«given purpose of bringing light ani truth ani
peace into the world.
Post Office Box 1860% (Lenox Square Station)
Atlanta, Georgia 30326