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Box 2, Folder 24, Document 14
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68 MITCHELL STREET, RM. 1201-8 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 522-4463, EXT, 437 or 525-8275
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr., Hononary Chairman
Clarence E. Elsas, General Chairman
Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, V. Gen. Chairman
John Cox, Executive Secretary
May 13,1969
Dear Dan:
As you prebably knew, planning for the 1969 Youth Oppertunity Pregram has bean
underway since November 1968. In this respect, you were invited to serve on
the Technical Executive Committee and to attend the first meeting which was
held in March 1968.
At this point, the various participants have developed what may be considered
the overall plan fer the 1969 YOP.
I am askirg that you attend a meeting of the Teehnical Executive Committee to
be held en Tuesday, May 20,1969, City Hell, Committee Room # 1, at 3:00 P.M.
At this meeting you will receive a cepy of the overall plan. You will alse
be asked to discuss and make suggestions, additions ete. to the plan.
I hepe you can attend,
Sineerely yeurs,
Clarenee FE. Elaas, Chairman
Metropelitan YOP
68 MITCHELL STREET, RM. 1201-8 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 522-4463, EXT, 437 or 525-8275
Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr., Hononary Chairman
Clarence E. Elsas, General Chairman
Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, V. Gen. Chairman
John Cox, Executive Secretary
May 13,1969
Dear Dan:
As you prebably knew, planning for the 1969 Youth Oppertunity Pregram has bean
underway since November 1968. In this respect, you were invited to serve on
the Technical Executive Committee and to attend the first meeting which was
held in March 1968.
At this point, the various participants have developed what may be considered
the overall plan fer the 1969 YOP.
I am askirg that you attend a meeting of the Teehnical Executive Committee to
be held en Tuesday, May 20,1969, City Hell, Committee Room # 1, at 3:00 P.M.
At this meeting you will receive a cepy of the overall plan. You will alse
be asked to discuss and make suggestions, additions ete. to the plan.
I hepe you can attend,
Sineerely yeurs,
Clarenee FE. Elaas, Chairman
Metropelitan YOP