Box 2, Folder 24, Document 53

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Box 2, Folder 24, Document 53

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Gil Conan 0)



Room Oy = 50 Seventh Street, N. B.

Atlanta, Georgia 30323

March 24, 1969

Mr. John W. Cox, Executive Director

Atlanta Children & Youth Services Council
1201-B City Hall ‘
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 7
Attention: Miss Katy Young ()

Dear Mr. Cox:

A request has been made by our Headquarters to prepare a status report
on the initial progress and related problems of the rat control projects
in this Region.

This is to request a report from your project that will provide data on
the following:

l. Facilities: Are facilities available to accommodate staff?
If not, when will they be ready and what is the major contingency?

2. Staff: Have principal staff members been hired or at Least
identified? What expectations do you nave on acquiring non-
professional staff? Will assistance be required in their

3. Internal operating procedures: Have local operating procedures
been drafted or finalized? This should include both the techni-
cal aspects of project accomplishment as well as administrative
matters such as time and attendance reporting, procurement,
property responsibility, and job descriptions. Have professional
and citizen advisory groups been established? If so, with what

4. Expenditure information: What has been the approximate monthly
rate of expenditure and what is anticipated for the remainder
of the project period? What plans are being made to support
the exnansion and maintenance of the project beyond the first
year's operation? When will the project begin operating and
when will it reach normal capacity?

5. External organizational relationships: What informal and
formal arrangements have been negotiated or will be negotiated
with other organizations concerning matters of mutual interest?

6. Community response: What publicity has been given to the
project and what has been the reaction of organized groups
and the general public?

7. Other: Identify any significant accomplishments or problems
encountered. In particular, describe situations which may be
useful to other grantees.

This information is needed by April 8, 1969. If you can forward it by
that date, it will be appreciated.

Yours truly,

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Community Envirormental Wiprovement Consultant
Environmental Control Administration

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