Box 17, Folder 1, Document 160

Dublin Core


Box 17, Folder 1, Document 160

Text Item Type Metadata



Liz Balle

Le as Haldane ae

HAVEL N/ (ido ————
yohn/N, Bliss, “O9 Haldane Drive--755-5991

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Wise Sahni Holdane Drive--P1l 6-6000

Lt. Col, coutaall T, Kobb, 492 Haldane Drive--P1 88-4290

CY. Hh = halt il Kedrgp le
Charles Ee Dantsis, 55 Hadlcane Drive--Pl 5-5976

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Bex ae “Raulins, 502 Haldane Drive--Pl 35-4931

| — 4) )-I{ Lei tL / ate J

lini a Fenuer, 512 Haldane Drive--

tex sa “TSS Haldane Drive--755-5159


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KE. RABREY zvoee5ge2 Keats Drive 7s3- 7772

Beh, -navren, 2905 Keats Drive--755-9942
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Frank #. Price, 2914 Keats “Srives-755-2015

eo “7 |? 4) 1 et Z Ss Ce
Dittaz Cl? Sfuennt ll LLP 2H iS LO

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Raymond &. Parks, 2954 Keats Drive--Pl 5-7006

Captain Sol Andrews, 2943 Keats Drive

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ir. and Ers. Roy none 5505 Shelley are 35-0234

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al 4g ha af Lh os A orn 4 te yA Lee f LJ . . 4 Ze

Bernard Schwab, 2915. Shelley Drive=-758-55%0
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A. i {ts Vit hs Art 4a f # ¢
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ee SEEN 2925 Shelley Drive--P1L 8=3869

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Lt. Gol. Be d. Welch, 2955 Shelley Drive--Pi 3-00d0

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Le a C. OCB RTS: 2 Ae Ge Ji 47. coe

Henry Oy Pope, 2545 Shelley Drive--Pl 5- 9769

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fe 2 ay, fis _ het = . A

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Mr. ond Mrs. = Woods-=-445 Fielding Lane

Righard | E. epee 455 Fielding Lane=-755-0121
GE Lb ef, : BL?
fn ee af"

a? “and cm Tee eel TOS Fielding Lane~-755-0256

is K. Je LOFT J nihe ZL

Wie Le Seroges, 480° Fielding Lane--Pl 5-5645

BF. E. Bennett, 3 eee. Lane==~P1L 5-0952

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fe, CDE. ais ore C Fe nd ;
Carl A, Smith; 490 Fielding Lane==P]l 5=-5045

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4 ; ie JL pe of? fn if FAL a

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Clifitord A «| Porter, 500 Fielding Lane~-P1 353-5074

SFP gntfoot, 552 Fielding - Lane=~/56=7002
oF “ij, ee i
f yt; Ary pte. Ii.
vey Baker, Teh 557 Fielding Lane--753-0956


ii. 2. Lee, 355 Plelding Lanew-755=2026

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| M. a “Saory, 620 Plelding Lane==

Je wo Parks, . 2ielding Lane
vw : y 5 4 -
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C fi * © ehewmeent ©

Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Carini, 669 Fielding Lane

Virgil Copeland, O57\ Plelding Lane-=<

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by , Tove ‘ fre hee Pig “o od

Fosepa Nomngret, 630 cam Fielding bane

Fah a Lp Q, Fli o cp

D7 Je Hayes, 668 Fieldimg Lane

££ Bee err = CWA ER. So CE ALE ED
Fo He=teltece,-579 ee Lane

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A ead ge ef 2 ae wt

a. SN, Forrester, 625 Fielding Lane

Je He Holbrook, 584 Fielding Lane

: J ‘ ( f = he GY

Je Re Gill, 589 Fielding Lane’

“ FIELDING LANE, Continued

(is, Lt. ) Fo pe,

Carlton J. Owens, 661 Fielding Lane--750-1909


J ois yi "é Pas yee
Lt GO 7 eo’. =e Seer

C. BY pohiman, 477 @ hackeray Place=-755~=-0096

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(fy fe J - ae ; s : «) / :
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f 23 PEA Fed ee. «ob 7 Leeiw ¢ Js Ab £t “ie

Jim Howar TB tnackeray Place=-Pl 35-7559 / i"
f ae i y ae 7
AL Pee 6-6. % Bt Peat _ ef 7
Coly ye “Sart: JX., 456 Thac Seas y Place=-755=-5952


Shree. jos Shh tens” on |

San 3. Jenking,“Jr., 459 Thacheray Ppace--F1 5-7590
7 -, “ . ine gh” gens

ios F. Potter 66 Thackeray Place, 755-5253
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Ae Me O*Neai, 476 Thackeray Place--P1 5=8867

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- oo OW, eee Place=-755=7411
Soulnhc: A ilE» A a le |

Harold diy: Ramsey) “997 Coes Place, --Pl S=-4209

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SO CONG For / ¥S7 Flacherdy “B76 |


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