Box 2, Folder 24, Document 66

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Box 2, Folder 24, Document 66

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DAN Swear -
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THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Tuesday, March 18, 1969 5

of a dt cee” oie y eee j
‘\tlanta Geis Youth Project

Constitution Waslinglon Burcan

WASHINGTON—Atlanta was
chosen Monday as one of 40
metropolitan areas of the nation
to participate in a summer ath-
letic program for gheito youths
12 to 18 years of age.

Modeled after a program con-
ducted last summer at the Uni-
versity of Southern California,
the unique day camps will em-
phasize physical fitness, sports
and nutrition. College campus
facililies will be used.

A White House spokesman
said five Atlanta colleges had


given tentative indication of
willingness to participate in the
program, to be administered
jointly by the National Colle-
giale Athletic Association and
the U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare.
Responding favorably to a
queslionnaire were Emory Uni-
versity, Morehouse College,
Georgia Tech, Clark College and
Morris Brown College.
Announcing the program Mon-

day. Vice President Spire T.|-

Agnew said its prime iarget ‘‘is
to reach the inner-city youngster
who has no resource bul the
streets during the Jong, hot sum-

Each program will have a

campus supervisor and run a
minimum of five weeks. The
U.S. Office ef Economic Oppor-
tunity is transferring $3 million
to the Deparimeni of Health,

port the program. Campus facil-
ities and professional assistance
will account for another $1.55

At least 200 youths will be en-
rolled on each participating

No ta)

Education and Welfare to sup- + >


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