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Box 17, Folder 1, Document 170
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July 24, 1962
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall
City of Atlanta
Atlanta 3, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
As a homeowner and civic-minded citizen of the City of
Atlanta, I am writing this letter in the interest of my
home, as well as the homes of my friends and neighbors.
I am a resident in the Utoy-Peyton Forest Area, which is
constantly being plaqued with threats from the negfo race,
to invade on our property, and secure our homes. It is
Not very pleasant to know that you have worked for many,
many years, are finally able to give your family what you
have always wanted for them, then, by no fault of your
own, have to unwillingly sell out, and leave it, Sure,
it is said that you do not have to sell, that's true, but
after keing plaqued with threats from the negro race, as we
have been, almost constantly, for the last year, there is
usually one, as has been proven in other parts of the City,
who will panic - then your community usually goes.
I do not believe the elected officials of our City realize
just what a threat this is to the City of Atlanta. If not,
it is time your eyes were opened to what is’ happening and
will continue to happen. People who have been forced to give
up their homes are leaving the City Limits of Atlanta. The
majority of others who are being threatened, or are in a
danger zone, are planning the same. We certainly have no
intentions of staying,with the possibility of getting into
similar situation in Bag thes part of the City.
We will continue to battle this situation until the bitter end,
but we certainly need, and should have the support of you in
the City Hall, There is an urgent need for action to be tken
to curb this "block-busting" that not only is threatening our
Community, but the City of Atlanta at large,
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. July 24, 1962
Page No. 2
Ask yourself what will become of Atlanta if the people
affected leave the city limits? Can't you see the potential
danger. If you could live in the situation, with the people,
hear the discussions, and gee it through our eyes, I then
believe you would realizé there is a danger of losing not
only a great amount of tax money today, but your white
citizens in great numbers. Then what will happen?
I have lived in Atlanta the greater part of my life, love it
dearly and would never have wanted to live anywhere else until
now, but to have peace and tranquility, it seems I have no
other choice,
We are not asking or saying that the negro race not have what
they justly deserve. We only ask that they get it in their
own rights, instead of harassing us, and by hook or crook,
get what is ours, when we are unwilling to give it up, but do
so through force.
Mayor Allen, I would appreciate an answer, telling us just
what plans are being made, if any, or what steps we might
take to get help in stopping this before it has gone too far.
Please let me hear from you in the near future.
TH pe S U ape
CC: Alderman Milton G. Farris
CC: Alderman Jack Summers
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall
City of Atlanta
Atlanta 3, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
As a homeowner and civic-minded citizen of the City of
Atlanta, I am writing this letter in the interest of my
home, as well as the homes of my friends and neighbors.
I am a resident in the Utoy-Peyton Forest Area, which is
constantly being plaqued with threats from the negfo race,
to invade on our property, and secure our homes. It is
Not very pleasant to know that you have worked for many,
many years, are finally able to give your family what you
have always wanted for them, then, by no fault of your
own, have to unwillingly sell out, and leave it, Sure,
it is said that you do not have to sell, that's true, but
after keing plaqued with threats from the negro race, as we
have been, almost constantly, for the last year, there is
usually one, as has been proven in other parts of the City,
who will panic - then your community usually goes.
I do not believe the elected officials of our City realize
just what a threat this is to the City of Atlanta. If not,
it is time your eyes were opened to what is’ happening and
will continue to happen. People who have been forced to give
up their homes are leaving the City Limits of Atlanta. The
majority of others who are being threatened, or are in a
danger zone, are planning the same. We certainly have no
intentions of staying,with the possibility of getting into
similar situation in Bag thes part of the City.
We will continue to battle this situation until the bitter end,
but we certainly need, and should have the support of you in
the City Hall, There is an urgent need for action to be tken
to curb this "block-busting" that not only is threatening our
Community, but the City of Atlanta at large,
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. July 24, 1962
Page No. 2
Ask yourself what will become of Atlanta if the people
affected leave the city limits? Can't you see the potential
danger. If you could live in the situation, with the people,
hear the discussions, and gee it through our eyes, I then
believe you would realizé there is a danger of losing not
only a great amount of tax money today, but your white
citizens in great numbers. Then what will happen?
I have lived in Atlanta the greater part of my life, love it
dearly and would never have wanted to live anywhere else until
now, but to have peace and tranquility, it seems I have no
other choice,
We are not asking or saying that the negro race not have what
they justly deserve. We only ask that they get it in their
own rights, instead of harassing us, and by hook or crook,
get what is ours, when we are unwilling to give it up, but do
so through force.
Mayor Allen, I would appreciate an answer, telling us just
what plans are being made, if any, or what steps we might
take to get help in stopping this before it has gone too far.
Please let me hear from you in the near future.
TH pe S U ape
CC: Alderman Milton G. Farris
CC: Alderman Jack Summers