Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 11, Document 38
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Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal
Pebruary 27, 1967
Dr. Albert H. Davis, President
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
859-1/2 Hunter Street N.W.
Atlanta, Gépngia, 30314
Bear Dr. Davis:
Thank you for your letter of February 22, 1967 concerning the NAACP's
iaterest in housing. 68o that you will not feel that I ignored your
telegram, I would inform you that I called it to the attention of the
Housing Resources Committee at the organizational meeting of that
group and publicaily invited further information from the NAACP.
At year convenience I will be glad to meet with your committee and
will invite any members of the committee whom you think would be bene~
ficial to attend.
We will be glad to exchange membership lists with your committee. En-
closed is a list of the membership of the Housing Resources Committee
and the panels te which they ave assigned.
I plan to be out of the city March 1 through the 6th and again on
the Sth. Otherwise I am available to set up a meeting at your con-
venience, In the meantime I have referred your resolutions to Dean
Williem S. Jackson who is Chairman of the Social Probleme Panel of
the Housing Resources Committee.
Ceeil A. Alexander
Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Sie
De. Sanford &. Atwood
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays
Pebruary 27, 1967
Dr. Albert H. Davis, President
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
859-1/2 Hunter Street N.W.
Atlanta, Gépngia, 30314
Bear Dr. Davis:
Thank you for your letter of February 22, 1967 concerning the NAACP's
iaterest in housing. 68o that you will not feel that I ignored your
telegram, I would inform you that I called it to the attention of the
Housing Resources Committee at the organizational meeting of that
group and publicaily invited further information from the NAACP.
At year convenience I will be glad to meet with your committee and
will invite any members of the committee whom you think would be bene~
ficial to attend.
We will be glad to exchange membership lists with your committee. En-
closed is a list of the membership of the Housing Resources Committee
and the panels te which they ave assigned.
I plan to be out of the city March 1 through the 6th and again on
the Sth. Otherwise I am available to set up a meeting at your con-
venience, In the meantime I have referred your resolutions to Dean
Williem S. Jackson who is Chairman of the Social Probleme Panel of
the Housing Resources Committee.
Ceeil A. Alexander
Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Sie
De. Sanford &. Atwood
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays