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Box 18, Folder 12, Document 33
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APA | 0 1987
April 7, 1967
Hr. Carrol Trosclair
United Press international
520 Royal Street
New Orleans, Louisiana
Dear Carrol:
From our street corner conference Thursday:
Some members of the Louisiana domed stadium
authority are planning to visit Atlanta on April 13 for the |
opening of *the Braves baseball season. As I understand it,
they will be guests of Mayor Ivan Allen and will make an
inspection of the new Atlanta stadium.
Maybe you would be interested in having your
Atlanta bureau file something on this visit -- reactions
to the stadium, comparison of Atlanita-New Orleans needs,
etc. -- for the state wire. I would imagine the Atlanta
Mayor's office is eee the visit and could help
your people there. i
Atlanta areuitests for the stadium there George T.
Heery and Bill Finch, partners in two firms which co-ventured
design of the stadium and are aiso double teaming the
planning of a new stadium in Cincinnati.
Aa interesting aspect of the Atlanta stadium is the
fact that it was designed and built in under 21 months as
compared with from four to six years for other major new
stadia. The architectural team expects to bring in the
Cincinnati stadium in from 22 to 26 months.
We will be happy to supply any needed fill in data
on either the aan te or Cincinnati projects.
Robert W. Smith, Jr.
RVS , de/dwh