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Box 18, Folder 18, Document 8
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A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, April 24,
1967, at 2:00 p.m, The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. Jack E. Crowder, Vice Chairman
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. Edmund W. Hughes,
Managing Director, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. John Gerson,
Atlanta Transit System, Inco; Superintendent J. L. Moseley, Atlanta Police
The meeting was called to order by Chairman George Goodwin and the following
business was considered.
Mr. George Goodwin disqualified himself for the 102 Cone Street, NoWe, and
240-254 Spring Street, N.W., off-street parking facilities and asked that
Mr. Jack Crowder, Vice Chairman preside during the discussion of these
applications. :
102 CONE ‘STREET, NeW. Mr. Cecil Alexander, Architect for the Equitable
Life Assurance Society. A parking garage with 176 spaces and possible
expansion to 300 spaces; attendan® parking; 24 inbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance-exit on Cone Street; one entrance-exit on Spring Street.
Mr. H. King McCain, NeS.P.E., Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild and
Paschal; and Mr. Robert Ro Rice, System Auto Parks and Garages, Miami,
Florida, presented the plan for the proposed parking garage. Mr.
McCain explained that the plans for the garage were designed for a
possible ‘three stage arrangement. The first stage to consist of
three levels with a total of 176 spaces with the option of adding a
fourth level bringing the total to 237 spaces and still further an
option of adding a fifth level bringing the total to 300 spaces. The
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 2
application for the permit was seeking approval for a garage with
a total of 300 spaces and 24 inbound reservoir spaces. Mr. Rice
and Mr. McCain discussed the reservoir problem with the anticipated
sharp inbound morning rush hour peak and explained that the Spring
Street entrance could be operated two lanes inbound with eight cars
in each of two inbound lanes making a total of a sixteen car reservoir
on the Spring Street side. He also explained that it would be possible
to get a third inbound lane by using some of the space allocated for
parking on the Spring Street deck temporarily during the morning peak.
A similar arrangement could be followed on the Cone Street side, but
the Traffic Engineer said that he felt that at least one outbound
lane should be left open so that cars desiring to exit during the
A. Mo peak could get out of the garage. Mr. Rice and Mr. McCain
further explained that it would be possible to permit tenants to
drive between floors on the ramps under certain conditions. Normally,
however, it would be strictly an attendant parking arrangement with
the tenants only driving the cars on the ramps. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION,
the Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the garage as proposed
with restrictions as follows:
1. NO LEFT TURNS into or out of the Spring Street
2. That a minimum of 24 inbound reservoir spaces be
provided for the operation of the garage.
The Commission approved this recommendation with Mr. George Goodwin
240-254 SPRING STREET, NeW. Atlanta Car Parks, Inc.3; Mr. Lo Le
McCollum, A parking deck at the Spring Street level with a capacity
of 53 spaces and 6 inbound reservoir spaces. Parking in the basement
at the Harris Street level with a capacity of 56 spaces and 3 inbound
reservoir spaces making a total of 109 spaces for the entire deck;
one entrance-exit on Spring Street; one entrance-exit on Harris Street;
single lane ramp connection between levels; attendant parking.
The plans for the proposed deck were explained by Mr. Le L. McCollum.
Mr. McCollum emphasized that the two levels would be operated
independently with an attendant on the upper level and an attendant
on the lower level and with a third attendant to help in parking and
unparking cars and at peak periods a fourth attendant to help with
the parking and unparking of cars. He further explained that the
overflow for the Spring Street level would be taken down to the
Harris Street level by way of the internal ramp and parked,but that the
exiting from the lower level would be almost entirely to Harris
Street with very few, if any, of the cars returning to the Spring
Street level for exiting. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, the Traffic Engineer
recommended approval of the application with the restriction of NO >
LEFT TURNS into or out of the Spring Street entrance-exit. The
Commission approved this recommendation with Mr. George Goodwin
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 3
C. 145 HOUSTON STREET, N.E, Auto Park and Service, Inco; Mreo Be Ec
Taylor. An open lot with 35 spaces; attendant parking; 3 inbound
reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Houston Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission, This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
D. 1193-1197 SPRING STREET, NeW. Mr. Pantelis Elia Kampouris. An
open lot with 68 parking spaces; self-parking; 3 inbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance-exit on Spring Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission. This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
E. 111 COLLINS STREET, S.E. Bill Todd, Inc.; Mr. Robert W. Todd. An
open lot with 104 parking spaces; self and attendant parking; 6
inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Collins Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission, This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
F. 311 HILL STREET, S.E. Sullivan Shell Service Station; Mr. Melvin
Sullivan. An open lot with 40 parking spaces; attendant parking;
3 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Memorial Drive;
one entrance-exit on Hill Street.
In the absence of anyone representing the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained that this was a service station and that the
applicant had not yet supplied a suitable sketch or drawing
showing how the operation would be organized. The Traffic Engineer
further stated that, in his opinion, the operation would be
satisfactory and he recommended that it be approved subject to
the applicant filing a suitable drawing. This recommendation was
approved by the Commission.
REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. Le Moseley.
Superintendent Moseley reported that the total enforcement was up
approximately 16.4%, the accidents were down 8.8%, and the violation
of cases booked up 16.4%.
Superintendent Moseley reported the following traffic accidents through
April 23, 1967, as compared with the same period in 1966.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967,
page 4
1967 1966
Fatal AccidentScocscoscvenvrcesscteceonens 26 31
Injured ACCIAEAES on vecevec ose ecenoes 773 797
Property Damage AccidentScocccccecccnen 6,089 7,554
6,888 8,382
The Traffic Engineer introduced Miss Frances Dupree as the new
Secretary. He also reviewed the progress on the street widening
and traffic signal installations and revisions at the intersection
of Campbellton Road and Centra Villa Road and also at the intersection
of Campbellton Road and DeLowe Drive. He explained the need for a-
traffic signal at the intersection of Moreland Avenue and Wylie
Street and reported that this signal had been recommended and
approved by the Board of Aldermen Committee on Traffic, Parking and
Transit at their last meeting. He also reported on the progress of
the channelization and traffic signal installation at the intersection
of Armour Drive and Monroe Drive. He also reviewed the experience to
date with the ramp metering device at the Tenth Street northbound
On-Ramp to the North Freeway, reporting to date that there had been
no reported rear-end collisions since the metering device was installed
and that on the adjacent ramps accidents had continued to occur at the
usual rate.
Mr. Jack Crowder asked what progress had been made regarding the
adding of a lane southbound on the North Freeway beginning at the
junction of I-85 and I-75 and going south towards Fourteenth Street
and Tenth Street. In the course of the discussion, it developed
that the Georgia State Highway Department was making some progress
on plans for adding this lane between the junction and Fourteenth
Street. The 14th St. bridge prevents adding the lane any further southe
A brief discussion was also held regarding the possible use of
police officers on the Northeast Freeway between Peachtree Road and
Monroe Drive during the P. M. rush as an experiment to determine
the feasibility of moving traffic at a higher rate of flow.
A discussion was held regarding the desirability and possible means
of obtaining a more clear signing job to indicate that the northbound
lane on the Downtown Gonnector which exists at Cain Street was an
NONLY' type of operation. Two suggestions were made. One was that
the word "ONLY" might be changed to THIS LANE MUST TURN LEFT on the
overhead sign bridges and another one was that the overhead sign
bridge which had a blank space in it might be utilized for additional
advance warning. It was also brought out that the State Highway
Department had made arrangements to order a suitable sign for use on
the sign bridge where space existed for such a sign.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 5
Mr. George Goodwin asked what could be done to reduce the confusion
at the intersection of Peachtree Road and Beverly Road. The Traffic
Engineer replied that he was certain that channelizing islands would
help’this situation and that when funds were available for the
installation of channelizing islands, he would like to see them
A question was raised regarding keeping the Traffic Engineering
Department's personnel intact. The Traffic Engineer said that the
shop personnel was in much better shape than a year ago and that
work was progressing at a very good rate in both service shops.
However, he pointed out that the situation in the office was very
bad at the present time in that there were eight vacancies and
some of these vacancies were in key positions.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pom.
NEXT MEETING: Monday May 29, 1967.
A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, April 24,
1967, at 2:00 p.m, The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. Jack E. Crowder, Vice Chairman
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. Edmund W. Hughes,
Managing Director, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. John Gerson,
Atlanta Transit System, Inco; Superintendent J. L. Moseley, Atlanta Police
The meeting was called to order by Chairman George Goodwin and the following
business was considered.
Mr. George Goodwin disqualified himself for the 102 Cone Street, NoWe, and
240-254 Spring Street, N.W., off-street parking facilities and asked that
Mr. Jack Crowder, Vice Chairman preside during the discussion of these
applications. :
102 CONE ‘STREET, NeW. Mr. Cecil Alexander, Architect for the Equitable
Life Assurance Society. A parking garage with 176 spaces and possible
expansion to 300 spaces; attendan® parking; 24 inbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance-exit on Cone Street; one entrance-exit on Spring Street.
Mr. H. King McCain, NeS.P.E., Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild and
Paschal; and Mr. Robert Ro Rice, System Auto Parks and Garages, Miami,
Florida, presented the plan for the proposed parking garage. Mr.
McCain explained that the plans for the garage were designed for a
possible ‘three stage arrangement. The first stage to consist of
three levels with a total of 176 spaces with the option of adding a
fourth level bringing the total to 237 spaces and still further an
option of adding a fifth level bringing the total to 300 spaces. The
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 2
application for the permit was seeking approval for a garage with
a total of 300 spaces and 24 inbound reservoir spaces. Mr. Rice
and Mr. McCain discussed the reservoir problem with the anticipated
sharp inbound morning rush hour peak and explained that the Spring
Street entrance could be operated two lanes inbound with eight cars
in each of two inbound lanes making a total of a sixteen car reservoir
on the Spring Street side. He also explained that it would be possible
to get a third inbound lane by using some of the space allocated for
parking on the Spring Street deck temporarily during the morning peak.
A similar arrangement could be followed on the Cone Street side, but
the Traffic Engineer said that he felt that at least one outbound
lane should be left open so that cars desiring to exit during the
A. Mo peak could get out of the garage. Mr. Rice and Mr. McCain
further explained that it would be possible to permit tenants to
drive between floors on the ramps under certain conditions. Normally,
however, it would be strictly an attendant parking arrangement with
the tenants only driving the cars on the ramps. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION,
the Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the garage as proposed
with restrictions as follows:
1. NO LEFT TURNS into or out of the Spring Street
2. That a minimum of 24 inbound reservoir spaces be
provided for the operation of the garage.
The Commission approved this recommendation with Mr. George Goodwin
240-254 SPRING STREET, NeW. Atlanta Car Parks, Inc.3; Mr. Lo Le
McCollum, A parking deck at the Spring Street level with a capacity
of 53 spaces and 6 inbound reservoir spaces. Parking in the basement
at the Harris Street level with a capacity of 56 spaces and 3 inbound
reservoir spaces making a total of 109 spaces for the entire deck;
one entrance-exit on Spring Street; one entrance-exit on Harris Street;
single lane ramp connection between levels; attendant parking.
The plans for the proposed deck were explained by Mr. Le L. McCollum.
Mr. McCollum emphasized that the two levels would be operated
independently with an attendant on the upper level and an attendant
on the lower level and with a third attendant to help in parking and
unparking cars and at peak periods a fourth attendant to help with
the parking and unparking of cars. He further explained that the
overflow for the Spring Street level would be taken down to the
Harris Street level by way of the internal ramp and parked,but that the
exiting from the lower level would be almost entirely to Harris
Street with very few, if any, of the cars returning to the Spring
Street level for exiting. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, the Traffic Engineer
recommended approval of the application with the restriction of NO >
LEFT TURNS into or out of the Spring Street entrance-exit. The
Commission approved this recommendation with Mr. George Goodwin
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 3
C. 145 HOUSTON STREET, N.E, Auto Park and Service, Inco; Mreo Be Ec
Taylor. An open lot with 35 spaces; attendant parking; 3 inbound
reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Houston Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission, This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
D. 1193-1197 SPRING STREET, NeW. Mr. Pantelis Elia Kampouris. An
open lot with 68 parking spaces; self-parking; 3 inbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance-exit on Spring Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission. This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
E. 111 COLLINS STREET, S.E. Bill Todd, Inc.; Mr. Robert W. Todd. An
open lot with 104 parking spaces; self and attendant parking; 6
inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Collins Street.
In the absence of anyone to represent the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained the proposed plans and recommended approval of
the plans as to conforming to the standard policies followed by
the Commission, This recommendation was approved by the Commission.
F. 311 HILL STREET, S.E. Sullivan Shell Service Station; Mr. Melvin
Sullivan. An open lot with 40 parking spaces; attendant parking;
3 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance-exit on Memorial Drive;
one entrance-exit on Hill Street.
In the absence of anyone representing the applicant, the Traffic
Engineer explained that this was a service station and that the
applicant had not yet supplied a suitable sketch or drawing
showing how the operation would be organized. The Traffic Engineer
further stated that, in his opinion, the operation would be
satisfactory and he recommended that it be approved subject to
the applicant filing a suitable drawing. This recommendation was
approved by the Commission.
REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. Le Moseley.
Superintendent Moseley reported that the total enforcement was up
approximately 16.4%, the accidents were down 8.8%, and the violation
of cases booked up 16.4%.
Superintendent Moseley reported the following traffic accidents through
April 23, 1967, as compared with the same period in 1966.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967,
page 4
1967 1966
Fatal AccidentScocscoscvenvrcesscteceonens 26 31
Injured ACCIAEAES on vecevec ose ecenoes 773 797
Property Damage AccidentScocccccecccnen 6,089 7,554
6,888 8,382
The Traffic Engineer introduced Miss Frances Dupree as the new
Secretary. He also reviewed the progress on the street widening
and traffic signal installations and revisions at the intersection
of Campbellton Road and Centra Villa Road and also at the intersection
of Campbellton Road and DeLowe Drive. He explained the need for a-
traffic signal at the intersection of Moreland Avenue and Wylie
Street and reported that this signal had been recommended and
approved by the Board of Aldermen Committee on Traffic, Parking and
Transit at their last meeting. He also reported on the progress of
the channelization and traffic signal installation at the intersection
of Armour Drive and Monroe Drive. He also reviewed the experience to
date with the ramp metering device at the Tenth Street northbound
On-Ramp to the North Freeway, reporting to date that there had been
no reported rear-end collisions since the metering device was installed
and that on the adjacent ramps accidents had continued to occur at the
usual rate.
Mr. Jack Crowder asked what progress had been made regarding the
adding of a lane southbound on the North Freeway beginning at the
junction of I-85 and I-75 and going south towards Fourteenth Street
and Tenth Street. In the course of the discussion, it developed
that the Georgia State Highway Department was making some progress
on plans for adding this lane between the junction and Fourteenth
Street. The 14th St. bridge prevents adding the lane any further southe
A brief discussion was also held regarding the possible use of
police officers on the Northeast Freeway between Peachtree Road and
Monroe Drive during the P. M. rush as an experiment to determine
the feasibility of moving traffic at a higher rate of flow.
A discussion was held regarding the desirability and possible means
of obtaining a more clear signing job to indicate that the northbound
lane on the Downtown Gonnector which exists at Cain Street was an
NONLY' type of operation. Two suggestions were made. One was that
the word "ONLY" might be changed to THIS LANE MUST TURN LEFT on the
overhead sign bridges and another one was that the overhead sign
bridge which had a blank space in it might be utilized for additional
advance warning. It was also brought out that the State Highway
Department had made arrangements to order a suitable sign for use on
the sign bridge where space existed for such a sign.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967;
page 5
Mr. George Goodwin asked what could be done to reduce the confusion
at the intersection of Peachtree Road and Beverly Road. The Traffic
Engineer replied that he was certain that channelizing islands would
help’this situation and that when funds were available for the
installation of channelizing islands, he would like to see them
A question was raised regarding keeping the Traffic Engineering
Department's personnel intact. The Traffic Engineer said that the
shop personnel was in much better shape than a year ago and that
work was progressing at a very good rate in both service shops.
However, he pointed out that the situation in the office was very
bad at the present time in that there were eight vacancies and
some of these vacancies were in key positions.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pom.
NEXT MEETING: Monday May 29, 1967.