Box 18, Folder 18, Document 9

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Box 18, Folder 18, Document 9

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A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, March 27,
1967, at 2:00 pom. The following members were present:

Mr, Jack E. Crowder, Vice Chairman
Mr. Robert F. Adamson

Mr. Peter J. Stelling

Mr. John Re Wilson, Jr.


Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. Grady A. Lee

Mr. Charles C. Mathias

Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevinss; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. John Gerson, Atlanta
Transit System, Inc.; Superintendent J. L. Moseley and Sergeant Michael Edwards,
Atlanta Police Department.

The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman and the following business







50 HOUSTON STREET, N.E~ AAA Parking, Ince; Mr. Ralph R. Carroll.

An offestreet parking lot with a total of 66 parking spaces; attendant
parking; 8 inbound and 6 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance and
one exit on Houston Street and one entrance and one exit on Ivy Street.

Mr. Carroll presented the plan for the proposed parking lot.

Mr. Bevins pointed out that the outer edge of the lot was level with the
adjacent streets. He asked how Mr. Carroll intended to keep motorists
from entering the streets from points other than the designated drive-
ways. Mr. Carroli assured Mr. Bevins that some means of control would
be used and that it would probably be a chain.

The City Traffic Engineer recommended approval with the provision that
all excessive driveway space be physically closed, either with a suitable
chain or fence or by raising the curb, and with the restriction of NO
LEFT TURNS into the entrance or out of the exit on Houston Street. IN
EXECUTIVE SESSION, it was moved and seconded that this recommendation

be APPROVED. All were in favor.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; March 27, 19673

page 2


147 AND 153 WHITEHALL STREET, S.W. AAA Parking, Ince; Mr. Ralph Ro
Carroll. An offestreet parking lot with a total of 34 parking spaces;
self-parking; 4 inbound and 4 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance
and one exit on Whitehall Street.

Mr. Carroll presented the plan for the proposed parking lot.

The Gity Traffic Engineer recommended approval with the restriction of
NO LEFT TURNS into the entrance or sut of the exit on Whitehall Street.
IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, it was moved and seconded that this recommendation
be APPROVED. All were in favor.

353 MARKHAM STREET, S.W. Pennington Parking; Emily A. Pennington,

761 Scott Circles, Decatur, Georgia. An offestreet parking lot with a.
total of 100 parking spaces; selfeparking; 15 inbound and 15 outbound
reservoir spaces; three entrances and three exits on Markham Street.

In the absence of the applicant, the City Traffic Engineer presented the
plan for the proposed parking lot and recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE
SESSION, it was moved and seconded that this recommendation be APPROVED.
All were in favor.

STREET VIADUCT.) H. D. Roberts and D. S. Thurmond. (H. D. Roberts,
Route 1, Box 418, Mableton, Georgia; D. S$. Thurmond, Route 5, Box 279-A,
Austell, Georgia.) An offestreet parking lot with a total of 45 parking
spaces; attendant parking; 3 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance and
one exit on Old West Hunter Street.

In the absence of the applicants, the City Traffic Engineer presented
the plan for the proposed parking lot and recommended approval. IN
EXECUTIVE SESSION, it was moved and seconded that this recommendation
be APPROVED. All were in favor.

304-312 SPRING STREET, NeW. Bill Todd, Ine.3 Mr. Robert W. Todd,

35 Gilmer Street, S.E. An offestreet parking lot with a total of 69
parking spaces; attendant parking; 4 inbound and 4 cutbound reservoir
Spaces; two entrances and two exite on Spring Street.

In the absence of Mr. Todd, the City Traffic Engineer presented the

plan for the proposed parking lot. Mr. Bevins pointed out that Mr. Todd
needed to reorganize the driveway arrangements so that they would better
relate to the aisles.

Giving background information, Mr. Bevins said that the parking lot had
been in operation for some time without a permit and that the City Clerk
had notified Mr. Todd that a permit would be required if the parking

lot were to continue in operation. Mr. Bevins mentioned that, on
several occasions, it had been observed that vehicles were parked on

the sidewalk area adjacent to the parking lot and that a chain or

fence would remedy this situation. After discussion, the City Traffic
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; March 27, 1967;

page 3



Engineer recommended approval with the provision that all excessive
driveway space be physically closed, either with a suitable chain, or
fence, or by raising the curb, and with the restriction of NO LEFT
TURNS into the two entrances or out of the two exits on Spring Street.
IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, it was moved and seconded that this recommenda-
tion be APPROVED. All were in favor.

REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. L. Moseley.

Superintendent Moseley reported that total enforcement was up approximately
17% and that, not only had the number of cases increased, but the number of
adjudicated cases resulting in a penalty had increased to approximately


He explained that this high percentage indicated that the cases made

were"good cases."

Sergeant Michael Edwarde reported the following traffic accidents through
March 26, 1967, as compared with the same period in 1966.

1967 1966
Fatal ACCIdENntS ss: ccs weed wesw ewe wee eee. 22 21
Injured Accidents. s 6 66% 00000 6% 800s € 50.6 0 60's eos 577 594

Property Damage Accidentecsiwscsseceesws eevee ee DOs oe, vee ce Oe 109

5, 156 5,724



Mr. Bevins reported that a traffic signal metering device had recently
been installed on the northbound Freeway oneramp at Tenth Street. He
said that it is taking a little more time to get onto the Freeway at
off-peak periods and that the time to get onto the Freeway during peak
periods is about the same. In answer to a question from the Vice Chair-
man regarding any decrease in rear end collisions, Mr. Bevins reported
that no accidents had occurred on the onsramp since the installation of
the metering device. However, he pointed out that this could be merely
a "happenstance." He mentioned that the only problem encountered thus
far was that some motorists were not observing the traffic signal, that
a study made last week indicated violations as high as 20%. He said
that, of course, it was always better to get "voluntary compliance,"
rather than enforced compliance, and that further studies would be

made in the near future. Original observance was 96% to 97%. In
summation, he said that the Traffic Engineering Department was well
pleased with the installation, since over 78 accidents were reported

at the location last year.

CASCADE AVENUE, from Beecher Street toward Sandtown Road. Mr. Bevins

reported that last year parking had been removed from this section of

Cascade Avenue and that it has been marked with a center line and two

lane lines. He said that complaints have been received from the resie
dents that they have difficulty entering Cascade Avenue from their
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; March 27, 1967;
page 4

driveways. Noting that at least one resident would probably appear at
the next meeting of the Traffic, Parking and Transit Committee to re-

quest that onestreet parking be allowed on Cascade Avenue, Mr. Bevins

explained that he wanted the Commission to be aware of the matter.

C. WEST MARIETTA STREET, N.W., between Ashby Street and Marietta Boulevard.
Mr. Bevins said that he also wished the Commission to be aware of another
matter to be brought before the Traffic, Parking and Transit Committee at
its next meeting. He explained that the Committee had previously heard
from Mr. Henry H. Ogden, Ogden Equipment Company, and from representatives
of Mead Packaging, which is located across the street from Ogden Equipment
Company, regarding onestreet parking on the southwest side of the street.

He further explained that, when the NO PARKING 7:00 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M.
restriction was replaced with a NO PARKING ANY TIME regulation on the
southwest side of West Marietta Street alongside Mead Packaging property
and as a result of an investigation requested by Mead Packaging, Mr. Ogden
requested that the previous rush hour restriction be re-installed to allow
his employees a place to park on the street after Noon (Mr. Ogden's
employees had previously moved their automobiles from the northwest to

the southwest side of West Marietta Street at Noon in order to comply

with the rush hour restrictions.) since no off-street parking was currently
available for Ogden Equipment Company employees.

Reperting that the Committee had directed the two companies concerned
to send representatives to the location, with a staff member of the
Traffic Engineering Department to act as mediator and advisor, and to
work out a satisfactory compromise which would allow approximately
fifteen on-street parking spaces on the southwest side of West Marietta
Street alongside Mead Packaging except from 7:00 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M. and
except at strategic points which would obstruct sight distance or create
traffic congestion for vehicles entering or exiting from Mead Packaging
driveways. Onestreet parking had been reinstalled. Mr. Bevins said
that he had been notified that representatives of Mead Packaging planned
to appear before the Committee at its next meeting.

Do LUCKIE STREET, N.We, from Techwood Drive to North Avenue. Mr. Bevins
reported that, since Luckie Street is being resurfaced, the Traffic
Engineering Department will take this opportunity to relocate the center
line and lane lines in order to make five lanes. He explained that it
would be necessary to remove all parking on the west side of the street
but that onestreet parking would be retained on the east side. Mr. Bevins
said that, as a result, two lanes inbound and two lanes outbound would
be in use at ail times.

Ae IN ANSWER TO A QUESTION as to the parking restrictions on Peachtree

Road south of Gentral Chevrolet, 2930 Peachtree Road, N.W., Mr. Bevins
said, "There is no restriction at all from Central Chevrolet on down
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; March 27, 19673
page 5

past The Cathedral of St. Philip. He mentioned that this section of the
west side of Peachtree Road was "on the list’! for future removal of on-
street parking as was the east side of Peachtree Road in the area of the
Cathedral of Christ the King. It was discussed that one parked vehicle
necessitated much lane changing and created traffic congestion in the

Be. IN ANSWER TO A QUESTION regarding the final action of the Board of Aldere
men on the Commission's recommendations to ban parking on certain streets,
Mr. Bevins gave a brief summary. He mentioned that, although at first
glance it might look as though little was accomplished in the removal of
onestreet parking, in actuality some important progressive steps were

CG. THE USE OF RADAR DEVICES was the next tepic of discussion. Mr. Bevins
remarked that additional signs would probably be needed. Pointing out
that he would like to avoid placing more signs than necessary, he assured
the Commission that the Traffic Engineering Department could, if need be,
supply the signs "in a hurry." He said that the Department had about
1,000 pieces of metal available within a week or 10 days which would
certainly get the project underway.

VI. NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 24, 1967.

The meeting was adjourned at 3210 pome


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