Box 18, Folder 25, Document 45

Dublin Core


Box 18, Folder 25, Document 45

Text Item Type Metadata



October 18, 1967

Summary of Rezoning (Principal Sites) for Low-income Housing
During 1967

Action No, Sites

Approved by Zon. Com. 6
and Bd. of Ald.

Denied by Zon. Com. h

and Bd. of Ald.

till in the mill. 11
To be Considered
by Zon. Com. and
Acted on by Bd. of Ald.

Potential Sites 5
Rezoning not apol. for :
Because of discouragement

of apolicants.













October 18, 1967

tatus of Rezoning (Principal Sites) for Low-income Housing


West side of Fairburn Rd. S.W.

N. of Holly Family Hospital

Between Hollywood Rd. N.W.-
and Gun Club Rad.

Gun Club Rd.
S. of Alvin Dr.

S.W. corner of
Brownlee & Boulder Park Dr.

Rockdale U. R. Project

Both sides Bankhead Hy.
W. of I-285

S. of Oak Dr. S.E.
West of Brownsmill Rd.

Browmtown Rd.
S. Side of Simpson Rd. N.W.
Between Lincoln Cemetery

and Hightower Rd.

N. of Bakers ferry Rd. S.W.

Western portion of LL 2) (FF)

During 1967
Program Acres Units
221 4a (3) 59 500
TK or 20 20h
221 a (3)
TK or 12 150
221 a (3)
Conv. +s 100
221 a (3) 150 1384
TK h5 50
Total 294.5 2076

221 d (3) 20 22); .
TK 51 510
221 d (3) 10 120
Leasing 18 252
for PH
Total 39 106

zoning Com. postponed action

on June 22 until Sept. 1
Approved by Zon. Com. Sept. 7
Approved by Bd. of Ald. Sept. 18

Approved by Bd. Ald. Jan. 3

Approved by Zon. Com. May 3

Approved by Zon. Com. Sept. 7

Approved by Zon. Com, Aug. 2h)

Approved by Bd. Ald. Oct. 16

Denied by Bd. of Ald. Apr. 17

Denied by Bd. of Ald. Aug. 21
Expect to reactivate

Denied by Zon. Com, Aug. 2h

Denied by Zon. Com. Sept. 21
(Reduced from 264A)

Harwell Rd. NW.
at Oakeliff

South of Adamsville Dr. S.E.
W. of Gordon Rd, (HRC C-28)

South & East of Peyton Rd.
N. of Utoy Creek


October 18, 1967

Recent Planning Board Actions

Program Acres Units Results
221 a (3) 6s 80 Denied by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *
221 4 (3) h 40 Denied by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *

(Z-67-129-E) To Zon. Com. Oct. 1 Ap

221 d (3) 69 700 Deferred by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16
Approved by Plan. Bd. Sept. 13 *

(Appl. to rezone an additional 102A in this Withdrawn from low-income housing
tract was withdratm because of opposition of program Oct. LO
neighborhood & reluctance of Plan. Dept.) Goes before Zon. Com. Oct. 26... hae

Both sides Bankhead Hy.
West of I-285

N. side of EB. Confederate Ave.
SE at Walker Ste

We. side of Jackson P'way N.W.
Just S. of Proctor Creek


East side of Fairburn Rd. S.W.
N. of Sewell Rd.

N. side Gordon Rd.
West of Adamsville Dr. S.W.


W. side Hollywood Rd. N.W.
Between Browntown Rd. &

Magnolia Cemetery

East side of Fairburn Rd. N.W.
N. of Sewell Rd.


N. of Sewell Rd. N.W.


*Indicates still in the mill

TK hS 50 Favorable rec. by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *
Plan. Dept. to work out details
on Com. Facilities (Site Ap. by HA &
Ten. Ap. by HUD) To Z. C. Oct. 5
Appvd. by Zon. Com. Oct. 5 *%
by Bd. of Ald. Oct. 16

221 a4 (3) 20 2h0 Deferred by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *
(waiting for plans)
Denied by Plan. Bd. Sept. 13

TK or 14.3 150 Deferred by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *
221 d (3) for submission of plans
Co-op Deferred again Oct, 11 for further study

221 a (3) & 30 360 Deferred by Plan. Bd. Aug. 16 *

Housing for for submission of Plans

Elderly (Site Ap. by HA & Ten. Ap. by HUD)
Goes before Plan. Bd. in Oct.

Conv. 35 48 Favorable rec. by Plan. Bd. Oct. 11 *

221 a (3) 15 180 Favorable rec. by Plan. Bd. Oct. 11 *


221 d (3) hO 558 Favorable rec. by Plan. Bd. Oct. 11 *


& Elderly

TK 72685 650 Favorable rec. by Plan. Bd. Oct, 11 *

Total 320015 OS

E. of Jonesboro Rd. S.E.
opposite Macedonia Rd.

South of Boulder Pk. Dr.
near Country Club Estates

W. of Jackson Parkway
N. of Proctor Creek

S. of Oak Dr. S.W,
E. of Empire Dr.

1A off DeKalb Ave. N.E.
between DeKalb Ave. &
McLendon at Hampton Terrace

Program Acres

Status of Certain Other Potential Sites
(Rezoning not applied for, for-reasons indicated)

TK & SO 58h
221 a (3) 115 1000
221 a (3) or 38 36h,
221 a (3) 1667 100
221 da (3) 25 250
221 a (3) 1h 210
Rent Suppl.
Total 252.7 . 2508

October 18, 1967


Rezoning Apl. not filed
because Sponsors anticipate
strong opposition from
Ward Aldermen.

Sponsor reluctant to file
rezoning Apl. because of
objections of Plan. Dept. and
anticipated turn dowm by

Bd. of Ald.

Rezoning Apl. deferred at

request of Applicant because
f discouragement from

Plan. Dept.

Developer discouraved from

filing appl. after turn down

of adjoining tract by Bd. of Ald.
and talking with Ward Aldermen

Catholic Archdiocese
reluctant to get into Zoning


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