Box 19, Folder 3, Document 4

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Box 19, Folder 3, Document 4

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Mineola Texas
Sept.9th 1966

The Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta Georgia.

Dear sir:

Looking into your present confused order of afdirs
city wise that is,the thought comes to the minds of countless
tax payers of just "WHY" has it become a must that those who
have worked hard in honorable engagement are supposed to pay
tribute to a dissolute,worthless indigent race of never do
wells and supply them with luxuries these same hard working
people have never enjoyed= I am speaking unequivocally about the
plain low down Nigger.

The man Johnson has gone so far as to show himself on the dance
floor holding close to his manly Texas' sized breast a Negress
who afterwards said,"he had dreamy eyes"—this same man had to do
with 87 votes down South Texas way not so long ago=sure Coke
Stemennon was defeated and old Moose Jaw FDR sent in (as usual)
Federal gun slingers and ushered his man Johnson into the senate=
but we did not like it and we still don't-we don't like another
Texas flop named Eisenhower-it seems Texas is glutting the deal
with infamy to the lowest degree— — .

We are going to have serious trouble in Texas with the Nigger-
what they are NOW doing and what they have planned is NOT going
to suit Texans as a whole,andwhen things reach that stage the
roaring Texans don't seem to mind what LBJ or Lady Boid or the
stupid low life Earl Warren might have to say-or even the mental
dwarf Bobby Kennedy or any of the offsprings-they just settle it
eo ate and maybe there are many Alamos! along with Anahuacs
© be met.

Those who ream the streets hurling bricks into plate glass win=
dows and "taking" whatever seen should not be surprised to face
worse than police brutality-the roar of a 10 gauge shot gun is

a splendid deterrent to untrained youth-it is a permanent deal.

How much the Federal people are paying the Nigger whores who are
having bastard kids faster than you can count,no one knows but
the number goes up each night of contact<—isn't this a lovely
thought of how low a government can drop—The Great Society—

The Civil Rights thing was designed to do just what it is doing=
certainly it is unworkable and by all standards it is UNCONSTI
TULIONAL—-just like everything else LBJ has done=still people
will vote for him-—the South DID-so how do you figure that ?

I am ONE man that did NOT vote for him and if he were the last
animal on earth I still would NOT vote or even speak to him,

Yours truly SKezew hee apolle :


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