Box 19, Folder 3, Document 22

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Box 19, Folder 3, Document 22

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September 10, 1966

Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Sir:

Please permit me to congratulate you on your
courage in ordering the institution of action against the
persons responsible for inciting the recent rioting in
your city. Your action is a very welcome contrast to the
political cowards in other states and cities in our country.

There are many millionsof your countrymen who were
as thrilled as I was when I read about your action. I do
hope that you will carry this matter through and not be de-
flected from your course by pressure from Washington and
other pussyfooting areas. The decent Americans of our
country are fed up with the disrespect shown for law and
order throughout our country, not only by the violators
but by courts and officials who are supposed to uphoid the

I would suggest you ignore the stupid item in The
Wall Street Journal of September 9th. Because of your action
the City of Atlanta, Georgia has gained in stature and re-
spect what too many American cities have forfeited due to
lack of law enforcement by political minded officials. Let
us hope your courageous action will be a turning point and
cause other responsible officials to follow in the course
you have blazed,

I am an old man and perhaps I may again some day be
proud of my country rather than the present opposite. Wath
respect and best wishes, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Theodore PP. Tonne


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