Box 19, Folder 3, Document 49

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Box 19, Folder 3, Document 49

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Negro youths taunt police as violence flares once again in riot-torn Watts.

Shouting defiance, a Negro

—Wide World Photo

cs arrest.


LOS ANGELES-—Rioting by white-

tin seems to be off to an
early start this year.

Warnings now are heard of a “danger-
ous summer” here and in other big cities
with huge Negro “ghettos.” Alarms al-
ready are being sounded by Negroes in
New York and Washington.

Racial violence exploded on March 15
in Watts, the Negro district where thou-
sands ran wild last August in a six-day
rampage that cost 34 lives and 40 mil-
lion dollars in damage.

This time, grim lessons learned last
summer brought swift and forceful ac-
tion by police deployed in large num-
bers. The outbreak on March 15 was
confined to a small area. Some 600 riot-
ers were involved, rather than thousands.
Rut racial rage was evident.

Two were slain. One was


a mob attack. As he staggered from door
to door, dying, Negroes spurned his

pleas for refuge. The other man killed
was a Negro—not a participant in the
riot—cut down by marauders’ gunfire.
More than 25 people were stabbed,
beaten, robbed. Youths hurling Molotov
cocktails—bottles of gasoline ignited by
flaming rags—set fire to a dozen build-
ings. About 20 stores were looted. Some
60 Negroes were arrested, including the
alleged killers of the truck driver.
The four -hour Durst of ragial frenzy
was triggered
throwing a rock at a car driven by a
white schoolteacher. Within minutes,
gangs of Negroes were on the prowl
¢ ; r : e whe t,
“Get Whitey!” was a rallying cry.
Negroes blamed. Primary blame for
the eruption was placed on the Negro
community itself by John A. McCone,
chairman of the commission that investi-
gated last summer's riots. Said Mr. Mc-
Cone, former Director of the U.S. Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency: “. . . This is

-UP! Phete
Suspects are searched for weapons. Outburst’s toll included 2 dead, 25 injured

one more evidence of an_unwillingness
by Negroes to accept responsibilities as

law-abiding citizens.
Los Angeles County Supervisor Ken-

neth Hahn said the outbreak pointed to
“far-ranging possibilities for a dangerous

One victim of violence was a white
@X-marine Ww ‘)

1 as pater in Vietnam.
Hotred_of whites Some Negroes
said they were appalled by the latest
outbreak. A Negro woman said the riot-
ers should be “put in the Army and sent

to Vietnam.” But others had more sinis-

ter comments. One aging Negro said:

strongly. This goes for the younger ones

and the older ones—they hate white po:

teacherp>you name it. You,xe_gottocda
scrmething with phat hatr

- Continval agitation. Mr,
eharged that .Ne

tration, rage and incidents.

ude is changed,

Ing, no amount ¢ : ce
results we all desire—the ae of ¢
Negro in a position of real equality.”

programs, toward _w

no amount of money,
no amount of ettort, po amount of t ta

From other areas came warnings that,
despite money poured into antipoverty

was hit ie a thrown bottle as Negroes
velled, ‘Get_out, of here, Whitey,
You're not in white man's country ”
Watts has not been regarded a4_safe
for whites since last summer's riots. In-
eidents of cursing, rock throwing and as-
sault have been common. A Negro real
estate man said that “black national
and Communists’ keep fanning hatre
ore violence ahead? In Was

~~ inp ees >

wo Young Men Who Hate Whitey


Fillmore’s ‘Warm-

By George Gilbert

Scott_w. the aa
offic! j “a
desk at City Prison yesterday
_and said nothing. He sat there
and smoked a cigarette an

back to the stack of papers he
was shuffling.

r, Then his mouth
opened and he said:
“T don’t believe in turning
‘that other cheek jazz.”’
|. He gestured towards the of-
. “He takes my teeth, IT

- Arrests
" Police arrested Scott: a
friend, Leon Beck, and five
other young men early Sun-


Scotty and Beck are only 20

too fond of whites.

“Not all whiteys are bad,”
Scott was saying. ‘‘Just most
of them.”

ance t riot

ast weekend would seem to


been_ senseless. An. off-
duty Negro policeman shot

an armed Negro youth
was com bbery.
in minutes bands of

] as the po-
| tis foot on the wooden bench. __. lige have painted it. Beck, in
ms tet, is a half-brother of the
} . “We' suspect who was shot; Frank

21, of

r 7 Lee Jackson,

years old and they are_not


‘You know what happened in Watts and Chicago...’

Broderick street.

“He wasn’t pullin’ ne rob-

bery. man,” said Beck.

“He was shot by this Uncle:

Tom cop for no reason, and
you wonder why we got mad!
This Uncle Tom ecop didn’t

' even show no identification.

He just jumped out of the car
with a gun out and starts


Leon Beck hates whitey be-
cause he says he can’t find a
job. ‘I'm a high school grad-
uate. I’m willing to work at
anything but I can’t find a
job because there are no jobs
for ‘niggers.’ ”’

Larry Seott hates whitey
for many reasons. He is espe

IN sa erg seit tae ceninag ie ee ter


dj m r
-- “€ nee e

cially bitter about the war in |
Vietnam. “What's the sense
in goin’ over there and get
shot at and maybe killed so
that when you come back
home and go into a restau-

_ rant in Mississippi you are

told they don’t serve nig-
gers.” ¢

“This isn’t Mississippi.”

“They just do it.differently
here, man. They don’t have
dudes rumin’ around in
sheets and burnin’ crosses on ©
your lawn but they do it here
just as good.

“You give a dude a star
and a gun and you give him a
license to kill. It don’t matter
if he’s white or black. If he’s
black, he’s an Uncle Tom and
just as bad as whitey.”

_ ‘Power’

“Do you have a police rec-

“No,” said Scott. “I’m no
angel. I] just haven't been
caught yet.”

“What do you want?”

understa . Fower. An

olence. will see tha
oti, who lives at 1516 Mc-

Allister street, and Beck,-at
2230 Fell street, go to cowt
on July 27.

“What do you think will
happen in court?”

“The same thing that hap- _

‘ pens to all our brothers,”

said Beck. And then he .

Saturday, Nov, £7, 1965


China Says
US. System
Will Collapse

Hong Kong

The Chinese Communist
| leadership is well on the way
, to convincing itself that the
movement against American |
involvement in Vietnam pre-
sages not just a United States
Of the ’
The Communists’ workd
wide strategy rests on the
conviction that Americans

'. The Chinese peace


Cobkinens | Sheltey Rips '
Assesses | ‘Re els’ in
The Riots - | Poverty War
Los Angeles . By Mel Wax

Evangelist Billy Gra
,ham made a_ helicopter

Mayor John F. Shelley
eharged yesterday that
“so-called new leaders”
‘lef the city’s Negro com-
munity are making “a
maked demand for the
power to control policy,
rogram and financing of ¢

e ener action }

Their move for a ma-
jority on the Economic

ot a SME tows


‘confidently ex

‘tee of the Chinese Communist
party, reaffirmed this basic
| belief and explained how the
Communists expect to
' triumph in the “worldwide li-
_ beration strug;

Chinese declare that
present demonstrations


Opportunity Council, he
said, is “totally unaceept- ?”
able, because it would de- } ;



tee weens
cangeroon stanton rT]

in the end would cost more —
than the Job Corps. Or we
could busta ap tos eins tee

Bonus for GOP
In L. A. Riots


Examiner White House Correspondent
WASHINGTON—From out of the ashes of
smoldering Negro. o of Los Angeles rises
issue that may prove more

ms ee

ertly tolerates thorny couduet on the part

f . unrighteous one,

when it overtly or cov-
of any seg-
ment of its own citizenry. It should not and cannot be toler-
ated, regardless of the growp—white or black—and regardless
» of whether or not the cause involved is « righigaus one or

‘ r of a nati
yy) long persevere coer to

NY. Convictior

: f @ nie
_In Riot:
Nw York

lan of the Marxi
4 e labor mio


S. =
"Epton, 33, heard himself —

pronounced guilty in State
: preme Court of seeking the

[ tts Oa VeTOUS
revoked his $10,000
} and remanded him to
jail to await sentencing Jan-
nary 27.
pton, tne father of two,
faces a maximum ten years
imprisonment and $6000 fine.
‘His conviction is the first
criminal anarchy conviction
TR the state of New York
e 1920 when Benjamin
tlow, a founder of the Com,
minist party inthe Unite
States, was sentenced to
term of five to ten years in
Epton’s arrest followed the
bitter Harlem riots of 1964.
He was seized on July 25,
1964 when he defied a police
han to organize a racial dem-
ongtration in the wake of the

Ba OrtUn eS ariem
n a street corner

nree aays


18 TOL:
W. re going to be

ng to have fa kill a Jor of

Be cops, 4 lot of th

criminal anarchy from ~~
ns in the Tot Been a



. “The defendant is not a
:| tained. ‘He was convicted af)
| not of anything he did.

rfound, in effect, that the



AP Wirephote

A maximum of ten years

mn said his goal in the ©
eet corner speech was to
rally Negroes against what
he described as police brutal-

The jury deliberated tive
hours. It found Epton gtd
of advocating and i

during the holiday season.
has a wife and two childrea.

dangerous man,” Katz main-
something he said or wrote,

However, Markewich re
plied, “the jury’s ve

fendant did not content him-
self with the mere advocaty
of ideas. Therefore 1 oe)
d by the verdict of the}

' rh


‘Radical’ Ww
To Win Right.

By Don Warman

A sardonic, switchblades-sh

told a sophi

night that racial equality will never be Won.


Banik aimed tat

United States W;
* Rollins
said, e to @ people at

the consulate that he was
armed and prepared to fight
against the Communistst.”’
Rollins said he was told
‘that Waniolek gave the con-
sulate a six-page statement
which said he planned to re-
turn to Detroit “and start |
shooting Communists.” |

CORE Blast.
At Rights


The White House confer-
enee on Civil Rights, sched-
wed to open here today,
was dealt a powerful blow
| yesterday when the national
director of the ss of
Racial Equality charged that
the conference has been




ivil ri
civic group lasi

by civic

“Saul Alinsky, controver-

| sial

an ae ae ol

Council of Civic Unity
members to stop discuss-

ing rights and do some-

\thing about the fight and
1! “the enemy.”

Samples of Alinsky’s prim
er on social progress:
e ‘Forget about a Chris-

jttan moral basis for tlie



rights drive. If we could have
got rights that way, we would
have by now.”

@ ‘Discussions don't work.
Organize and get power. Only
through power can you get
aetion. People never get any-
thing but what they’re strong

“| enough to get.”

e “Don’t tell me that ‘we
have to work differently im
this town.’ That’s a lot of

made up of the people -

ly affected (by segregation).
Pay your own bills. Don't
rely on that downtown crowd
to de it for you. They won't.”

(This last advicé, an ob-
vious slam at the make-up of
ithe disputed Economic Op-
|pertunities Council, stirred
\an intent audience of about
1000 to a huge ovation.)

| e@ The difference between
southern segregation and
northern segregation is that
down there they use

axes. We use stilettos

you die anyway.”

encase Areas Foundation of

Chicago, which has reported-
advised minorities in some
American communities on
taetics” in integra>


‘er 1"


| Harlem Theater

U.S. Funds for |

‘Hate D

New York
An anti-poverty program
. spokesman yesterday defend-
ed the use of federal funds

where Negro e

ion and revenge.
"Wed rather see these kids

fussing on the stage than on
the streets,” said James Kel-
leher, deputy director of pub-
licity for the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity in Wash-

Kelleher made the com-
ment after disclosure here of
the Black Arts
Theater-School, founded last
April and coached by the Ne-


The aim is ‘‘to re-educate
the nearly half a million Har-
lem Negroes to find a new
pride in their color,” Jones
says. “I don’t see anything

wrong with hating white peo- |

“This was a part of the


‘vent ee zt

aration e white i:
In Jones’ off-Broadway

play, ‘The Toilet,” a short,
scatological work, a group of

young Ne s plot agai
white homosexual who n
overtures to a Negro. '

scene is the boys’ rest ‘room
of oe school and the at


A play he wrote for the
school, “‘Jello,”’ viciously tra-
vesties the old Jack Benny
radio program. In it, Jomey
has Roc long

A police official says of the
theater that ‘‘as a group we
don’t feel they represent a


Alexander J. Allen, execu-|
tive director of the greater
New York Urban League, al-
though seeing some danger of
black chauvinism. says the

Project Uplift program that} 7
we funded through HARYOU-'

ACT (Harlem’s multi-million |
dollar anti-poverty program)
last summer . . .,” Kelleher
said. ‘‘The overall program
was a good oné and we have
to figure that this (the thea-
ter-school) was a part of its
success. |

“HARYOU-ACT wanted
Jones in the program. He is a
legitimate playwright, what-
ever you may think about his
views. We knew about it
when we granted the money
and we have no apologies."

The makeshift theater, in a
three-story tenement, fre-
ceived $40,000 during the
eight weeks when 400 Negro
youngsters attended classes
in the arts, Negro cultural
history, remedial reading.
math and what Jones termed
“hard-core nationalism,’’ the
playwright said.

He said additional funds
come from the theater’s pro-
ductions and from benefac-
tors he refuses to name.

Other sources indicate the
federal share may have been
much larger. HARYOU-ACT
officials profess not to know
since the agency’s books are
now undergoing investigative


“George Nicolau, northeast-
ern deputy director of the
federal Office of Economie
Opportunity. said the theater
is not now supported by anti-
poverty funds. “When HAR-
YOU-ACT presented a-formal
epntract to us for additional

ings (of the theater) we
tiirned it down,” he asserted.
‘tSome two dozen writers,

ptors and painters teach
atthe school and 12-15 actors
form the core of the reperte-
*Pheir productions miro:

which includes
Broadway plays, poetry, a)
book on jazz, and a recently

blished novel.

“The force we Wa

forming America

‘ ANVEE Tees
Tuesday, May 24,1966 FHEx .

Marin City
' Brawl--

SNCC Spurns — | Deputy Hurt

A Main county deputy sher-

Johnson Talks: =: soins
i fe | eas eae
In Viet Protest °°

Deputy Sheriff Bill Wallace
as released after first aid
Vi tn ”
Non-Violent | ¥/¢™am. 3
an ie: Commattios yes-' Stokely Carmichael, new 4
y bitterly rejected an in- SNCC chairman, said about
to a White House 3 members of the militant — of 89 Cole drive.

ference on civil rights and Student organization had» Both remained in custody

ciated a stro j |been invited to the confer- iz in lieu of posting $550 bond.

nationafism. SIC Ae SDD RAMESG URE IEED™ nes hy weida nt seccired |

statement, it rejecting the invitations »)

a prepar MNec | - around 10:30 p.m., according
called the conference. sched- /SNCC is following an aggres.
uled for June 1-2, ‘absolutely Sive pew. all-Negro course » to Deputies Gary Ree

outs - and Carl Wiest.
ani? ol They said they were talk-
ing with a Marin City woman

in front of 409 Drake avenue

le when a 19-year-old boy, ap-

the chief poli- | Carmichael declared. “Politi nronctid and began swear-
apatker of the Duets ie cal and economic power is| in em, they said.

to discuss human rights in, What the black people have to When they attempted to

thig country when he fila-|have.” jail him for obscenity, Bland

grantly violates the human! Carmichael, who recently’ and Grayson tried to rescue

a amen succeeded John Lewis as him, the officers said.

ome -_1. p. + SNCC chairman, said ather Wallace responded to a ra- |

major civil rights organiza- dio call for help and was in


Black People’s Power “ay



liam L. Bland, 20, of 99 Cole.
drive, and Willie Grayson, 20. f

rights of colored people in with felonious as-

www ew ew ew ee te ew ee

— Se

ot in gO

tions- are “not happy” with jured in the fight.
the student group's new poli- | » The 19-year-old disap-.
cies '. peared during the melee,

“But we'll go our way and
can go theirs,”’ he said.

—A ee eS =

this country.
SNCC called on ‘2 a
p p [ D Deen buildin
Thdependent political, _e¢e
f instiu


[lise as instruments of m
bial change in this couptry.
"ar SNCC will
tinue to organize all-Ne-|.

olitical parties under @

img in Lowndes county and

several other

NBT Tun Ip November’ Be"
section in Alabama.

A in Los Angeles. gout

1 Neors ol

State Attorney Genera
Thomas C. Lynch said last
will not permit

As attorney general, Lymen
declared, his primary oblige-.
tion “is to enforce the laws——
all laws

mean '

fie said It was ‘not the job
of the police force to put
down demonstrations w.

Attacking those who at-
tempt ‘‘to make minoriti
and police ae m4
: ch warn

» attorney genera
eized the John Birch Society
for holding that “the local ¢

W. = « z
tions arise Sd noe
disputes, from civil ri or
from peace marches.”

‘The Dorado Menace

3 We publish alone
opinion by Justice Walter J. Fourt of Ven-
ms exposing fallacies of the, eee

~The recent Dorado dectiion by 6 Cale
ae: ee Court, stripped the :

ea te an

e solani no dst.
olicemen. But
attitude of

sity: the fate

Death Row
: Reversals by

State Supreme Court
ee ‘a sweeping series

yesterday affecting
one soners on San Quen
o's Death Row.

7 identical 4-3 votes. the

tn ‘ordered new trials far

condemned men — Rie?

Price, 21, of Sacrament.

z bert A. Anderson. 6,
‘Jose — ‘on grou


East Palo 0 Alto
ateo County al-/in r

y ha te local sent to the four candidates
rs nto ae ore =

prob- bed Ba

" A Scolding
' For Courts
} And Judges


Boctaince Rex. A Collings Jr.,
o told the Commonwealth
ub luncheon meeting at the

Sheraton-Palace Hotel that

“the rights of criminals keep

on increasing.”

“The rest of us are speedi-

' dy losing ours,” he added.

He charged that crime in

California is increasing at

three times the rate of the

nae an ae said ae

—<" [ston of the Attorney Gener-

: ” da tt any at-
tempt to Marquis of | Dx
Queensbury rules to crime is


anty-five years ago I—

ra girl for that matter—

ould with complete security
around Lake Merritt or
ae the Berkeley campus


ew wee Oe

Aidares to try any of these

A University of Califor-
nia professor of law and
oe scolded the

preme Court of the United
States or of California who

things today?”
Collings, formerly a trial
attorney in the criminal divi-

al’s Office in Washington,
ee Boracay eee of
e State

“A peace officer,” he said,
“is required to play by the
rules of the game. The trou-
ble is that too often the,

eply to a

The observations were made)

Palo Alto atthe War on

ry Tt commun

a St tend

Freake co and ¥
; right lawlessh,

Africa Still

Leopotdville, The ie?

can newspapers.

“dom in vu aa der thre

Also in Uganda, a white |

~ tourist complained of being

held up for all hie travelers |

checks for “‘poll tax’ by a
mob of menacing bush Afri-

eans who stepped on his feet |,

while taking his money.

‘The Congo government re-
cently apologized for the
beating police gave two
young Canadian travelers ar-

rested when they crossed


from Congo Republic (a hos-
tile neighbor) without visas.

In Zambia, four Lake Dow
tribesmen were sentenced to
death after a court f

them guilty of the m
murder of a ‘acne
“slave” child. The four had

wed by doing this to bring \'

me child's father, X
kuwe Xoahi, sold his som
five cows, and received part

of the divided boy as 7)

famine ‘‘medicine.”’

Another report from Fe
senge Township in Zambia's
western province said resi-
dents complained witches

and wizards were killing andl
fdas there. They asked
‘mission to hire a ‘‘witch-

-.” The government re
. | ‘fused, “aoepna their offer to

Net a government official
_ Watch the witch-finder’s
7 wees a

There were the Norwe ri,

— 2 et

ment.’ and said the

Cate a deep suspi ’
~ su ot

letter to Oakland’ }
and City Council from Poneg

_ rae il 20, 1965 Fi
THE sant ts CHRONICLE, a

es Ca ommission i

Three Cars Stoned
In Watts Incidents

» Los Angeles _minor injuries when
m Reports of sporadic See [Sma ee! through the wi
) hrowing in the Negro district | of their vehicles.

Torey. | 1 South Los Angeles reached! Earlier in ‘the event
_~ rolice last night. Officers|crowd of about 100 j
aid three cars were dam-|thre work sat a Police

wed in separate incidents, |Watts, but quickly
miy one of which involved a| when ‘the officers ty
wowd. Police said two mo-| their car.
wrists, both white, received

7. ee eww ee

ws eee.

Oakland. — Nettled

An agency of the

Police Departme aL Sesery tion against a review board

and exican.

7k nel}

comments came in @

pre | Police witnesses testified | the amount generally consid |
that Deadwyler droye up 2 ered as making a person |

MPH. along the 35) drunk to drive. wn

. PH street “Tghored traffic] e case has created
ipnels, Swerved on Dd | tense atmosphere in Ne
of the sireet_and nar-| neighborhoods in so fal
7 Whissed pi Angeles. rise “Comal
said newly organized * Conum

CCCCAA Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1965 PAGE 5

Teen-Age Rumble _

B ystanders "Save
3 Berkeley Police

Berkeley police yester-/at 10:30 p.m. because of a re-
day praised a group of/Port a fight was in progress

hurt. hab
of three patrolmen) “i found a 1S-year-old Oak-
attacked by a mob/jand youth, Emmett Rhodes,
of | agers late Monday! bleeding from a beating he
gy. _ . - Thad suffered.
officers ‘were knocked| Pursley was attempting to
to the ground and kicked by a|question persons in a large
crowd of about 50 young) crowd of teen-agers when he
t s who had been engaged | and two other officers who
: ble. . had responded, Gerry Tem-
© three ‘suffered minor|pleman and H. A. Brizee,
rles but did not require! were suddenly jumped.
hospitalization. Several adults came to the
“It could have been a lot! aid of the officers and kept
worse,” said Patrolman Mar-|the incident from becoming
Pursley, “‘if a group of | more serious.
ults had not assisted us in| Another 12 patrolmen were

holding off the youths until| sent to the scene and arrest-

additional officers arrived.” | ed five youths on charges of
Pursley was dispatched to disturbing the peace, assault-

the of Sacramen ‘ng a police officer, and re-
to street =a Ashby avenuc sisting arrest

Editor—! think the time hes,
come when we start des
crime problerns and criminals in

rkers and politicians have
failed miserably. Why not at he

ladults who came to the|2"d 4 teen-ager had been

‘No Evidence’

Frees Suspects

djattempted getaway, a phone
fonday |call to the San Francisco mo-
sus-\tel by one of the burglary sus-

Leki Vy cite were it
for “lack of evidence”
Wednesday. Articles found in the motef
| Wilburt Flournoy, 21, andjroom were tracel to bur-
brothers Luther and Stanley glaries from Corte Madera,
‘Price, 20 and 23, both of Long Richmond, San Carlos and

- San Jose.
Beach, were freed on the le-
' al = Nordstrom said yesterday
fo Aeeiuuicaliv, that police 5 : Angeles authorities are
pie 2 search warr ‘investigating the burglary
2 ng which they claim involves

Francisco motel and officers more than $350,000 worth of

‘clothing stolen throughout th-

wamhotstolen clowning, 7°
Their arrests by Burlingame

and San Francisco police were
‘triggered when three other
men were apprehended in
Burlingame in an abortive
burglary attempt at the Rob-
ert Gates Clothing store,
The three still being held
in Burlingame jail are Web.
bus Harvey, 22; Charles E

rake d

Standmore, 21, and Jame:

Flournoy, 24. Following the

Cops Attacked At N.Y. Rally

a realistic manner. The social New York


Police were showered with} About 30 policemen and de-

ent office Og
at io

Those pampered and spoiled
eople do not seem to ve
stand responsibility and uman
behavior. Today it |S ley
in Los cripelee Long Beac

hicago. i

omorrow it may well

in our own back yard. Sy
: ache :

} We shouldn't be expec

tolerate this barbarous ma

or be placated by excuses rom

high places. |

debris hurled from rooftops|tectives were rushed to the

yesterday when they moved|scene when members of the.
in to halt a boisterous street|labor group and representa.

rally sponsored by the pro-jtives of an unidentified Gu

j i ban faction exchanged abu-

movement on Manhat-|sive remarks that threatened
tan’s Upper West Side. At| to ignite a riot.

least three detectives were United Press

Theater to Defy.Cops’ Ban
;ban_on the grounds that it is|street to say members would
“obscene. resist of police tried to arrest

e d Bullins, a playwright | them.
day that it val attempt to}and author who heads the; «

We will use a comparable
av at| group, called a press —ae Se
a-) ence at the gr oe s use,” said Bullins
alice itmore

Asked whether he expects
| Violence, Bullins said, “The
(cops just shot a black man in| a
;Southern California — what
| do you think?’
| Marvin Jackmon, the au-
|thor, said the play was origi-
nally entitled ‘Flowers for
the Trashman,” but is now

ontrove rsia
zac Arts

entire black race,”’ he said.

A leaflet distributed by,
Black Arts slash West Ilsts
Jackmon’s name as “‘Marvin |
X plus 8,” and he was asked|
if he ia a Black Mus

“All black men are mem-
bers_of the Black Muslims,”’
he said.

Ted_ Brow!

nd Polic

d :
and police had
banned its performance last
month at the Laney campus
of Oakland City College.

ackmon said his one-act

play had been performed a

dozen or so times in San

Deputy Is

In Marin

Two teen-agers were!

| Booked esterday for assault
| a6sea Si-ininute cattle wal

|a Marin county deputy sher-
it we Hemel fg
ithem about faulty hea

| The officer, 24-year-old
| Richard Keaton, said he was
knocked to_the ground and
Kicked in the face after he
stop Phillip Craig Scott,
19, of 50 Cole drive, and Dan-
jel James Hayden, 18, of 77
Buckelew street, both of Ma-
+ rin City.

The two were jailed and
held on charges of felonious

|) age8UIE0n a peace officer,
disturbing the peace atid fe

sisting arrest. Hayden wae

Nof guilty of i

jalso cited for having faulty
headlights lacking a driver's}
license and failure to sign ‘|
| citation.

There were som
freee ty," ept shou
according ~

pee sheriff, who ‘a
treated later at Marin Gener-

_al Hospital for multiple

Fant a Bap ae




MAY 27, 1966

a 2 s een 7

THE ONLY American born black leader to in. poking. Despite negative speculation in

trpress as to the well-being of Mao,
n people, is Robert F. Williams and his the Chineda leader recently appeared at a
wife. shown during their interview with Mao reception for r the head of a European state.

Mao Tse-tun, leader of China's 700--


i. A.

Disavowals of violence have been made repeatedly by
many top American officials. President Johnson and Vice
President Humphrey, for example, have denounced rioting
and rioters on a number of occasions, and so have many
civil-rights figures. However, police officials, local political
leaders and some members of Congress cite statements such
as those above as part of the climate that has fostered vio-
lence. In addition are the pamphlets and other publications
flowing into Negro areas and openly inciting slum dwellers to
guerrilla war. One pamphlet from Revolutionary Action Move-
ment (RAM) says: ‘‘Weapons of defense employed by Afro-
American freedom fighters must consist of a poor man’s ar-
senal. Gasoline fire bombs (Molotov cocktails), lye or acid
bombs (made by injecting lye or acid in the metal end of
light bulbs) can be used extensively... . Extensive sabotage
is possible.”

CLEVELAND—A grand jury's report
makes this diagnosis of the racial vio-
lence that rampaged through Cleveland

| this summer, killing four and causing
f millions of dollars in property damage:

Trained professionals. “This jury
finds that the outbreak of lawlessness
and disorder was both organized, pre-
cipitated and exploited by a relatively
small group.of trained and disciplined
professionals at this business.

“They were aided and abetted, wit-
tingly or otherwise, by misguided people
of all ages and colors, many of whom are


Some of the same people were observed
in both places on several nights of the


Assigned roles? “It is no casual hap-
penstance or coincidence that those
throwing fire bombs or bricks or bottles,
or pillaging or generally engaged in dis-
order and lawlessness were, in the main,
young people obviously assigned, trained
and disciplined in the roles they were to
play in the pattern of these dual out-
breaks separated by less than one month.
Nor, by the same token, is it happen-
stance or even just singular coincidence:

“1. That the over-all pattern for fire
bombing and destruction to both the Su-
perior and Hough areas was so highly

72) yThat
agreed upon;

“3. That certain places were identi-
fied to be hit and that certain other

the targets were plainly

- places were similarly spared.”

The leaders. The grand-jury report
identifies “the JFK House’—meaning the
Jomo Freedom Kenyatta House in Cleve-
land—as a sort of general headquarters
for the rioters. It names the JFK House
leaders as Lewis G. Robinson and his
wife, Beth; Harlell Jones, Albert D.
Ware-Bey; Phihp Morris.

From the report:
“Lewis Robinson has been affiliated

4 with the Freedom Fighters of Ohio, the

aie Robs pe

Club) which he
the JPR House of

‘and the ee

mite head, the Dea-—

and when to throw them to obtain max-
imum effect. Further, irrefutable evi-
dence was shown to the effect that Rob-
inson pledged reciprocal support to and
with the Communist Party of Ohio. . . .
It was established before the jury that
the leaders of the W.E.B. DuBois Club
and the Communist Youth Party, with
interchangeable officers and_ virtually
identical concepts, arrived in Cleveland
only a few days before the Hough-area

Outside influence. The report says
these men moved into Cleveland from
Chicago, New York and Brooklyn and
established themselves near “the central
point of origin of the Hough-area trou-
bles. . . . They made swift contact with
the JFK House leadership and with. . .
the leaders of the Communist Party
throughout the Ohio Valley... .

“Finally, evidence was presented that
UJAMA [meaning “African socialism”
in the Yoruba language] is an organiza-
tion dedicated to black power and has
begun its effort to establish itself in the
Cleveland area. Their philosophy is that
black people should be governed by
themselves in every respect and that
anything pertaining to the rights of Ne-
groes must be cleared through the cen-
tral organization of UJAMA, which has
flourished in New York and has spread
into other places and is embraced locally
by Lewis Robinson and his lieutenants.”

(More on civil rights, page 38,


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