Box 19, Folder 3, Document 64

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Box 19, Folder 3, Document 64

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July 13, 1966 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE 14791

Later I will introduce legislation which eral was still with the Research Council when pawns of the left: the radical group

would increase the unit-cost limitations’) World War II broke out, Helmmediately was which will di
Galled ‘Gack 6o the co of Canedian Which will discard them as useless when

for family housing in amounts which it fo..05 7° their_purpose has been served.

is felt would provide proper and adequate | “30 "how a major general, he took tho 1s; _ +8¢ Shreveport Times published on

facilities. \ canadian Division to England, by 1940 he was JtMe 28 a masterful editorial on this sit-
Mr. Speaker, the men who wear the ‘promoted to Meutenant general and placed uation under the title “Revolution?” _If.

uniform of America’s armed services aré in command of the 7th Corps of Canadian there we yay IT cowd r e

| expected to assume whatever risk may be and English units. He devised a flexible American fo read it, I would, I must, at
' required of them. They can never enjoy defense system of tank traps, road barriers Yeast, make the eliort to gi

a normal, happy homelife, such as that nd entrenchments against a possible Ger- tionwide n ib deserves by includ-
which is available to most of us, The ™2n invasion after the fall of France. ing it here in the Rrcorp, 1 urge every

e : When the Ist Canadian Army was created, a <
career man simply cannot put down Gen. McNaughton was placed in command Member to study it line by line.

roots in the community of his choice. At and in constant maneuvers over the coun- fEvoratIon?}

the very least, we should attempt to help trysiae, whipped it into a finely drawn fight- The civil rights movement in this country
him to feel that he does have a home ing force. He called his army “a dagger has taken a distinctly revolutionary turn.
which is pleasant and attractive and aimed at Berlin.” But he was not destined Doubters can look at the most recent de-
comfortable. Attoomany military bases to lead it into baitlo. mands of rights leaders: $50 billion for Negro
this is far from true. A good many serv- In December, 1943, he became ill and the welfare over the next 10 years; all local police
icemen live in World War II barracks Year 1944 found him back in Canada relieved power in federal hands; federal trials ior

' of duty. The relinquishment in command civil rights cases; forced, integration to con to_com-
wien ese. edeghate ever. hen. -Cier was believed due in part to disagreement pel “racial balance.' ™—The list is longer than

were built more than 20 vents fed. with the National Defense Ministry, which we havespace.

Let us correct this situation. It will getached a corps from his army and sent it Much of the evidence of a new revolution-
have a profound effect upon morale and, og to the war in Sicily and Italy over his ary outlook in the rights drive is visual—all
I believe, a significant effect upon reten- protest. The ministry said the men were too visual. Ata critical juncture in its effort
tion of desirable personnel in the armed cager and impatient for battle. to maintain racial accord, Mississippi finds
services. : TERRIDLE MISTAKE itself stormed by marchers shouting “black
if still think I was right,” he said later. Pa ee Dene SOEe Ue A aoe
DEATH OF GI .A.G.L. McNAUGH- “Tt was a terrible mistake to break up the wrnoy we have, in essence, is a remarkably

- TON fraaa army was reunited in time for the cynical bid on the part of rights leaders for
3 ij martyrs—martyrs that will transfuso their

(Mr. RONCALIO asked and was given Normandy invasion in June, 1944, but the pmabe with sanateays real blood.
permission to address the House for 1 command had passed to Gen. H.D.G, Crerar, ~~ But the revolutionary bell tolls not only
minute and to include a newspaper Who led it through the battles of France, jn pixie. Far to the west of Mississippi,
article.) Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Callfornia has seen the flames, real flames,

Back in Canada, Gen. McNaughton was o¢ open rebellion in Watts. Across the con-
Mr. RONCALIO.; Mr. Speaker, this ameq Minister of National Defense and later tinent, New York City sits on a summer

week death came to one of the outstand- bp .
ecame chairman of the Canadian-Amerl- pyowderkeg of mob violence and so-called
ing men on this continent andinourage. oan Joint Defense Board. After the war he P ae tenance kaart ‘ ———
racial “moderates” like Martin Luther King
He was Gen. A.G. L, McNaughton, are- served as Canadian representative to the ‘iteightine the fuse with barely-concenled
tired general who had commanded United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, ihreqis of “disorder” unless deman

Canadian Armies in both World War I president of the Atomic Energy Control jer Sanne
and II. Board of Canada and Canadian chairman of Tih between, revolutionary sparks have

y ‘te. the international joint commission that han- ’ =
General McNaughton was a remark ice UG. dwt Candin, PREG fallen on midland cities like Chicago and

able human being who achieved reknown : Cleveland where Negroes and “Other racial
as an engineer, a statesman, an inventor, tae nua tionauanien Tone ee april minorities have ta con-thair troubles into the
and general, He was a man with whom somin, Sask., Feb. 25, 1887. He married in street, mune sess; poe and shoot-
I was honored to serve as my counterpart 1914 to Mable Weir. They had three sons aa at poise. aa ae ers sites bearied: 203
on the International Joint Commission, and two daughters. One son, squadron lead~ Sate steaiietws ie & ee or thin a ak
United States and Canada, for 2.years, er Ian McNaughton sd ne see anes “grievance.”
1961 and 1962, until his retirement. Air Force, was killed in action in June, :

An obituary published in the Washing- The widow and the other children survive... 525" onomster ‘of the revolution, havent
ton Post on July 12 follows: helped_to curb violence with their vacue

GENERAL McCNaucHTon DEAD; SHAPED CANA= — implications that the only way for “op-
DIAN ARMY presse people to fet “somethine” is ior
MoNTEBELLO, Quenzc, July 11—Gen. A. G. (Mr. WAGGONN asked and was ]} them to go out into the strects on a hot night

and heave a_brickbat through somebody's
shore Window.
Revolutionary attitudes, of course, have

L. McNaughton, architect of the modern given permission to address the House
Canadian army who fought in two World for 1 minute and to revise and extend his
Wars, died today at his summer home here, remarks and to include an editorial.)

Hoe was 79. spread beyond the area of civil rights and
The man who commanded the Ist Cana- Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr, Speaker, AvE& into the minds and morals of some elements

dian Army before the Invasion of France had ay_well_ have passed the point of TO of our most important commodity—youth.
been in apparent good health recently, The return in the revolutionary violence 1nN There js a spirit of anarchy abroad, of “any-
cause of death was not made public. this Nation which masks itself underthe thing goes,” that masks iisclf in democratic
A brigadier at 31 in World War Ihe was jiame “civil rights.” We may be beyond a but_sec to glory in dope and dirt
credited with inventing the box barrage—an je hour o1 mianight; it may already be Words, Deflance of law, of all authority, is
artillery firing system boxing in the enemy. gero-zero-zero-one. If that is true, and the hallmark of revolution and we can see it
He was wounded in the battles of Ypes and I pray that it is not, every American will _ only in youthful campus rebels but in
Soissons. A month before the end of the war a ¥ : the rising tide of crime in thi :
feel the hot breath of revolution on the ar ae Se

he was placed in command of all Canadian This has been a country of law and order—

heavy artillery. nape of his neck, whether he be con- ine foun ding fathers thought nothing more

After the armistice, he returned to Canada servative, liberal, or radical, or any shade jmportant—but the Supreme Court of this
and began forming the nuclems of the Cana- of philosophy in between. era has put itself in the vaneunre “revolt li-
dian army he was to command for a time in ven apassing\ tion_and its rin & often only mitror
World War Il. The military forces were re- fe-| the demancs tlé militants. The Warren

organized during his tenure as chief of staff. ourb seems to be—at times—a revolution-
ary tribunal rather than a constitutional

M'GILL 6 ;
ee Te Ne: S oday 1s Bie deuteragonist | syhiter.

An engineering graduate of McGill Univer- ‘
sity, Gen. McNaughton became chairman of one ger ane cae egecereet All federal office-holders take an oath to
the National Research Council in 1935, He 15 NG say, OL course, that alll? uonold the Constitution, but the “liberal”

came with some credentials as a research{ Negroes are Socialists or Communists,} fashion of permissiveness and the raw, ex-
physicist. He invented the cathode-ray] for they definitely are not. This is to] posed power of minority voting blocs have
compass, an aid to airplane pilots. The gen-4 say that in too many cases they are the packed more power than Bible-sworn prom-

No, 111-—-11 ; s


ises. Congress has often ylelded to the
revolutionary tides in these circumstances.

But there are other reasons why radicalism
hhas replaced common sense and realism in
dealing with our problems, the most im-
portant of which is the fact that this racial
revolution Is given—as much as possible—

mouflaze trappings of ‘legitimacy; of
democracy; of doing what is right; of going
with the flow of history. This illusion has
been made almost perfect by three decades of
liberal indoctrination. i Ws ee

It is not unusual for revolutionary ideas
to sweep up so-called “liberals” or progres-
sives. Short-cuts to some vague all-equal
socialist paradise appeal to many people who
honestly do not believe in authoritarian
government. The shortest short-cut to this
“paradise” is a social revolution in this
country. So Martin Luther King save “we

can't wait.” I'reedom now! As he proiesses
“llohi-violence,” he shouts that “we will

make the white power structure say ‘yes’
when it wants to say “0,7”

Why wait, indeed. The Russian _revolu-
tionaries said freedom was their goal, too.
And maybe it was. ‘The oppressed worker
was the Russian Revolutionary cause Just as
the Negro is advanced as today’s vehicle of
total change. But Russia no longer is revo-
lutionary; radically reactionary is the phrase
for the Kremlin. What happened to those
dreams of freedom? What happened to the

The trouble is that revolutionists are all
too human, Once in power they want to stay
in power, The way to stay in power is to
establish a dictatorship. Nothing is there to
stop them because the wave of revolution

‘has destroyed the checks and balances, the
institutions and traditions that could have
barred the way to totalitarianism, The Rus-

- slan worker was just a pawn of power.

This nation has avoided such social revo-
lutions and as a result freedom has endured
on these shores. Some inequities prevail,
but the best system of justice yet devised—
together with freedoms no other nation en-
joys—provide eventual outlets for most of
our troubles. The American way of dealing
with problems as they arise has been one of
calm, lawful evolution—not the revolution
we now are seeing.

What good will it do the Negro if, in com-
pelling a revolutionary equality for him, the
wider freedoms of all Americans—black or
white—are lost? The Russian worker had a
revolution made in his name, too, but in the
end only a deeper slaver as_his reward.
It can happen here. It is happening here.

(Mr. DEVINE asked and was given

permission to address the House for 1

minute, to revise and extend his remarks,

and to include several editorials.)

Mr. DEVINE. Mr. Speaker, the words
“unconscionable strike" are headlined in
the editorials of the New York Times.
The Washington Daily News, and Sena-
tor Wayne Morse, of Oregon, Chairman
of the Presidential Emergency Board,
express public concern in the pending
controversy between the International
Association ‘of Machinists and United,
Trans World, National, Eastern, and
Northwest Airlines. Similar editorials
have also appeared in other newspapers
across the Nation including the Wash-
ington Evening Star, Washington Post,
and the Wall Street Journal.

This crippling and unnecessary strike
has again emphasized the sterility of the
provisions of. the Railway Labor Act as


well as the efforts of emergency boards
appointed under this act to resolve labor
disputes in the transportation field.

To repeat what I said on July il, the
reports of the emergency boards have
never in my recollection been totally ac-
cepted by the parties to the dispute; in-
deed these reports, as in the present air-
line-IAM dispute, have served only as a
new basis to try to get substantially more
concessions irom management.

The President of the United States
should promptly exercise his great pow-
ers in an effort to persuade the IAM to
settle this strike within the reasonable
perimeter of the Emergency Board re-
port which L.B.WJ. described as “the
framework for a just and prompt setile-
ment.” The President should also ask
Congress for immediate legislation de-
signed to forbid any future strike in the
transportation industry under similar
circumstances as exist in the present
controversy which cause such 2 great in-
convenience to the public, including Viet-
nam veterans trying to get a few frantic
minutes’ leave at home.

I am today introducing a bill, H.R.
16189, identical to S. 3587, introduced by
Senator Frank Lavuscue, of Ohio, pro-
viding that whenever a labor dispute has
occurred in the vital transportation in-
dustry and after the Conciliation Service
and Mediation Board have exercised un-
successfully its power to bring about a
settlement, tLe President shall create a
Presidential Board that has the power to
make final decisions.

For the information of my colleagues
I am attaching copies of the editorials
from the New York Times, Washington
Post, Washington Evening Star, Wash-
ington Daily News, and the Wall Strect
Journal to be included as a part of my

[From the Washington Daily News, July 9,

By any standard, the strike of the Interna-
tional Association of Machinists against five
major airlines is unfortunate. As usual, it
is the public that suffers most. On that
ground alone the strike ought to be ended—
and speedily.

The union wants a bigger share of the in-
dustry’s Tecent substantial prosperity. It
blames “short-sighted” management for the
strike and declares its dissatisfied members
“have a right to strike." .

The employers, bargaining together for the
first time, point out that they accepted—
while the union rejected—as the basis for
settlement the recent recommendations of a
Presidential Emergency Board. President
Johnson called the recommendations “the
framework for a Just and proper settlement,
which is in the notional interest." The com-
panies say they liave sweetened the pot "by
an additional substantial offer above the
Board's proposals" that would exceed the
estimated $76 million cost of the recom-

These are the facts. What complicates
this—and very nearly every labor-manage-
ment relationship—are the intangible, the
human, the political considerations, One of
these is the union's announced determina-
tion to smash the Administration's 3.2 per
cont wace guidelines even tho the Presi-
dential Board's recommendations were in ex-
eess of that figure. They want to claim
credit for it themselves rather than having
the board do it for them.

Another factor is the union's internal po-

July 13, 1966

litical problem. The highly skilled me-
chanics, in a strong bargaining position he-
cause they are in short supply, object to
being grouped in the same unit with porters,
kitchen workers, ramp and store personnel.
They say the unskilled depress their wage
and working standards,

Asa result, IAM leaders, faced with a revolt
by militant mechanics and fearful of losing
them, apparently feel the neccssity for be-
ing more militant still.

But surely these political and intangible
considerations are not sufficient reason for
shutting down GO per cent of the domestic
trunk line industry, for depriving 150,000
daily passengers of air service at the start
of the vacation season and for disregarding
public opinion and the public interest.

Under Presidential prompting both sides
have agreed to resume negotiations. They
could do no less. We urge them to settle
thelr differences realistically and speedily.

[From the Washington Evening Star, July
11, 1966]

The International Association of Machin-
ists seems determined to press its strike
against five of the nation's major airlines to
the point where restrictive labor legislation
will become a matter of urgent national
policy. * :

The latest manifestation of the union's
“Public-be-damned" attitude was the an-
nouncement last night that IAM personnel
would be forbidden to service any aircraft
leased by the struck airlines to those still
operating. The leasing plan could, under
no stretch of the imagination, be considered
a strike-breaking move. The legitimate eco-
nomic pressure on the struck lines would

ave remained in full effect. The only re-
sult would have been to alleviate, in some
small degree, the crisis in the nation’s trans-
portation system, war effort and economic
life. Now, even that slender reed has been
snatched away.

Even before this latest ill-considered ac-
tion, the union put itself on shaky ground by
spurning every attempt by disinterested par-
tics to head off the strike. Every statutory
means of avoiding the crisis was passed up.
In addition, the union brushed aside the offer
of the National Mediation Board for bind-
ing arbitration. A presidentially appointed
emergency board headed by Senator Warne
Monse, probed the issues in dispute and came
up with a recommendation for wage increases
averaging 3.3 percent. The carriers accepted
the package; the union rejected it. Despite
the fact that the proposal exceeded the ad-
ministration’s economic guideposts, Presi-
dent Johnson hailed it as the basis for "a
just and prompt settlement.” The airlines’
final offer 4s even more liberal than the
proposals of the emergency board. But the
union walked out.

The union's main contention is that the
airlines are prosperous and that the workers
should share in that prosperity. 1t is true
that the airlines are prosperous. It is also
true that the union membership already
shares in that prosperity in the forra of high
wages and an ever-increasing number of jobs
available, But the suggestion that wage dis-
pute settlements should be based directly on
profits could be taken seriously only if ac-
companied by a@ proposal for a lower wage
package for the less prosperous of the carriers
and 2 decreased scale in the event profits
should slack off. The union has made no
such suggestion.

The threat of a strike and the strike itself
are legitimate weapons in collective bargain-
ing. But the thou,).\\ess, capricious use of
that weapon to crefntc voc in the nation's
economy can only increase the demand for
congressional action to curso abuses of union



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