Dublin Core
Box 19, Folder 6, Document 88
Text Item Type Metadata
September 21, 1966
A 2/c James R. Darris
AF 14904511
Det. 2, Com Doc AAUS
APO San Francisco 96273
Dear Airman Harris:
Iam most grateful for your taking the time to write
me your letter of September 17th and I would like to
add that it was most heartwarming to know that our
men in Viet Nam have such a fine insight into our
problems both internationally and locally.
Since you are an Atlantan, I know you will agree with
me’ that the reason we have not had this problem
before is because of the progress we have made in
Atlanta. I sincerely believe had it not been for an
outsider who cared nothing about the lives and property
of our people, this would have never happened.
I wish you God Speed in coming home safely.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.