Box 19, Folder 6, Document 89

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Box 19, Folder 6, Document 89

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Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404

May 12, 1966 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR

R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison


To: Mr. Duane Beck, Executive Director, Community

Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc.

Mr. Karl Bevins, Traffic Engineer

Mr. Henry Bowden, City Attorney

Mr. Charles L. Davis, Comptroller

Mr. Jack Delius, Parks General Manager

Mr. C. O. Emmerich, Administrator, Economic
Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.

Mr. Collier Gladin, Chief Planner

Mr. Stafford Graydon, Sanitary Engineer

Chief C. H. Hildebrand, Jr., Fire Chief

Mr. John Hall Jacobs, Library Director

Chief Herbert T. Jenkins, Police Chief

Mr. R. Earl Landers, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Ray Nixon, Chief of Construction

Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director, Atlanta
Housing Authority

Mr. Robert Sommerville, Chairman, Citizens Advisory
Committee for Urban Renewal

Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Director of Governmental Liaison

Mr. Paul Weir, V ater Department General Manager

Mr. William Wofford, Building Inspector

From: Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor

Subject: Services toSlum Areas

Several areas of our city continue to deteriorate in physical condition
and in human blight. These areas generally are encompassed in an
East-West swath through central Atlanta and are within 1 - 3 miles

of City Hall.

Urban Renewal has aileviated some of the worst slum areas nearer
downtown and several UR and Public Housing Projects underway at
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May 12, 1966

present will provide some relief for additional citizens, But these
past and current projeets have but scratched the surface when
considered in the light of total needs,

Realistically, wa can expect to move only as fast as financial
resources are av@ilable to cope with slum clearance and rehabili-
tation. With the completion of the Community Improvement Program
study, we hope to have a city-wide priority established and the basis
for adopting a total program and schedule of action in these blighted

resent conditions in many of these neighborhoods are intolerable,
The citizens who have the misfortune of economic failure or lack
of social status and are trapped in this environment must be given
relief at the earliest moment,

Therefore, and with full awareness of the City's lack of adequate
financial resources, shortage of labor and equipment, and ever
burdensome daily work load, I am requesting a cooperative and
coordinated attack on the conditions which exist in these slum areas,

In order to test the City's ability to increase and advance services
in these neighborhoods I am directing the Department of Planning to
immediately prepare a map for each departmental use listing a
priority of implementation, with initial action in neighborhoods of
greatest need.

The following actions are minimum requirements which must be
met by individual departments and/or cityerelated agencies:

1, Sanitation Department

Trash pick up twice a week,

Garbage pick up twice a week or three times if necessary,

Clean streets once a week,

Remove abandoned automobiles,

Coordinate with EOA to clean up vacant property and the
elimination of hazards to children at play.

2. Construction Department

Clean out storm drainage.
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May 12, 1966

Clean right of way of debris,
Grade and gravel unpaved streets,
Patch paved streets,

Pave streets on petition basis,

3. Building Inspector



The Building Inspector, according to the policy established
in the Housing Code Compliance Program, will in proposed
Urban Renewal areas:

a. Placard where warranted and seek demolition.

b, Correct hazards and coordinate with the Health
Department any unsanitary conditions (Example:
water standing in basements).

c. Reduce overcrowding - Liaison with Housing Authority
for relocation help.

d. Vacate unfit units.

e. Clean up premises.

In the remaining areas as designated on the Planning map,

step up housing code enforcement to the greatest extent
possible without deviating from the established policy.

Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance.

4. Parks Department


Equip and staff a massive recreation program using all
park and school properties and other land secured under
short-term lease. This should be coordinated with EOA
to secure funds and community support.

Maximum development of properly supervised day and
evening social activities and recreational programs
(Example: evening movies and possibly street activities).

Coordinate with Traffic Engineer the possible blocking
off of streets for recreational activities.
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May 12, 1966

5. Police Department

Improve police protection to residents and homes.
An expanded crime prevention program.
Increase traffic speed control efforts.

6. Fire Department
A. An expanded fire prevention program.

B. Investigate the possibilities of street showers for children
using fire hydrants on a weekday basis, weather permitting --
coordinate with the Water Department.

7. Traffic Department

Install speed control signs.
Survey area and provide stepped up street light maintenance

8. Planning Department

A. Inform Planning and Development Committee of Services
to Slum Areas Program in order to begin implementation
of a survey and planning application for the following
areas: Vine City, Blue Heaven, Cooper-Glenn and

9. Law Department

A. Determine accelerated legal methods of disposing of
junked cars, both on public and private properties.

B. Determine legal methods of forcing property owners
to clean up their vacant lots.

10. Library

A. The bookmobile schedule be increased and expanded in the
affected area,

B. Branch libraries located within this area be given maximum
support and attention.

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May 12, 1966

C. lLikyary coordination with such activities as Projects
Uplift and Headstart to promote and engg@urage maximum
use of library facilities.

11. Atlanta Youth Council

A. Coordinate the Summer Youth Opportunity Campaign
to provide the maximum number of jobs for young
people in private industry and the public agencies.

B. Cooperation with the City Parks and Recreation
Department, Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.,
and the Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc.
to monitor and recommend adequate playground and
recreation facilities in the target neighborhoods.

12, Mayor's Office

A. Coordinate public relations through Citizens Advisory
Committee for Urban Renewal, EOA, and the Community
Council giving weekly progress and status. (Bill Howland)

B. Coordinate activities of non-departmental agencies
(ZOA, Housing Authority, utility companies, private
groups, Federal and State and County agencies involved,
Youth Council, etc.). (Dan Sweat)

C. Coordination of total effort and City departmental
activities. (Earl Landers)

In order for maximum desired results to be achieved, we must all work
together. The Aldermen representing the Wards affected must monitor
the activities of their Ward, evaluate the effectiveness of services and

make prompt recommendations for changes or improvements,

It is recommended that non-departmental agencies designate a coordinator
who can devote full time to their coordinated program.

It is recommended that each department head appoint a department coordinator
to work directly in this area.

Implementation of this project in initial target neighborhoods will begin immediately.



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