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Box 19, Folder 11, Document 12
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Hote Mr. Allen, Mayor,
Atlanta, Ga.
' Dear Sirse
A femous American once said "A college education
never made BRAINS and he demonstrated this clain
with the following story: "A. T. Stewart, & big de-
martment-store merchant in New York, made a $1,666,000
@ year; he died leaving not one in the whole organization
capable of carrying on the business. A bank took it over,
put a judge at its head and he loss 4 million a year”. —
. Are you quite sure that Mr. Maddox is incapable of ©
being a successful governor? He seems to have made & succes
“ef his own business until Mr. Johnson comes in and tells
him how to run it?.
John Milton said: "Who overcomes by force
has overcome but half his foe".
He who ascends to mountain tops shalad find,
The loftiest peaks all wrapped in clouds and
. snow.
He who surpasses or subdues mankind,
Skall look down on the hate of those below.
Lord Byrone
Atlanta, Ga.
' Dear Sirse
A femous American once said "A college education
never made BRAINS and he demonstrated this clain
with the following story: "A. T. Stewart, & big de-
martment-store merchant in New York, made a $1,666,000
@ year; he died leaving not one in the whole organization
capable of carrying on the business. A bank took it over,
put a judge at its head and he loss 4 million a year”. —
. Are you quite sure that Mr. Maddox is incapable of ©
being a successful governor? He seems to have made & succes
“ef his own business until Mr. Johnson comes in and tells
him how to run it?.
John Milton said: "Who overcomes by force
has overcome but half his foe".
He who ascends to mountain tops shalad find,
The loftiest peaks all wrapped in clouds and
. snow.
He who surpasses or subdues mankind,
Skall look down on the hate of those below.
Lord Byrone