Dublin Core
Box 19, Folder 11, Document 74
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September 30, 1966
Dear Sirs
We were never as shocked in our lives as we
were when we read the cruel, childish, bigot remarks of
the Mayor of the "great" City of Atlanta in your state-
ment about the election of Lester Maddox as Democratic
Nominee for Governor.
You know by now that you are among the min-
ority who think the nomination of Lester Maddox for Gov-~
ernor is “deplorable", and as for the "seal of the great
State of Georgia® being tarnished, such was the case
when you were elected Mayor of Atlanta. On that date,
the “seal of the City of Atlanta was tarnished" upon
your becoming Mayor by the “colored” votes that elected
you. The White People of the State of Georgia have spoken
and you refuse to listen. Your opinion is only one
‘against millions. You are denying all Georgians the choice
of electing who they want to head the State. That, in our
opinion, is dietatorship. If you and Martin Luther King
are ashamed to be called Georgians, all we can say to you
is this, "There is no fenge around the State of Georgia
and you are free to leave whenever you want to“, and we
are sure no one would be seen crying when you go, except
your negro supporters. Maybe you can take them with you?
y \
We do not appreciate being called ignorant!
We make up our own minds, as do the majority of the
people, for whom we wish to vote. You have the same
right, but just because your "Golden Boy" didn't win,
you act like a selfish child. We lost our votes when
we voted for Mayor, too, but we didn't act like selfish
children about it, like you are doing now. Mr. Allen,
if you plan to "go fishing" on November 8th and Lester
Maddox wins, which he has a very good chance of doing,
you should keep your mouth shut and leave the choice up
to the voters. This is what you should have done this
time: We all know there is nothing worse than a poli-
tician who is lost, except a politician who sells his
soul for a vote. We realize you are in a vulnerable
position and that if you do not scream loud enough for
the colored votors to support you in a bloc type vote,
then you know you are lost as a politician.
YES, MR. ALLEN, we read your statement to
the press, and you have had your "say". Now, we, as
an independent group of people, not "backed" by any
organization, feel we have the right to our opinions
and to our choice as to who we want for Governor, AND
S. (2 jee.
a a
Dear Sirs
We were never as shocked in our lives as we
were when we read the cruel, childish, bigot remarks of
the Mayor of the "great" City of Atlanta in your state-
ment about the election of Lester Maddox as Democratic
Nominee for Governor.
You know by now that you are among the min-
ority who think the nomination of Lester Maddox for Gov-~
ernor is “deplorable", and as for the "seal of the great
State of Georgia® being tarnished, such was the case
when you were elected Mayor of Atlanta. On that date,
the “seal of the City of Atlanta was tarnished" upon
your becoming Mayor by the “colored” votes that elected
you. The White People of the State of Georgia have spoken
and you refuse to listen. Your opinion is only one
‘against millions. You are denying all Georgians the choice
of electing who they want to head the State. That, in our
opinion, is dietatorship. If you and Martin Luther King
are ashamed to be called Georgians, all we can say to you
is this, "There is no fenge around the State of Georgia
and you are free to leave whenever you want to“, and we
are sure no one would be seen crying when you go, except
your negro supporters. Maybe you can take them with you?
y \
We do not appreciate being called ignorant!
We make up our own minds, as do the majority of the
people, for whom we wish to vote. You have the same
right, but just because your "Golden Boy" didn't win,
you act like a selfish child. We lost our votes when
we voted for Mayor, too, but we didn't act like selfish
children about it, like you are doing now. Mr. Allen,
if you plan to "go fishing" on November 8th and Lester
Maddox wins, which he has a very good chance of doing,
you should keep your mouth shut and leave the choice up
to the voters. This is what you should have done this
time: We all know there is nothing worse than a poli-
tician who is lost, except a politician who sells his
soul for a vote. We realize you are in a vulnerable
position and that if you do not scream loud enough for
the colored votors to support you in a bloc type vote,
then you know you are lost as a politician.
YES, MR. ALLEN, we read your statement to
the press, and you have had your "say". Now, we, as
an independent group of people, not "backed" by any
organization, feel we have the right to our opinions
and to our choice as to who we want for Governor, AND
S. (2 jee.
a a