Box 19, Folder 11, Document 75

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Box 19, Folder 11, Document 75

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1725 Beecher Rd. S. We
Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Letters to the Pditor Pulse of the Public

The Atlanta Journal The Atlanta Constitution
atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia

Gent Iitien:

I am used to the newspapers telling me for whom I should
vote. Now I notice that the "leading" radio voice has broken its
long-standing policy against advocating eny candidate.

But I am appalled when leaders in the State, after an
election, lecture on how the people should have voted and openly
indicate they think that the registered voters should have no choice
except the choice they support.

But now there is something even more serious to me. The
mayor of Atlanta indicates that “he may go fishing on November 8
- thereby certifying that if his man isn't running he'll not vote.
Is this the way for any voter to feel? Is this the way for a leader
to express himself? I have always thought that in a'democracy the
only way the people express themselves was at the ballot box,
and that it was a ,vo cast @ ballot even if you weren't in com
plete sympathy with any candidate.

Yours truly,

ec to Mayor Ivan Allen


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