Box 19, Folder 15, Document 16

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Box 19, Folder 15, Document 16

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Re 1d ntial Voe School
THURSDAY, APR. 14, 1966
George A. ParKinson, director of the Milwaukee vocational school, recommended Wednesday that Milwaukee apply fot a federal grant
to establish a residential vo.
cational school which would
be much like a college campus.
The school would- include
dormitories and classroom
space for approximately 1,500
students between 15 and 21
years of age. ·
The total cost of construction and equipment, estimated at approximately five mil-
lion dollars, w o u 1 d be continued in the , vocational
financed by the federal gov- school budget with costs for
ernment, under Parkinson's outside students covered by
their communities.
Preliminary grant1, of $100 .
Parkinson said that "high
000 for planning and archite~tural services for the school ranking _officials" in the buare included in the 1967 fed- reau of vocational and adult
eral .fiscal bud.g et, he said.
education in the federal deParkinson said that under partment of health, educathe present_ law the govern- tion and welfare (HEW) sugment will finance all opera- . gested that Milwaukee would
tions of the school. However, be an "ideal place" for such
after a number of years, fed- a school.
The vocational education
eral participation in the project might dec~ease, he said. act of 1963 authorizes apThen the proJect would be propriations for construction,
City April Traffic
Hits New High
Milwaukee's downtown traf. lllonthl count of traffic on the
Y freeway taken ]a t
tions t his month and can only ast-West .
. s
be relieved 'through greater use Week, taJ11ed 9~,000 vehicles
of mass transit, Martin E. in a 24 hour period.
Bruening, city traffic engineer, Th·
rPassed the previous
said Wednesday.
high i~f
000, set last August.
· d owntown trafBruening said a reg u la r Brue ·ng' said
fie is risirlg b Y "leaps and
fie load has hit record propor- £
Council Urged
I' Buy 1
, 025
bounds" this year.
I> r
. 0 u 5 24 hour traffic
counte v 10 the East-West freeway s O 79,938 vehicles this
Janua~e_r:z,538 in February and
88,974 ~ n r,,tarch.
Many Cars"
h there 1s much const~UCti~~g dO~town, Br~ening
s~1d, th traffic overload 1s due
••too many cars "
The city election commission
Ply to
Wednesday recommended that ."it's like ttYin~ tto pour three
low bids for the sale or lease Pints of milk in
a quar t
of 1,025 voting machines to bottle," he saidMilwaukee be accepted by the 13 r
. 11 g suggested three
central board of purchases.
soiu/ en 1
of "f
The commission's recommen- • Gr ter use
dation, however, was contin- flyers ,;a articularly by those
gent upon a city attorney's of- Who
kp downtown.
. .L
fice review
to mak e cert am
4,e •
at.ed s y s t e m of
machines satisfy all legal re- Parit~ gradtl to "weed out the
an.d 1ng fees . ,,
ay parkel ·
Andrew L. Lehrbaumme_r, • l'
·f11ate cl o sin g of
city purchasing agent, and Wil- Wisc0he _ult~"'- from N. 8th st.
liam J . O'Malley, secretary of east t nsin btlt rnass transit and
this sign pos t e d b y some pran kster at
the. commission, said . that the deJive~ all
th8 turn-off road to the Stadium.
choice between outright pur- 13 Yaid in an inte
chase or lease of the machines vie,:Uening 5 rorists c o rn i n r-Sentinel Photo
- - - - - - - would be the task of the com- dow that 010 ilY cannot
Motorists traveling on the East-West expressway Wednesday were greeted with

C'.,y to A,·d State Dr,·ve
0 n 8 ars' 8 ack Sa Ie$ Tax
mon council. .
tpoinu;t~:ne :~ e Ct "J)Ortaf ;
rta.1 serv1.:.,,
.. v·
Lehrbaummer Tuesday acF
.,, flyers Help
cepted bids from the Shoup lie r~eW\ East-West freeVoting Machine Corp., Bala- way said th would have surCynwyd, Pa., and the Automat• passe~lreadYrated ca_pacity of
ic Voting Machine Corp., James- 5,00o its per hOUr m one di.
town, N. Y.
reqio c~rs sh hours except for
The city of Milwaukee hAS ' Local I i c ens in g boards 1in Mtlwaukee. sub1ect to coun- He rejected a bid from In- the fti. m r~/ flyers frorn the
M reewo. ·
enter, w
re ~d to rip ·i,
a . thrnt1ghout th~ state have been di appro ·al
Two Bids Accepted
equipment and operation of
these schools.
Sites for seven such institutions were 'selected two
years ago by the commissioner of vocational education.
These sites have now been
discarded and new sites will
~e selected this spring, Parkmson said.
Members of the Milwaukee
board of vocational and adult
education will vote on the
recommendation Apr. 22.
Parkinson said the school
would be exclusively for those
students whose home environ-
ment is not conducive to
study. He said that students
would probably have to be
recommended for admission
by the welfare department of
their county.
Parkinson stressed that the
students would not necessarily be "problem" children, but
persons from homes where
the parents were the problem
or other distractions are present.
The school would be seL up
on a regional basis with students from several states coming to Milwaukee for training.
12,721 See Braves Bow Again, 6-0
Bucs Win
On Law's
Sentinel Staff Writer
Atlanta, Ga.-It was an unproductive night !or the Braves
here Wednesday as they gave
a sad sack performance in bowing for the second straight time
to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
This time they were b lanked
on four hits, 6-0, and there was
positively nothing for the 12,·
721 fans to cheer about.
Cubs, 4-0
San Francisco, Calif. -
A' -
THURSDAY, APR. 14, 1966 Bob Bolin shut out Chicago on
Astros Rout
Koufax, 7-6
four hits Wednesday night as
the San Francisco Giants
carved out a 4-0 victory over
the Cubs.
The f I a m e throwing right
hander with the easy motion
struck out nine and walked
none. Only three times did the
Cubs get a man past first and
only once got more than one
man on base.
' -- i
�Complete Coverage of Braves Decision
Partly cloud y west, fair east
Thuriday. Highs mostly in
the f ifties, lower near the
lake. Maps, tables, page 2.


Circuit Judge Elmer W. Roll·
er Wednesday night ordered the
Braves back from Atlanta this
season unless the National
league expands and grants this
city a franchise for 1967.
He gave the league until
May 16 to sub m It a written
plan for expansion. He said ex·
pansion was feasible in the National league and that Milwau-
kee can support major league
The stay will expire on May
18 if no expansion plan is sul).
mitted. the court said. If the
plan is unsatisfactory, the stay
wi11 be lifted, the judge said,
and the court will take-- over
supervision of Braves games
here or appoint a board or commission to do so.
He also fined each of the defendants, the Braves, the league
and its other clubs, SS,000 for
violation of state antitrust laws.
The historic decision was announced after the judge and his
staff had worked 36 straight
hour~ to complete the 175 page
At the decision, near pandemonium broke out in the courtroom, filled with 150 persons,
including many newsmen who
raced through the courtroom to
111111111111111111 1111 11 1111111111111111111 11 111111 11 111 11111 111 111 111111111 111 11 1111
Lloyd Larson Group
To Run Club,
~h!u:!~ ~1
with an earlier decision by a
superior court in Fulton oount_v, Ga., which ordered the
Braves to play their games in
Judge Roller, County Judge
Marvin, Holz and several court
reporters started their marathon session in chambers
around 9 a.m. Tuesdav. The
decision was passed out to
Turn lo Page 9, Col. I
Someone yelled, "He's ordered the Bravei; back to MUwaukee!"
"We •.re rea.dy, wi\lin~ and Then it was wild ..
1~;e: M~:;u: l;si:;..:~:::~n::ht
Jn fact, lea<ling baseba~uf:°JleD.inti!~ !;,°dmm~~\ ::~:v;0
league president, Warren GIies,

~ ~~a~eh:sm=n t~;i~~ i~e t~!~:

many weeks in room 500of the courthouse was so much "batting" and
said the offers were not acceptable to the state.
"Alt I can say ls that there
was a discussion but no consummation," the 64 year old
judge said. 'Tve always been
in hopes of settlement."
(An informed source told The
Sentinel that the compromise
offered was an expansion franchise in 1968 or 1969.J
The decision was in conflict
Selig Says

,e; ~~!1j~:/:~:'.

J16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)1;Yt~=t~;na~i143.215.248.55
Later a spokesman for the
commissioner withdrew the
statement. He issued a new
statement by lhe commissioner
which said. "I have no comment
now. I will take it under advisement and make a comment
In discussing the decision
with reporters, Judge Roller disclosed that baseball had offered
to settle the suit before and
during the trial. However, he
It's Wild
Scene in
111111111111 111 111111111111 111 11111111111 11 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 1111
Decision Ends 1st Skirmish
In Fight That's Not Finished
The decision was con,;1dered
a complete victory for the state
in iu antitrust suit against
In New York city, Wilham D.
Eckert. baseball commissioner
said, "I have been infonned
that the Braves and the Nation·
al league and the other clubs
of the league intend to take an
immediate appeal from this
order to the Wisconsin supreme
franchise," Allan H. (Bud) Se.
~~11 7~~
lig declare~ Wedn~sda_y night telephones, c~u_tching the judge's
after Jearnm;; of C1rcu1t Judge 175 page dec1s1on.
Elmer W. Roller's decision.
Courtroom spectators jumped
~-l~=];~r:;\i~\r~~e~h~Ol~:~ bal• ; S_Plig,1~ho viCe·president ofl143.215.248.55nu~/~~e~~Sii:a~eee:_s and
If ~O, it Un be s,(d
•1,out fear
1ii:au~~:·~ tr;i:e:!I fn;;~ WU the f~i;t ff'action
a16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)r
~:;:~~ ;Baseball Club, lnc., 5aid:
~or~o143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)d:!~n
workout in history. Millions followed
"The Milwaukee Brewers ch,ion.
its pro~ and eagerly awaited the have applications pending be. Judge Roller had indeed or~a~~e;!ri~~=l~,Jt~<!'::i~[~C: hcaa;l~e~
made and surely will be appealed
Now what about its specific provisions? What are the odda
that they will be carried out?
Frankly, there appears to be very little chance of bringing
the Braves back to Milwaukee. I have the feeling that base;,nr~~i?.!it~!t143.215.248.55e~i:ty~~i;~·e; th an bow
fore both !~agues (the Ameri- ~:~~hi~!~~ t~e ~~:
can and National). We are m~st tional ]~ague submit~ a plan
happy and hopeful about bemg to. provide. an eJtpans1on franable to operate a team in Mil- chise here in 1967.
That first cry about the
"Both applications (for fran- Braves return was yelled b)'. a!

chi~s) have been take n under ~rn ; :0 5~~:;51ro:e
Not that eJtpansion is much more acceptable. All baseball advisement.
who had received the decision.
leaders and owners have made themselves very clear on that
"We feel we've taken the The only more or Jess formal
~i!!,.~; : 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST):i~~s\:er:;~b~~ei~eawn~e~~;
The best plan, to my way of thinking, would be for each
eJtisting team to name a reasonable number of untouchables
-say 15 or 16. From the other members of the regular roster
and the 15 minor league players under control, the expansion
necessary preliminary ateps so
th at we .are re~dy, willi~g a nd
able to immediately begm the
active running of a Milwaukee
announcement was made a few

,~~':. ! 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)neo/ ro143.215.248.55:r:tat!:

He read from the decision and
discussed the case with newsmen and spectators.
/~n:: 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)gnt~~
le~~;tw::~1dd:u~~:~t:;a:~~n!.ew clubs some quality and pro- lhe~l.ig·s !~f~h/at~ ~r\spe:~· ,da:~
tect them against the "growing pains" ex~rienced by the t~ ;nt~
to Milwauk~ gsinc; ~ letters had separated the
rl16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)
~;' c143.215.248.55;rn~ae~'ng~fsu~:~ off0 ~~ aa:uc~att1t~~t~~arf~: ~i::~~!Ela143.215.248.55.ounced ~he i


to a combmauon of good management and good luck.
On one side of the sign perCarlton P. Wil~on, president sons waited, ate oranges and
A sound expansion plan should include a reduction in reguJar rosters from 25 to 21 or 22, thus making three or four or. the Greater M1lv.:a~kee com- drank coffee. On the other side
extra players available. Many such fringe players have the rn1ttec, a . local, CIV!C ,,roup, they worked.

~~::t"1~et~: ~:~;u~_y,e Judges ruling won-1w~~k~;:~srsdeci:i:~e Roller

"I was ju~t getting in fro!!' "I've had two child~n," said
Along with a workable expansio~ system, the situation calls ~ew York cny when ,,the ?ect- Atty. Gen. Bronson C. La Fol- 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)'t
~~ti143.215.248.55f;~~i:t f~! l~~!e143.215.248.55o~!1,i~s°~! ~e ~:~a~ri!t~
a~= 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST).ounced, Wilson
·:~ta:~i!i~~i/?r them
Robert A. Uihlein, Jr., pres\- Five National Broadcasting
and shinmg.
Thia ii a critical period in the grand old sl)Ort's history. dent of the Jos. Schiltz Brew- Co. newsmen hadsleptoncourtProblems seem to be mounting. But they can be solved. Let's
Turn to Page J4, Col. 2
room benches Tuesday night
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ waiting for the decision. A local
hope the necessary give and take spirit prevails.
Turn to Page JO, Col. l
• Roller orders expansion. Ready to run club, says Selig.
Wild scene in courtrooom. Baseball offered a deal. Larson says
it's only a battle. Page I.
• League leaders comment on order. Page 7.
• "I did my best," says Rolle r. Page 5.
• Roller's conclusions and partial text on Page 6.
• Stadium holds memories. Many legal declslons in
Brave, shifts. Celler hails deicsion. Tavern patrons' reaction.
Page 7.
• Family unable to slow judge. Page 8.
• Pictures on Pages l , 6 and 7 and Page I, Part 2.
• Other stories in SPorts Section.
Today's Feature Index
Amusements Page IO, Part
Page 6, Part
Business newa
Pages 5-8, Part
Classified ads
Pages 9-13, Part
..... Page 6, Part
Page 12, Part
Editorial features
Pages 12-13, Part
Personalities in the news
Page 3, Part
Social security
Page 5,
Pages 2--4,
Page 5,
Today in the news
Page 2,
World in brief

Page 5,
World of women
Part 1..
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part I.
Part 1.
Part 3.
BUCHWALD: "Throw No Curves"
..... Page
.. Page
RIESEL: How Ship Boycott Works
BISHOP: Sports Fan Browses
......... Page
WILSON: JFK Film ls Applauded..
JAMIE: Resting and Reassessing .................. Page
5, Part
12, Part
13, Part
13, Part
13, Part
.Traffic Deaths
Definition of that uneasy
feeling: Some of us don't
know what we want but we
fee l sure we don't have it,
Baseball Offered City
Club in '68 or '69
Baseball offered Mi lwaukee an eJtpansion club in
1968 or the following year if
Wisconsin would drop its antitrust suit aga i nst the
Braves and the National
I eague, an authoritative
source told The Milwaukee
Sentinel Wednesday night.
Circuit Judge Elmer W.
Roller, however, said the settlement offers were unacceptable to the state and
turned them down.
"Expan5ion in 1967 is impossible," the source said.
"However. expansion, including in Milwaukee, ha~ been
discussed for either 1968 or
1969 by important baseball
"They spoke in terms of
expansion before 1970," the
source added, "probably · in
1968 but more likely the following year.
"In any event it wouldn't
happen earlier than 1968 and
by I970atthe latest."
B a s e b a I I Commissioner William D. Eckert is understood to have sat in on
the discussions.
Warren Giles, president of
the National league, and Nat\onal league owners disclaim
any knowledge or laat minute
efforts by baseball to avert

~~itru":tsguit_in Wisconsin's

"There was no offer by
baseball," Giles claimed.
However, Judge Roller revealed that baseball offered
A tired Judge Elmer W. Roller mariaged a faint smile
Wednesday night and his face showed a growth of bHrd
as he emerged from his chambers in the courthouse to
annolll'\CI his decision to
r•p:~::; Pbo!o bi· aoi.." L
Dock Accord May Bring Vessel Back 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST);·
Becau':: !:':~e143.215.248.55e water!!::n:i:da/;y e;e1~!a1t~~ :; 1. :: : : i~o~i~rc:~:m;~te~ec143.215.248.55
front labor agreement, the sea-;cargo at the Milwaukee port. whether the Milwaukee agree· tern for eight other Great Lakes
l'?n's first oce~n ship to ar- 1 Terminal operators agreed t 0 1ment will be approved as a pat- ports where ILA locals have
rive at Jones island was ex·iresumc cargo handling Thurs- tern for Great Lakes ports.

been negotiating

pected to r~turn here Thursday day instead of next Tuesday if ratified at a meeling Thurs-I John Brzek ·secretary·lreas-
!~e s143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)s::,e ~~itth~s;;tav: to~;l:g:e;:e:r:tween the! 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)d t~~t~:y~ aa143.215.248.55r:e \~:io!,~!~e~fh~ab{g:b143.215.248.55d~: reJ;~~! ury. of the Joc~l, said union ne~
~~re~~;~:::i ~e~:::t~• 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)~;;:~~tnr~na\t~:~::i t1 l:~~heo;:~~n~n !!ro~ :rn~n!ih~~:~~ l~:::~;~~:igOll~:;~ : ~a;:c7;;:~.d6 a
�Thursday, A~ril 14, 1966

tntire Family . ON STAGI

hlrdiy-10:30, U0
• -·~t~:w.:.,./:i
<f•d />HJ .. OdOR •.. "



-·~d~ ,i,.

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IEATRE $1.50, $2
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urt Theatre
iltl W. P"OlldduLac,,U.
'mohs as
'Throw No Curves,' LBJ Told Hubert
Washington, D. C-Vice-Presldent Humphrey threw out the
first ball of the baseball season at the District of Columbia
stadium Monday. How and why the vice-president was chosen
for this important task can now be
revealeC:. The vice-president was
home when he received a call from
the president.
"Hubert, I'm sorry to bother you."
"Oh, that's all right, Mr. President.
Muriel and I were just going over
the plans for our new $750,000
"Fine. Hubert, 1 have a job that
I can only entrust to you."
"You want me to go back to Vietnam and talk to the Buddhists?"
"No, Hubert. H's trickier than that.
I want you to go out to D. C. stadium and throw out the first ball of the baseball season. An
you up to it?"
Yes, sir, Mr. President. Does that mean you' re not going?"
That's right. If I go out there and throw out the first ball,
that means I'll commit myself to the Washington Senators
team, and after Hawaii I'm not about to commit myself to
" I think you're wise, sir. If Washington loses, you can
always blame it on me."
"There are a couple of things, Hubert. Where were you
going to throw the ball?"
Where do you want me to throw It, sir?"
Social Security
"Throw it towards, first base."
That's exactly where I thought I'd throw it."
Specific questions of .rener- advise you to secure some
a l interest wm be answered proof of your age which was
by per&onnel in the Mtlwau·
kee •ocia! security office ev- established before your l lth
ery Monday and Thursday in birthday. Suggest you visit
The Milwaukee Se1ttinel. Send your nearest office for more
questions to Your Social Se- information on the new regucurity, The Sentinel, 918 N.
-4th st, Milwaukee, Wis. lations regarding proof of age.
53201. Questions which a r e ~ - - - - - - not ponible t ,o we in the co!um,t wilt be answered by mail
You may also obtain informat ion by vi.titing the social H·
curity offices at 342 N. Water
&t. or 4331 W. Oklahoma av.
"And don't put a curve on lt. If I threw it, they'd expect a
curve, but I think you'd look better if you threw it straight."
"I've got you, sir. What's the White House policy as fa r
as the Was hington Senators are concerned?"
"You can say we support them, that we, of course, would
like them to win, but it isn't enough just to win. There muat
also be social and economic reforms fo r the players. We want
nothing for ourselves. We Just want them to be happy and to
decide their own destiny without outside interference."
"'That makes sense, Mr. President. I'll draft a speech to
that effect."
"You'd better not make it a speech, Hubert. They're su~
posed to play in the afternoon and ii you spoke they might be
forced to play a night game."
"I guess you're right, sir."
"One more thing, Hubert. Don't offer the Washington team
any financial aid. I know how you get carried away."
"I won't, sir. I learned my lesson in India."
"You can take my helicopter, Hubert, and 1'11 send Jack
Valenti along with you. He can help you throw out the ball."
"I'd appreciate that, sir. Jack can be very helpful at times
like this."'
"Well, that's about it, Hubert. I'll be watching you on TV
and I know you're going to make a throw that will long be
"I'll put everything I've got behind it, Mr. President."
" I did the best I could," Circuit Judge Elmer W. Roller
to ld a reporter Wednesday
night after the re lease of his
Wildcat Strikes Close More Mines
decision in Wisconsin's antiBy Sentinel Stoff Writer
Pittsburgh, Pa. - Soft coal miners trickled back to work in trust suit against the Braves
Atlanta, Ga. - No anparts of the midwest and south, but rebellious roving pickels and the National league.
nouncement of Ju d g e Elspread through eastern Kentucky Wednesday, closing nonThe judge smiled His eyes mer W. Roller's decision
union mines in the third day of a mass coal strike. The latest were swollen and a stubble of was made at the Bravesmine closings came as union and management officials re- beard was on his face as he Pittsburgh game in Atlanta
sumed contract talks in Washington in an attempt to end the gave his thoughts on the case. Wednesday nighL
wildcat walkout which has cut off much of the nation's soft
The decision came to re"It Is my hope this decision
coal production.
will bring baseball to the con- porters in the press box by
ticker and telephone, but
ference table.
there was no announcement
Hope Envisioned in Married Priests
I've examined over 100 dif- to the crowd, no r was it
Chicago, Ill. _ An official of the Pan American Union said ferent plans to put before base- flashed on the Braves-0Wednesday he believes that the ordination of married men ball before making my deci• Gram electric sign.
would help solve an acute shortage of priests in Latin Amer- sion. I don't know what effect
The decision came durica. John McAdams, director of publications for the union in my decision will have on baseing the ninth inning.
Washington, D. C., told the 63rd annual convention of the ball.
National Catholic Educational association that the "grave
"Its success depends on
economic and social problems faced by the Latin American how seriously baseball
was announce<! shortly before
countries a lso are found in their spiritual life." McAdams takes it.
9 p.m. Wednesday.
sad the Vatican II council has assisted in the solution of those
was a superhuman task.
problems by authorizing that married men may be ordained
After the announcement, he
as deacons.
"I wished to hell many
times I could have got out greeted spectators cordially.
of this."
Hamilton Need Not fear Draft Board
The judge wo re an unPops Concert
Washlngton, D. C. - Selective service officials Wednesday wrinkled white shirt. His tie
rated as virtually nil the chance that movie star George Ham- was tight and pinned.
The Milwaukee Pops youth
ilton might be drafted, unless there is a feature of his case
and the Milwaukee Pops
not known at national headquarters. Hamilton, who has been
dating President Johnson's older daughter, Lynda, and gave decision since last Thursday. cadet band will perform at
He worked 21 hours Mon- 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the new
her a friendship ring. has been in draft status 3-A since 1962
because of a dependent mother. Tl,ere have been reports that day. He then returned to his Nathan Hale high school,
his deferred draft status might be withdrawn, but officials chaml>ers at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday 11601 W. Lincoln av., West
in Washington said they knew of no basis for such an action. and worked until the decision Allis.
From Sentinel Wire Services
found out it was not on file.
I know I'll need some proor
of my age when I file for my
social security benefits. Any
A. B., Milwaukee.
A. :;~p~!~J1 ~~ \1~~i
OMEGA Watches

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'I Did the Best I Could'
World in Brief
N. Water
Q, :~e:~1:t~ t=~o gne~
The judge thanked everyone
for bearing with him during
delays in announcing the decision.
Judge Roller said he wanted
to announce the decision
Tuesday before the Braves
opening game in Atlanta, but
it wasn't ready, he explained.
The 64 year old jurist said
he plans to "sleep a little later
"Then I might take a couple
of clays off to visit my
brother," he said.
He admitted that he had felt
some pressure from "mostly
baseball fans" d u ring and
after the trial.
"I got the nicest letters
from people in Atlanta. I
don't wish them any bad
luck," he said.
w, "'"
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What Judge Roller Said
The conclLtSions drawn by Circuit Judge Elmer W. Roller in
his decision in the Braves case:
Excerpts From Decision
Excerpts from the decision
ha n de d down by Circuit
Judge Elmer w. Roller:
. . . Concededly the case
is novel, but that does no t
mean that it can possess no
legal merit. I presents unusual and perplexing questions which arise from a
business which in modus
operandi occupies an unusual
pos.itlon in the economy of
the nation. The question is
hardly whether an identical
factual situation has b e e n
adjudicated but
whether the facts presented
here constitute a violation of
the S~te·s Antitrust I aw s
within applicable principles
of law.
The tenn, organized baseball refers to "the many professional clubs a n d leagues
which have subjected themselves to the jurisdiction of
the Commissioner c:,f Baseball
and have contracted with one
another to abide by certain
rules and regulations."
•.. The claim that organized baseball is a monopoly
is fully supported in the
Its economic control is
achieved principally by
agreements, viz., (a) the Constitution and Rules of t h e
National League of Professional Baseball Clubs .
(b) the National Le a g u e
Agreement to which ea c h
Major League and all member clubs are parties, and
(c) the Major League Rules,
promulgated pursuant to the
agreement and binding upon
both Leagues, their member
clubs and players.
... The reserve clause Is
good for the whole life of the
The effect of the Uniform
Player's Contract and the
Major League Rules by
which the player agrees in
his contract to be bound are:
(I) A player wishing to
p 1a y professional baseball
must sign a contract with a
professional baseball club:
(2) The terms of that contract commit the player to
being reserved for a period
during a term for which he
is not under contract and to
an indefinite number of renewals of his contract;
(3) A player who fails to
contract, who violates his
contract or reservation may
be placed on the restricted
or disqualified list and be ine 11 g i bl e to play for any
league in organized baseball.
. . . The interrelated
rules and agreements created a monopoly of the market (territorial franchises)
and over the raw material
of the business (the right to
the services of baseball players).
From the very outset of
the case the court has been
met with a continuing challenge to its jurisdiction. Defendants assert that because
of the unique nature of the
12,721 SEE
The Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Braves before
only 12,721 persons in Atlanta Wednesday night, 6
to 0. The stadium in Atlanta
has 51,377 seats. Details in
sports section.
baseball business, because of
its national scope and character, it requires a uniform,
national system of regulation. . . . Their jurisdictional
objections rest on the fed·
era! decisions holding that
organized professional baseball is not within the scope of
the Sherman Antitrust Act,
and in progression t he y
maintain that the business
is not amenable to state
. . For reasons previously considered. the court
was and is of the opinion
that the f e de r a 1 decisions
are not conclusive of this
In seeking to recover a forfeiture the State has a pecuniary interest in the lawsuit
and is the real party in interest and, in the court's
o p i n i o n, If the injunctive
remedy was the sole relief
sought the State would be the
real party in interest in
bringing the action to en·
force the antitrust laws in
its sovereign and governmental capacity as the statute directs. The possibility
that the County of Milwaukee or private citizens may
incidentally be benefited by
this action does not nullify
the State's real party in interest status or convert the
action to a private lawsuit
between individuals.
From a review of the record
the court concludes that the
financial success of a Major
League baseball operation in
a community and the determination of whether the economic situation in such com•
munity is such that It can and
will support the continued
operation of baseball can be
made only on the basis of and
in terms of a reasonable period of time.
Mr. Lou Perini moved the
Braves to Milwaukee in 1953.
He continued to own the
Braves until November 26,
1962, when the club was sold
to its present ownership.
Mr. Perini had acquired the
club in 1945. It was in very
bad financial straits. He paid
very little for it other than to
assume certain liabilities in
the amount of $305,000 and to
pay for the organizational
costs in the amount of $6,508.
Consequently the total purchase price was $311,508.
. . . Although the record
does not reveal the exact
measure of the financial success of the Perini operation
in Milwaukee, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that
it was exceedingly lucrative.
The court is satisfied that
the effect upon Braves' attendance by the introduction
of Major League baseball in
the Minneapolis-St. Paul area
was infinitesimal. Likewise
the contrast presented by the
argument that Milwaukee's
contribution to the League's
tow attendance d r opp e d
from 20 per cent for the
period of 1953 to 1960 to 8 per
cent in 1961 to 1964 is misleading. It Ignores the fact
that the team's standing had
never been below s e c o n d
place during the first period
and it was in fourth and fifth
and sixth place in the second
period. It ignores the fact
that the league was expanded
to ten teams and that two
competitive t e a m s were
transferTed to the populous
areas of Los Angeles and San
The Court has already
noted the reasonable explanation for the failure of local
residents to invest substantially in the Braves stock.
There is also some evidence
that stock offered by Perini
at $12.25 a share in 1961 had
dropped to $3.375 in 1962
which fact may well have
been reflected in the attitude
of local investors in 1963.
There is no doubt that
there were some differences
and problems concerning both
the lease and sale of television rights.
However, there is evidence
that in July of 1964, County
Executive John Doyne inquired of Mr. {William C.)
Bartholomay whether the r e
was anything that the Braves
wanted changed in the lease.
At that time the lease had one
year to run. Doyne testified
that Bartholomay stated that
the contract was satisfactory.
This is confirmed by Mr. McHale's testimony to the extent
that he stated that they were
satisfied with the percentage
rentals, but for them to at·
tempt to change several annoying problems would create
bad public relations.
... The record does not
justify giving serious consideration to the claim of problems with reference to the
Some concern was expressed relative to an un·
favorable political climate in
Milwaukee by several of the
members of the National
League. . . . All was directed towards Mr. (Eugene
H.) Grobschmidt except for
one other instance.
Some of the statements of
the Chairman of the County
Board were brash and offend·
ing and in one instance constituted a "low blow," as the
p r e s s aptly described it.
There is no proof in the record that the statements of
Mr. Grobschmldt evinced or
created a political situation...
Now In regard to an unfriendly press.
P e o p I e in baseball, like
people in any other public
business, cannot (and indeed
the record herein indicates
that they do not) expect to
be without the critical com·
m e n t of an independent
There are two daily newspapers in Milwaukee, one is
a morning paper, the other
an evening paper.
The record in this case
demonstrates that Major
League baseball was covered favorably by the newspapers in Milwaukee.
. . . Neither can it be
said in the face of these circumstances that the c iv i c
leaders of Milwaukee and
Wisconsin did not lend their
full measure of support to
the team. The record will not
support a conclusion that the
public officials were unfriendly to the Braves.
During the decade between
1950 and 1960, Milwaukee has
grown faster than any of the
older, well-established Major
League areas of the northwest and midwest; only the
western cities and Washington, D. C. have exceeded its
rate ot growth. Projections
for the 1960-1980 period for
Milwaukee range from 0.8 to
. . . Wisconsin's growth
rate during 1960-1980 is ex-
pected to grow faster than
most states in which there
are Major League teams.
The several owners whose
depositions were read upon
this trial are substantially in
agreement that the Major
Leagues will expand. They
assert, however, that expansion is not feasible at the
present time. They say there
is a shortage of players. 1lle
Court is satisfied, however,
from the testimony of former
Commissioner Ford C. Frick,
Mr. William L. (Bill) Veeck,
Mr. (Bobby) Bragan, field
manager of the Braves, and
also from the testimony of
Mr. (Warren) Giles and Mr.
(Walter) O'Malley, that there
are sufficient baseball players to stock a team in Milwaukee.
I. The defendant corporations have violated Section 133.01
of the Wisconsin Statutes (1963) in the following respects:
a. Having agreed among themselves to control and allocate professional baseball players, to assign to the respective
corporate defendants exclusive territorial rights and privileges respecting the exhibition of professional Major League
baseball games, and to limit the number of members in the
National League of Professional Baseball Clubs of which
the defendants are all the constituent members, they have
now agreed to transfer the site of Major League baseball
exhibitions from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Atlanta, Georgia,
with the result that trade and commerce within the State
of Wisconsin have been substantially restrained.
b. They have combined and conspired among themselves
to monopolize the business of Major League professional
baseball within the State of Wisconsin.
2. The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs Is
and has been the means and instrumentality by which the
corporate defendants have engaged in the practices referred
to in Paragraph 1 hereof.
3. By means of the practices outlined In Paragraph l hereof the corporate defendants and their counterpart members
of the American League of Professional Baseball Clubs have
acquired monopolistic control of all available ball players of
Major League caliber with the result that the granting of per·
mission from one of the said leagues in the form of a franchise to operate a Major League baseball team is necessary
for any person to engage in the business of professional Major
League baseball.
4. The corporate defendants' monopolistic control of Major
League professional baseball requires the defendants to exercise reasonable control and to follow reasonable procedures
In the issuance ot memberships in the National League of
Professional Baseball Clubs and in the definition of sites for
baseball exhibitions and as respects the transfer of memberships.
5. The transfer by the corporate defendants of the franchise in the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs
from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the refusal to issue a replacement franchise allowing the exhibition of Major League
baseball in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was an unreasonable exercise of the monopolistic control of the business of Major
League professional baseball and was in violation of Section
133.0J, Wisconsin Statutes.
6. The refusal of the National League and the failure of
the American League to issue a franchise to Milwaukee
county or the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, Inc., was
a concerted refusal to deal in restraint of trade and commerce within the State ot Wisconsin in violation of Section
133.01, Wisconsin Statutes (1963).
7. This court hu jurisdiction over all of the parties and
of the subject matter hereof.
8. The State of Wisconsin is the real party in interest in
this action. The Attorney General and the Corporation Counsel
of Milwaukee County were authorized to bring this action
under the statutes of the State of Wisconsin, Teams, Inc., the
Greater Milwaukee Committee and other private citizens in
Wisconsin were entltled to inform the Attorney General
of alleged violations of Section 133.01, Wisconsin Statutes
9. That by reason of said violation of Section 133.01 aald
defendants and each of them has incurred a forfeiture provided by Statute.
10. That the plaintiff is entitled to judgment against said
defendants and each of them in the sum of SS,000 with costs
and disbursements.
11. That the plaintiff Is entitled to the JnjuncUve relief
prayed for in its complaint.
12. That the defendant Milwaukee Braves, Inc., now known
as Atlanta Braves, Inc., and all other defendants herein,
shall be and they are hereby restrained and enjoined from
playing the home championship schedule of the defendant
Milwaukee Braves, Inc., now known as Atlanta Braves, Inc.,
in any city or place other than in the County of Milwaukee,
State of Wisconsin, at County Stadium; provided that:
I.) This order shall be stayed, under the continuing jurisdiction of the Court to the 18th day of May, 1966, and may
thereafter be extended in the event that the defendants
shall, prior to 12:00 o'clock noon, C.S.T., on the 16th day of
May, 1966, submit to this Court a written plan or plans for
expansion of the defendant National League of Professional
Baseball Clubs so as to permit Major League baseball to be
played at County Stadium with the City of Milwaukee a1 its
"home," effective with the playing season for the year 1967:
2.) Such expansion shall contemplate the granting of a
National League fra~1.hise to the County of Milwaukee or to
such qualified third parties as shall be interested In acquiring a National League franchise, and will advise the Court
of such fact.
3. ) The Court reserves jurisdiction in connection with any
such plan or plans untH the same may be consummated between the ultimate parties.
4.) So that there will be no misunderstanding, the stay
herein granted will expire at 12:00 o'clock noon, C.S.T., on
May 16th, 1966, if no such plan is submitted within said
time. Likewise, the stay, or any extension thereof granted on
the strength of any plan submitted, will be terminated by
the Court in the event the Court concludes that the plan is
5.) The defendant. Milwaukee Braves, Inc., now known as
Atlanta Braves, Inc., will perform its home games In the
County of Milwaukee under the supervision ot the court and
such board or commission hereinafter appointed by the
(Signed Elmer W. Roller)
Circuit Judge
Dated; April 13th, 1966.
No formal agrttment is
necessary to constitute the
unlawful conspiracy, nor is it
material to prove that the ultimate object of the combination Is to restrain trade, if it
in fact does unreasonably do
. . . Even if the shutdown
of baseball in Milwaukee was
not intended to restrain trade,
the decisions to transfer, not
to expand, and to refuse to
deal with the Milwaukee market would nevertheless be illegal efforts to protect and
extend the power of an existing monopoly.
Even if Organized Baseball
is a self-regulating monopoly
enjoying some kind of privileged position under the antitrust laws, actions charged
are nevertheless actionable
restraints of trade and abuse
cl monopoly power. The violation here concerns the
abuse by the monopoly of its
power in a manner which
will have the effect to re-strain trade and commerce
within this State. The assumption of the reasonableness of the agreements by
w h I c h ocganlzed baseball
maintains its internal control,
as those agreements affect
people within the structure of
Organized Badeball, do not
sanction the monopoly to restrain trade and commerce
outside of baseball.
. . . The Sherman Act provides that the several district
courts of the United States
are invested with jurisdiction
to prevent and restrain violations of the Sherman Act.
. .• A recurring defense argument and, in fact. an affirmative jurisdictional defense is that the action by
the State of Wisconsin attempts to compel the defendant to continue to do business
in the State in violation of
the Federal Constitution. Defendants ask in what posi•
tion does the state find itself
in attacking the monopoly
and then asking for it to
come back to the state?
In the court's opinion the
plaintiff presents a legally
adequate answer to that defense. Plaintiff states that
there are two solutions to
the question. One is to dissolve the monopoly, void the
uniform player contract and
re-establish competition. The
other is to let baseball continue to enjoy the internal monopolistic prerogatives
which it deems necessary for
the continuance of top level
competition in Major League
baseball but to require them
by court decree to respond
in a responsible and reason-
Willard Stafford, ,peci.,I counsel for the
state of Wisconsin in the antitrust suit
against the Braves and the National
league, showed his feelings Wednesday
night after reading highlights of the
decision of Circuit Judge Elmer Roller.
able manner in matters pertaining to the transfer and
allocation of franchises. The
state asserts that it has elected the latter course which
presents two primary factua l
issues: (a) whether the decision of the owners, the National League, made in October and November of 1964,
was a responsible and reasonable decision or was arbitrary or even capricious
and whether the refusal of
the league to deal, to grant
an expansion franchise was
arbitrary, (b) whether or not
the self-regulated monopoly
has accorded all interested
parties due process.
Findings of Foci
Milwaukee County is unable to secure as a tenant for
Milwaukee County Stadium a
Major Le a g u e professional
baseball team playing its
home games on the championship schedule in Milwaukee
County Stadium.
The termination of the exhibition of Major League
baseball games in Milwaukee
County Stadium prevents the
sale at Major League professional games in Milwaukee
County Stadium of substantial amounts of food, beverages and merchandise.
The termination or the exhibition of Major League
baseball games in the Milwaukee County Stadium restrains and prevents the sales
of commodities and services
by restaurants, hotels, motels,
taxis and other transportation facilities to spectators
who would attend Major
League professional games at
Milwaukee County Stadium.
The termination of t.he exhibition of Major League professional baseball games at
Milwaukee County Stadium
prevents the Milwaukee newspapers, radio stations and
television stations from print·
ing, broadcasting and telecasting Major League professional baseball games at
Milwaukee County Stadium.
The termination of the exhibition of Major League
baseball games at Milwaukee
County Stadium eliminates
the competition for spectators which heretofore existed
between the Milwaukee County Stadium and Wrigley Field
and Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois.
The termination of the exhibition of Major L e a g u e
baseball games at Milwaukee
County Stadium eliminates
the competition which heretofore existed between television and radio stations located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
and Chicago, Illinois, for the
Major League audience in
Southern Wisconsin and
Northern Illinois.
In the absence of a Majo r
League baseball club playing its home championship
schedule of games in Milwaukee County Stadium, the
State of Wisconsin, County of
Milwaukee, and City of Mllwaukee will be deprived or
substantial tax revenues previously levied upon the sales
of food. beverages and souvenirs at the exhibition of
Major League baseball
games at Milwaukee County
The termination of the exhibition of Major League
baseball games in Milwaukee
br Ra.Loh
County Stadium will deprive
the public, within commuting
range of said Stadium, of the
economic and recreational
benefits of the exhibition or
Major League professional
championship baseball games
at Milwaukee County Stadium.
The defendants and the
American League and its
member clubs, the National
Association of Professional
Baseball Leagues, the member leagues and member
clubs of the aforementioned
National Association, have an
economic monopoly over the
exh i bi tio n of professiona l baseball. The Constitution
of the National League
grants unlimited power and
discretion to determine the
location of a franchise; provides it no objective standards for determining whether
or not to grant a request for
a transfer of a franchise,
and contains no rules of procedure which would accord
the city, county or state
from which any such proposed transfer would be
made, an opportunity to be
During the period 1953-1962
the National League Baseball
Club of Milwaukee, Inc., the
corporate predecessor of d~
fendant Milwaukee Braves,
Inc., eamed more than $7,500,000 before taxes fro m
baseball operations. In 1962
the Braves' franchises, player
contracts and other assets
carried on the books at approximately $322,000 were
transferred from Nation a I
League Baseball Club of Mil·
waukee, Inc., ultimately to defendant Milwaukee Br aves,
Inc., for $6,218,480. As a result of said transfer, National
League Baseball Club of Milwaukee, Inc., realized gain of
approximately $5,583,000 give
or take $1,000,000. During
the above period salaries of
$-445,000 were paid to the
Perini family and dividends ot
$300,000 were paid to the Perini Corporation.
Over the five year period
1960-1964 on a cash basis the
Braves and their corporate
predecessors realized total
income of $836,900. The
Braves reported to their share-holders net losses of $43,378
in 1963 and $45,270 in 1964.
Net income from operations
was reported as $82,393 in
1953 and $104,730 in 1964 .
These net Income figures were
reduced by interest expense
on funds borrowed t.o purchase the Braves of $125,771
and $150,000 respectively tn
arriving at the net loss figures. In 1964 $48,800 of expense in connection with relocation of the franchise were
charged against income.
Had scouting expenses been
capitalized as were player acquisition a n d development
costs as sound accounting
methods would require, the
Braves would have shown a
net income of approximately
$170,000 in 1963 and $151,000
in 1964.
The Braves net receipts
from the sale of radio and
television broadcasting rights
compare favorably with the
net receipts of the defendant
clubs that submitted figures
to this court.
During the period from
1953 through 1965, the Mil·
waukee Braves, Inc. and its
corporate predecessors had
a total home paid attendance
of 19,551.163. This was greater than any club in either
Major League with the exception of the defendant, Los
Angeles (Brooklyn) Dodgers.
The average annual attend·
ance for this period in Mil·
waukee was over 1.5 million.
This average was the second
highest of any club in either
league. The attendance level
was 31 % more than the average of teams in the defend·
ant National League and 52%
higher than the average for
teams in the American
League. Milwaukee home attendance increased from 773,·
818 in 1962 to 910,911 in 1964,
despite the rumored relocation of the franchise to Atlanta, Georgia. The level of
Attendance in 1965 was not
representative, due to the
fact that the franchise was
to be relocated In Atlanta,
Georgia for the 1966 season.
The Braves were financially successful during the time
It operated a National league
baseball club in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee has the demographic economic and population characteristics necessary
to support a Major League
baseball club. Milwaukee has
the ability to reasonably support a Major League team.
. . . . Expansion ot the
National League is feasible.
�Thursday, April 14, 1966
iv•10Ia f e d Sfa f e l aws
the Braves for not promoting
interest in attendance during
I 1965. after announcing the team
would move.
Braves officials and some
Milwaukee, Wis., to Atlanta, other baseball e:,i;ecutive~
Continued From Page I
~~i~nt~~, 29 December 2017 (EST)~I

Orporation Counsel

> bring this acUon
in. Teams, Inc., the
private citizens In
Attorney General
WilJConsln Statutes
~:;i5amen about 8:45 p.m. Wed-~~ ;!i:n!~~e
zed the press m Mil· fo;;i;eau::~es leaving here, Sox.
of Wisconsin have been sub- However, Judge Roller said, the state will be deprived of The Braves hav~ repo:ted subJudge Roller said the defend- tantially restrained ., the de- "The re c O rd in this case th
t' al stantlal losses m Milwaukee

~a~t143.215.248.55te~;;: :ision _said. ,

de:~~SY!~: :~~r:jr:v~er:t~e ~nef~~:; ion
championship schedule of the The Judge said the defendants' ha th 1
1 MJ "Although the record does the depreciation of the player
defendant Milwaukee Brave s, "monopol istic _control of major by ke n,,ewspapers n
· not reveal the exact measure contracts and the costs of play-
iection 133.01 said
d a forfeiture pro-
~e~i~: f~~f143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)::~n~s~a~x:r:
kee, state of w J s con s In, at cise reasonable control."
County Stadium.... "
He added that the transfer of
If no expansion plan is. sub- the Milwaukee franchise and ~he
mitted by May 16, the JUdg~ ~fusal t~ re~lace that franchise
pnent against said
f ~.000 with costs
~o~~ 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST) ii143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST); ~~a~if!
~~r1~f 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)~ ~~c: 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)ee ~en~_ev;~i~!~ ~~! ~:18:!;
w~ue C:dded, "P~ple In basebait., like people m any ot~er there is sufflcient evidence ~
pubhc busmess, cannot ,ca nd IR• conclude that it was exceeding~e:'s
~or: 0 hne~~tex~~ ly lucrative," the judge said.
to be without ythe critical com- When Lou Perini, who brought


e fnjuncilve relief; ~~.;' c:uo~dH:esa%rr;:~ ~~t!h:xec;;Ise ;~h~~o~~:i~s~f~ ment of an Independent press. ~~5~1 ~1 l~
s, Inc., now known
~~:n Ci~
defendants herein,
tnd enjoined f rom
of the defendant

lanta Braves, Inc.,

mty of Milwaukee,
IVided that:

ontinuing jurisd!c1y, 1966, and may

It the defendants
m the 16th day of
plan or plans for
ue of Professional
11,le baseball to be
r Milwaukee as Its
for the year 1967;
he granting of a
f Milwaukee or to
lerested in acqui r•
advise the Court
,nnection with any
consummated t,e..
Elmer W. Roller)
Circuit Judge

.. ultimately to delwaukee Br aves,

,218,480. As a re.
transfer. National
eball Club of Mil!., realized gain of

ly $5,583,000 give

1,000,000. During
period salaries of
rere paid to the
y and dividends of
ire paid to the Petion.
five year period
n a cash basis the
I their corporate
1 realized total
$836,900. The
rted to thei r sharelosses of $43,378
t S45,270 in 1964.
from operations
~d as $82,393 in
1104,730 In 1964.
interest expense
borrowed to purraves of $125,771
M) respectively In
the net loSll fig64 $48,800 of exmectlon with relo1e franchise were
linst income.
Jng expenses been
is were player acn d development
IOund accounting
)uld require, the
lld have shown a
of approximately
1963 and $15 1,000
res net receipts
ale or radio and
roadcasting rights
vorably with the
of the defendant
submitted figures
he period rrom

h 1965, the MUlVes, Inc. and its

?redecessors had
e paid attendance
3. This was great·
y club in either

ue with the exhe defendant, Los

-ooklyn) Dodgers.
e annual attend(is period in Mil' over 1.5 million.
e was the second
my club in either
, attendance level
1ore than the avms in the defend·
1 League and 52%
the average for
the Ame r ican
waukee home at-:reased from 773,lo 910,911 in 1964,
rumored reloca•
franchise to At·
gla. The level of
in 1965 was not
ve, due to the
b.e franchise was

.ated in Atlanta,

the 1966 season.
~ were rinancialtl during the time
a National league
tb in Milwaukee.
has the demogramic and popula.eristics necessary
a Major League
b. Milwaukee has

o reasonably sup. League team.

!:xpansion of the
ague is feasible.
!:,'-! ~:~~;' ~:~ ~=~~
~~!a~r:~~i~. that the ~C:ju!ai:feir~f:~~n bir~:~:e r;ria~:a!~~a~~:.n~:t.. rnro~1~:~~:s a:~ ~t:p~~:~ state.
sa~~: th at case. Judge R O 11 er s~:;:· Roller said the refusal ~~i!fd c:rJci~!inl~~e~S:ly c~: ~hi!~o~:ui!:~r~t:e~":;r; ..
d f1~a
"The defendant, Milwaukee of both the National and Am~ri- fects attenda_nce, but tha~ some degree and the a~tendance re- baseball 1s_ a monopoly.,1s fully
~/~h~c143.215.248.55 ~i~~f143.215.248.55n; a~~Jeres::~s17~; : 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)f~~.. 0 hra!°s" ~ : ~ s~::~nf::;:::~rt deci-


iveesg!:;~ ·i~

Milwaukee under the supervl- waukee Brewers Baseball Club, you.
the deci&on.
~~n (~~ - ov~:t~Jh~~e~~a~oP143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)f~n~
sions have upheld baseball in


fi~g~ .. ~: f:!:~1 ~:
after a ppointed by the court." co~men:e within the sta te of The Mtl"."aukee ~entmel) a nd there was a public offering of cisions are not conclusive of
t:~ W~:o::::
~= ::;~;i:;:~;
to" i~~s;!e~h~avs~t:o;f a~aj~ :it~~a;t~~S:an~·:~%5f~Y1~: ci!~c al:d~:s"r:~t ~ t~fJ =f.?UP who were not local
league baseball exhibitions from the judge said. He also blamed not supl?Ort the team, Judge He referred to William C.
- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - R~_J~e sa:~rd will not support !;!~r:~in.head ot th e Braves
"Before J made this trip I had
decided that college had n~thlng to offer me ... I was going
to get married."
That's what Sandra Mc-
a conclusion that the public of- "None of the Bartholomay
ficials ~ere unfriendly to the grou~ had any e:,i;tensive experlBraves, he stated.
ence m baseball nor had demonJudge Roller said that if the strated any ability as baseball
league desired to go to Atlanta entrepreneurs," he said. "All
and offer baseball to the south- that was being offered to the

The pupils visited the Oshkosh
campus Tuesday morning and 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)e;os~~t.;u~d~y ~~nhti
in college dormitories after attending discussion and information sessions.
"The girls in the dorm were

1 s

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Skirts, stretch slacks, blouses, sweaters,
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sta-r:e!s ~~:i~:s~tsla:~l~,~~d
that the attendance ~e:1:~;~!~~rs:::ri~1; B;:\:::\oted, "It is said ru;a::;;· had objected to the
they combined and conspired at Braves home games from the cordial treatment he re- that there was a lack of enthusi- jurisdiction of the court,
among themse~ves to monopo-1953 through 1965 was 19·551 •· ceived when he tried to con-asm on the part of those per- However. the Judge said the

i~ g

p~~;~:tina~f ba:~1~
B~C:,~~d f~:~~eth!:e143.215.248.55a\ ~eare:P (aih: =~iei143.215.248.55e!h!:! ~s:~
j16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)0 8
within the state of Wisconsin," Los Angeles durmg that period. Braves· franchise in Milwau- knowledge or the Individuals
he ruled.
Rumors of the Braves moving kee."
comprising the BartholoADVERTISEMENT
itanding, the stay
, noon, C.S.T., on
nitted within said
thereof granted on
be terminated by
!fl that the plan is
c., now known as
me games in the
1 of the court and
lppointed by the
Impair the continued development ot the quallty of the
The state m the long trial
Judge Roller also noted that ship in 196 2 to a Chicago based Ing this power against the
would do the same in the event control of the b~smess of maio.~
eastern part of the country, It selected Milwa~ee. business- ui~e party In l~terest in thel Apr. 6._ He orginally ~nnounced lan early ruling was out of the
could have awarded a new men was a minonty interest In suit Baseball said the s t a t e that hu1 decision might come question.
franchise to Atlanta.
the operating companr--4 frac· was not a party In interest
last weekend, but as he waded Meanwhile, the Braves opened
He said there were enough tlonal ti:iteres\ I whtc~ ~ad Judge Roller worked on his through the mountain of trial thei r season against the Pittsplayers available for a newr143.215.248.55oen di stasteihe~the:we~ruling almost day and night test! many which ra n 7,000burge Pirates in Atlanta (Ga.)
team, including a new team mino:rti ~!:'.frs of the White since the 38 day trial ended pages, it became apparent that Tuesday night.
!as ! =
Pu 7143.215.248.55A\~~&\!

ond LESS!
• Manhattan Bullding
• 617 N. 2nd
8th Floor
shop all over town
~~2~e; 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)·
~fr~t; ,
Milwaukee public school sys- Division senior said.
tern guidance counselor, Wed- Each girl and boy on the tour
was assigned a college "room"But now I've changed myl mat~" for the night at. the unimind ... I want to go to cql- vers1ty.
lege," Miss McCi:eary said.
to~J";es143.215.248.55 16:45, 29 December 2017 (EST)rit~!a~l~~;~t ';;~~
The tr(p to which the young essary to be a brain to stay in
Negro g1~l referred _was made college," said Spencer Coggs.
~y 40 Milwauke~ high school 2907 N. 2nd st., another North
JU~lors .and semo:-i (? three Division senior. "This guy said
Wisconsin State university cam- what it really takes is hard
pus~hkosh, Stevens Point work "
and Whitewater.
Co~gs is planning to major In
The pupils had been chosen English and is considering Oshf rom five Milwaukee_high koshStateat present.
sch~ls. The trip was designed The pupils from North and
fo r d1sad_vantaged stud~nts who. West Division, Lincoln, Rufus
were believed to be u~ii:tfonned · King and Riverside high schools
as to the opportumtles pre-, visited the Whitewater campus
5ef!ted .by the Wisconsin state Wednesday. Unlike Stevens
umvers1ty system.
!Point and Oshkosh, the campus
Most of the 40 students were there was deserted, beca~se
students are on Easter vacation.
The group left Milwaukee by The tired pupils returned to
bus Tuesday, accompanied by Milwaukee late Wednesday afJohn Bussone, guidance coun- ternoon to begin t<;i sift thr?ugh
selor and math Instructor at the bundles of ~nformat10nal
Lincoln hig h school, and Mrs. books and bulletms they re.
ceived during their tour.
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