Box 19, Folder 15, Document 33

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Box 19, Folder 15, Document 33

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June 21, 1966

Mr. William C, Bartholomay
The Atlanta Braves
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Bartholomays:

- North Avenue Presbyterian Church is vitally interested
in all activities of the Atlanta community. Your Braves have
given a tremendous Lift to our area, For this reason we would
like to become better acquainted with you and the Braves, and
give the people of Atlanta an opportunity to meet then,

We thought that perhaps during one of your home stands
we might designate our evening service as "Atlanta Braves Night"
and have a reception for you and the team afterwards, “his would
give the ball players an opportunity to worship together with
the Atlanta community and then meet them informally later. We
noted you wili be home July 17 and 31. Perhaps it could be
arranged either one of these nights.

Wilson L. Nearing

Minister to the Community


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