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Box 19, Folder 15, Document 50
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for $2,500,000. it would be a
90 day wonder made of pre-
cast concrete.
Rap at Phoenix
John Lansing, vice-president
of the Pacific Power and Light
Co., appeared alone for Port-
land, Ore. He said he got the
impression that the owners
“were looking over their noses”
at his presentation.
~ ansing ridiculed the chances
of some other bids and said
Poctiand was willing to wait
for che time when an 18th and
19th franchise was awarded.
Lansing rapped Phoenix, say-
ing, “Nobody in his right mind
would go there. You get on
the freeway and make the
wrong turn at Tucson and you
could end up in Mexico without
seeing any people.”
In a surprising development,
Bill Sullivan, owner of the Bos-
ton Patriots of the AFL, wel-
comed an NFL team to that
city in a letter to Rozelle. |
Rozelle said that three ma-
jor league teams in one sta-
dium (Fenway park) ‘‘may be
undesirable.” He meant the
Patriots, the baseball Red Sox
and an NFL team.
But Mayor John F. Collins of
Boston quoted Red Sox Vice-
President Dick O’Connell as
saying that the Red Sox would
leave Boston if a stadium were
not built within five years.
Dressen Had
H. Attack
rieart Attac
Journal Wire Services
Detroit, Mich.— Doctors at
Henry Ford hospital confirmed
Wednesday that Manager Char-
lie Dressen of the Detroit Tigers
had suffered his second heart
attack in 14 months and said he
would be confined for at least
three weeks and might not be
able to return to his managerial
post for several months.
Coach Bob Swift, who took
over for Dressen when he suf-
fered a heart attack in spring
training in 1965, has been
ploced in charge of the club.
Dressen was not permitted
visitors except for members of
his immediate family or tele-
phone calls until further notice
but hospital officials said there
was “some evidence of general
“Tt has been determined that
Mr. Dressen has a coronary ar-
tery thrombosis,” the hospital
statement said. “He has rested
comioriably and there are no
new complications. His condi-
tion is stable, but remains seri-
Dressen, 67, in his 16th sea-
son as a major league manager,
led the Milwaukee Braves to
second place in the National
Philadelphia Phillies, Wednes-
day was.sent to the minor
leagues by the Cardinals.
Johnson was optioned to Tul-
sa and outfielder-first baseman
Bob Tolan was recalled from
Tulsa to replace him. Johnson
is batting .186 for the Cardinals,
Tolan .319 for Tulsa.
Pitcher Tug McGraw of the
New York Mets was placed on
the disabled list because of a
sore elbow.
league race of 1960.
—UPI Telepho'
If Ralph Neely wants to pl
pro football, he must do. i€;
with the Houston Oilers of /
the American Footbal |
league, the United Statés cir-
cuit court of appeals{ ruled
Wednesday. Neely signed
with the Oilers in 1964, but
subsequently signed ‘and)
played last year for the Dal-
las Cowboys of the National
Football league.
: iN
Car O
Another in a series on a
driver’s view of the activities
at the Indianapolis speedway
leading up to the annual 500
mile race May 30.
most nervous people at the
Indianapolis speedway during
the month of May must be
the car owners. The drivers
usually are pretty relaxed, at
least until race day.
But racing has become a
very expensive business. The
men who enter cars here
sometimes must feel like the
man who is letting his son
drive his new automobile for
the first time. He tries to be
calm and optimistic. But he
keeps his hands in his pock-
ets, to keep from putting
them in front of his eyes.
He has invested consider-
court would have jurisdiction
over Cosa Nostra because it
has families in many states.
Though the Braves’ partners in
other cities are discreet about
what they say, the move to At-
lanta, the moderate business
the Braves are doing there and
the legal trouble the carpet-
baggers have made for them
do not enchant the boys.
Atlanta Thinking
JESSE OUTLAR, in the Atlanta
J Constitution — Regardless of
the outcome in Wisconsin state
courts, the Braves are going to
abide by the ruling of the Geor-
gia courts. They’re staying in
Atlanta, where they have a con-
tract for 25 years. As men-
‘|tioned here multiple times, if
baseball is violating federal
law, baseball should be forced
to comply with the law. The
fact that Milwaukee has or
doesn’t have a baseball team
has no bearing on the law. Of-
fering to drop the case against
the Braves, in exchange for an-
other franchise, must rank as
one of the most bizarre legal
rulings of all time. The Braves
intend to abide by the law—
federal law and Georgia law—
not Wisconsin’s interpretation
of the law. ;
ERB LYON, in Chicago Trib-
une gossip column “Tower
Ticker” — The Atlanta Braves| 0
owners have this new, heap big) *
headache: Powerful Cracker-!
town biz, civic and political with two cars, one owned by
leaders are suddenly pressur-|Norm Demler of Niagara Falls,
ing ’em to quit selling choice|N. Y., with a 1,400 horsepower
box seats to Negro fans, The|Generai Eleciric turbo shaft en-|
Braves’ big chiefs are totally|/gine, and a noveity dreamed upj
ignoring this nonsensical pitch. by Albert H.
ably more than $50,000 in a
shiny new race car. It is the
pride of his life. But he has
to stand by, acting uncon-
cerned, while a driver wheels
it around the track, in and
out of traffic, at speeds of
more than 160 miles an hour.
Mistakes Costly
If the driver makes a mis-
take—and is lucky—he can al-
ways walk back to the pits
and say, “Sorry about that,
Chief.” But the only thing an
owner can do is figure he
has a head start on his own
junkyard. Owners, therefore,
are very careful in their se-
lection of drivers and choice
of equipment.
In the high speeds of auto
racing, one mistake, a frac-
tion of a second of hesitation
at the wrong time can get a
his normal ration before a t
Busy Schedule
Clay's manager, Angelo D,
dee, explained: “This fight v
be his third title contest in ;
Muhammed Ali — as Clay
named on the fight posters
told newsmen he expects to (
‘fend his Ute twice more’ tl
year. He saic . 5 next opt
nent cou:c be Kari Mildenb
ger of West Germany.
“T think I fave six yea
ahead of me to ho:d the tit
and you can always find chi
lengers,” Clay said.
Plans Short Speech
Clay also called a press co
ference for Thursday. He sa
ry e
Turbine FE:
Indianapolis, Ind. — ® — Bi
Bill Cheesbourg of Tucsor
Ariz., main test driver of ur
conventional cars at the Indi
anapolis speedway this year-
thinks rear engine Fords whicl
have dominated the track tht
last two years can be beaten
we can get the turbine
“we'll win the race.”
He meant the 500 miler May
Cheesbourg has oven working
Sie.a of Orinda,
(\ wie
Cross Fingers
driver into trouble — some-
times bad trouble. The own-
er wants a brave driver. But
he aiso wants a careful driv-
er. He wants to admire his.
car after the race, too.
The owner usually selects
the kind of car he wants. But
in this area, the driver also is
vitally concerned. It is no ex-
aggeration to say that a driv-
er is betting his life on the
car he is racing.
This year there has been a
‘lot of talk about the different
types of cars that will try to
make the “500” field. I think
this is a good thing for rac-
A few years ago the Offen-
hauser roadsiers dominated
the race. They were great
race cars, durable and sim-
ple for mechanics to work
with. But because of their
domination, a lot of the sus-
eu eee
90 day wonder made of pre-
cast concrete.
Rap at Phoenix
John Lansing, vice-president
of the Pacific Power and Light
Co., appeared alone for Port-
land, Ore. He said he got the
impression that the owners
“were looking over their noses”
at his presentation.
~ ansing ridiculed the chances
of some other bids and said
Poctiand was willing to wait
for che time when an 18th and
19th franchise was awarded.
Lansing rapped Phoenix, say-
ing, “Nobody in his right mind
would go there. You get on
the freeway and make the
wrong turn at Tucson and you
could end up in Mexico without
seeing any people.”
In a surprising development,
Bill Sullivan, owner of the Bos-
ton Patriots of the AFL, wel-
comed an NFL team to that
city in a letter to Rozelle. |
Rozelle said that three ma-
jor league teams in one sta-
dium (Fenway park) ‘‘may be
undesirable.” He meant the
Patriots, the baseball Red Sox
and an NFL team.
But Mayor John F. Collins of
Boston quoted Red Sox Vice-
President Dick O’Connell as
saying that the Red Sox would
leave Boston if a stadium were
not built within five years.
Dressen Had
H. Attack
rieart Attac
Journal Wire Services
Detroit, Mich.— Doctors at
Henry Ford hospital confirmed
Wednesday that Manager Char-
lie Dressen of the Detroit Tigers
had suffered his second heart
attack in 14 months and said he
would be confined for at least
three weeks and might not be
able to return to his managerial
post for several months.
Coach Bob Swift, who took
over for Dressen when he suf-
fered a heart attack in spring
training in 1965, has been
ploced in charge of the club.
Dressen was not permitted
visitors except for members of
his immediate family or tele-
phone calls until further notice
but hospital officials said there
was “some evidence of general
“Tt has been determined that
Mr. Dressen has a coronary ar-
tery thrombosis,” the hospital
statement said. “He has rested
comioriably and there are no
new complications. His condi-
tion is stable, but remains seri-
Dressen, 67, in his 16th sea-
son as a major league manager,
led the Milwaukee Braves to
second place in the National
Philadelphia Phillies, Wednes-
day was.sent to the minor
leagues by the Cardinals.
Johnson was optioned to Tul-
sa and outfielder-first baseman
Bob Tolan was recalled from
Tulsa to replace him. Johnson
is batting .186 for the Cardinals,
Tolan .319 for Tulsa.
Pitcher Tug McGraw of the
New York Mets was placed on
the disabled list because of a
sore elbow.
league race of 1960.
—UPI Telepho'
If Ralph Neely wants to pl
pro football, he must do. i€;
with the Houston Oilers of /
the American Footbal |
league, the United Statés cir-
cuit court of appeals{ ruled
Wednesday. Neely signed
with the Oilers in 1964, but
subsequently signed ‘and)
played last year for the Dal-
las Cowboys of the National
Football league.
: iN
Car O
Another in a series on a
driver’s view of the activities
at the Indianapolis speedway
leading up to the annual 500
mile race May 30.
most nervous people at the
Indianapolis speedway during
the month of May must be
the car owners. The drivers
usually are pretty relaxed, at
least until race day.
But racing has become a
very expensive business. The
men who enter cars here
sometimes must feel like the
man who is letting his son
drive his new automobile for
the first time. He tries to be
calm and optimistic. But he
keeps his hands in his pock-
ets, to keep from putting
them in front of his eyes.
He has invested consider-
court would have jurisdiction
over Cosa Nostra because it
has families in many states.
Though the Braves’ partners in
other cities are discreet about
what they say, the move to At-
lanta, the moderate business
the Braves are doing there and
the legal trouble the carpet-
baggers have made for them
do not enchant the boys.
Atlanta Thinking
JESSE OUTLAR, in the Atlanta
J Constitution — Regardless of
the outcome in Wisconsin state
courts, the Braves are going to
abide by the ruling of the Geor-
gia courts. They’re staying in
Atlanta, where they have a con-
tract for 25 years. As men-
‘|tioned here multiple times, if
baseball is violating federal
law, baseball should be forced
to comply with the law. The
fact that Milwaukee has or
doesn’t have a baseball team
has no bearing on the law. Of-
fering to drop the case against
the Braves, in exchange for an-
other franchise, must rank as
one of the most bizarre legal
rulings of all time. The Braves
intend to abide by the law—
federal law and Georgia law—
not Wisconsin’s interpretation
of the law. ;
ERB LYON, in Chicago Trib-
une gossip column “Tower
Ticker” — The Atlanta Braves| 0
owners have this new, heap big) *
headache: Powerful Cracker-!
town biz, civic and political with two cars, one owned by
leaders are suddenly pressur-|Norm Demler of Niagara Falls,
ing ’em to quit selling choice|N. Y., with a 1,400 horsepower
box seats to Negro fans, The|Generai Eleciric turbo shaft en-|
Braves’ big chiefs are totally|/gine, and a noveity dreamed upj
ignoring this nonsensical pitch. by Albert H.
ably more than $50,000 in a
shiny new race car. It is the
pride of his life. But he has
to stand by, acting uncon-
cerned, while a driver wheels
it around the track, in and
out of traffic, at speeds of
more than 160 miles an hour.
Mistakes Costly
If the driver makes a mis-
take—and is lucky—he can al-
ways walk back to the pits
and say, “Sorry about that,
Chief.” But the only thing an
owner can do is figure he
has a head start on his own
junkyard. Owners, therefore,
are very careful in their se-
lection of drivers and choice
of equipment.
In the high speeds of auto
racing, one mistake, a frac-
tion of a second of hesitation
at the wrong time can get a
his normal ration before a t
Busy Schedule
Clay's manager, Angelo D,
dee, explained: “This fight v
be his third title contest in ;
Muhammed Ali — as Clay
named on the fight posters
told newsmen he expects to (
‘fend his Ute twice more’ tl
year. He saic . 5 next opt
nent cou:c be Kari Mildenb
ger of West Germany.
“T think I fave six yea
ahead of me to ho:d the tit
and you can always find chi
lengers,” Clay said.
Plans Short Speech
Clay also called a press co
ference for Thursday. He sa
ry e
Turbine FE:
Indianapolis, Ind. — ® — Bi
Bill Cheesbourg of Tucsor
Ariz., main test driver of ur
conventional cars at the Indi
anapolis speedway this year-
thinks rear engine Fords whicl
have dominated the track tht
last two years can be beaten
we can get the turbine
“we'll win the race.”
He meant the 500 miler May
Cheesbourg has oven working
Sie.a of Orinda,
(\ wie
Cross Fingers
driver into trouble — some-
times bad trouble. The own-
er wants a brave driver. But
he aiso wants a careful driv-
er. He wants to admire his.
car after the race, too.
The owner usually selects
the kind of car he wants. But
in this area, the driver also is
vitally concerned. It is no ex-
aggeration to say that a driv-
er is betting his life on the
car he is racing.
This year there has been a
‘lot of talk about the different
types of cars that will try to
make the “500” field. I think
this is a good thing for rac-
A few years ago the Offen-
hauser roadsiers dominated
the race. They were great
race cars, durable and sim-
ple for mechanics to work
with. But because of their
domination, a lot of the sus-
eu eee