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Box 19, Folder 18, Document 19
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Fair z
Fair and warin. | Pe
High 94; low 68. =S —~
More Weather Data—Page 2-A
78th Year, No. 130
Atlanta Mayor
Backs JFK’s
Bill On Rights
Passage Of Accommodations Bill Urged;
Voluntary Action Is Termed Not Enough
Observer Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. told
the Senate Commerce Committee Friday that voluntary
action was not enough to solve the nation’s racial problems.
He urged Congress to enact a federal law outlawing
racial discrimination in places of public accommodation.
Not to do so, he said, would mean turning back the
clock and reversing the uneasy progress that has been made
recently by men of good will.
“Even now, the knowledge that this bill might not
pass has caused some business men who agreed to desegre-
gate their businesses to question whether they made the
right move,” he said.
The graying mayor pleade dwith the Congress to,
“give us some’ direction, give us some definition.”
As he talked he leaned forward toward the micro-
phone on the desk before him and his words came out
softly, distinctly.
The committee and the small
ceilinged hearing reom were
hushed by the drama and the
eloquence of his statement.
“As the mayor of the south-
east's largest city, I can say
to you out of first-hand experi-
ence and first-hand knowledge
that nowhere does the problem
of eliminating discrimination be-
tween the races strike so closely
home as it does to the local
elected public official. He is the
man who cannot pass the
“From this viewpoint,’ he
taid, “I speak of the problem
ak having been brought into
sliarp focus by decisions of the
Supreme Court of the United
States and then generally ig-
Foremost Newspaper of The Carolinas
SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1963 28 Pages
~ \ >
Y bsr ry e — Stories and pictures of fa-
] SN ~\ 4 k | | mous personalities.
Turn To Page 3-A
7 Cents A
FK Call
s Pact
Vital ‘First Step’
. . » Asks Publie Accommodations Law pony sniiitary authorities fails.
‘Your Truth
Is Not
My Truth’
Pastore, Thurmond
Shout Angrily
dz Back. Otho
McNamara OKs
Off-Limits Areas
WASHINGTON — (2) — Secretary of Defense Robert
S$. MeNamara authorized the armed services Friday to de-
clare off-limits areas where “relentless discrimination per _
sists against Negro servicemen and their families.”
McNamara hemmed in this authority, however, re- jedl
quiring that such sanction be applied by base commanders
only with prior approval from the secretary of the service
At the same time, McNamara rejected a proposal that
the Pentagon close military bases near communities where
discrimination is particularly prevalent and where persuas-
McNamara disclosed these
moves in reporting to President
Kennedy on actions taken in
response to recommendations
more than a month ago by the
President’s Committee on Equal
Opportunity in the Armed
That committee, headed by
Washington attorney Gerhard A.
Gesell, had recommended a wide
range of actions to eliminate
housitig, school and other dis
criminations against Negro serv-
icemen stationed at hases in
All World
To Benefit,
He Asserts
Senate May Give
Early Approval
President Kennedy said Fri-
day night that the nuclear
test-ban agreement with the
Soviet Union was “a step to-
ward peace, a step toward
reason, a step away from
be But he warned that “if is not
ROBERT 8. McNAMARA the millenium” in solying East-
+++ “Off Limits” | West differences.
: In a radio-television report to
e the nation on what the agree-
u @e Kills n= “ean mean to you and your
\children and your neighbors,”
fhe President called on the
world’s four nuclear powers—in-
Hundreds, t=s5 e362
8 vent the spread. of nuclear weap-
ons to other nations.
: The President did not mention
Levels City Communist China by name, but
jsaid “a small but significant
number of nations’ would have
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia — (p\the intellectual, physical and fi-
— <A violent earthquake hit the|nan¢ial resources to produce and
heart of Skopje at dawn Feri-|deliver huclear weapons in the
day, badly damaged or destroy-|next several years.
areas practicing racial segrega-
ed 80 per cent of the city’s build-; Vel
ings and killed possibly 1,000 pey| “Neither the United States,
sons, the official Tanjug News| or the Soviet Union, mor the
aaa Bineriam. nae Branca
Aganrawy vansvtaorl —- san
‘MILed Sales:
; “Like a foundling baby, this
awesome problem has been left
on the doorsteps of local govern-
ments throughout the nation.”
After tracing Atlanta’s prog-
ress in race relations and volun-
tary desegregation, and praising
the community spirit that made
it possible, the mayor said:
“I do not believe that any
sincere American citizen de-
sires to see the rights of pri-
vate business restricted by the
federal government unless
such restriction is absolutely
necessary for the welfare of
the people of this country.
“On the other hand, following
the line of thought of the deci-
‘sions of the federal courts in
the past 15 years, I am not con-
vinced that current rulings of
the courts would grant to Ameri-
‘ean business the privilege of
discrimination by race in the se-
lection of its customers. . .
“Are we going to say that it
is all ‘right for the Negro citizen
to go into the bank on Main
Street and to deposit his earnings
or borrow money, then to go into
the department stores to buy
what he needs, to go to the super-
market to purchase food for his
= / iz
Strom Rebuked For ‘Brow-Beating’
Observer Washington Bureau
Pastore, acting chairman of
the Senate Commerce Commit-
tee, publicly rebuked South
Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond
for “brow -beating” Atlanta
Mayor Ivan Allen Rr. on Fri-
When Thurmond objected to
the rebuke, the two senators
engaged in an angry shouting
match, their second in the re-
cent round of hearings on the
President's civil rights bill.
Mayor Allen and the sparse
crowd in the hearing room
looked on in astonishment as
the two senators exchanged in-
sults over the big hearing
room’s public address system.
Pastore’s feelings arose
during Thurmond’s question-
ing of Allen about the
mayor’s endorsement of the
leaned into the microphone
to ask if the acting chairman
was implying that Thurmond
tet been discourteous to Al-
Pastore leaned back in his
chair and laughed. ‘‘Well to
be perfectly frank about it,
yes. You asked a ‘when did
you stop beating your wife
question; and I won’t tolerate
that kind of question from
this committee.’
His temper still rising, he
said, “If it’s necessary we'll
Zo into executive session and
talk about it.”
Thurmond was furious. He
denied asking any ‘loaded’
questions and said he resented
Pastore’s accusations.
Pastore shouted that Thur-
mond had asked a question
that went something like, ‘Mr.
Mayor, since the enactment
are distinguished people whose
presence before this commit-
tee is a service.”
“Tm only trying to get at
the truth,” Thurmond said. .
“Your truth is not my truth,”
replied Pastore.
At that the crowd laughed
and broke into applause.
Thurmond quickly accused
Pastore of not maintaining
the proper decorum in the
hearing room and said Pas-
tore should have erenpee the
“How can I stop it when
it’s already happened,” Pastore
said. “I didn’t know they were
going to laugh.”
The crowd laughed again.
Thurmond accused Pastore
of being an improper chair-
man, of condoning outbursts
from an audience “full of left-
wingers and sympathizers for
this bill.”
“Mr. Thurmond,” roared
Pastore, “I’ve been around
here a long time, and that
question you asked was a
loaded question.”
He then banged the gavel
‘and told the crowd it would
have to control itself.
Fidel Tells
He’d Like Talk In U.S.
committee report to McNa-
mara, Kennedy said “a seri-
ous morale problem is creat-
ed for Negro military person-
nel when various forms of seg-
regation ‘and discrimination
exist in communities neighbor-
ing military bases.”
McNamara’s memorandum to
Kennedy, and an accompanying
directive, contained few specific
actions against discrimination.
Instead, McNamara ordered
the services to outline plans and
to report to him by Aug. 15.
He authorized creation of a
new position — that of deputy
assistant secretary of defense
for civil rights — to carry out
an anti-discrimination program.
Living Costs
Rose Again
Last Month
(UPI) — The
cost of living rose to new heights
Fires” broke out? Great ‘clouds
of dust rose over the city of
270,000 as buildings came crash-
ing down. Thousands fled to
streets and squares in panic,
clad only in night clothes.
Radio Belgrade said there were
be very great.”
Some Americans, tourists or
other visitors, were reported
in the city when the first shat-
tering quake ‘struck. There was
no word whether any had been
killed or injured.
President Tito decreed Friday
and today days of national mourn-
Rescue squads rushed to Skop-
je, a city of minarets and
mosques 210 miles southeast of
Belgrade. From all over Yugo-
slavia trucks and buses were
pressed into service to evacuate
medical supplies.
Rescuers still were
“thousands of injured” but it was
impossible to say yet how many
died, although the number “must
_Tanjug reported a mercy air-
lift was operating between Skopje
and Ljubljana in northern Yugo-
slavia to ferry rescue teams and
By noon (6 am. EST) about
200 bodies had been identified.
Cal Wun LULWoOLU 8 tae Uday
with equanimity,’ Kennedy
said. :
Authoritative sources in Paris
predict French President
Charles de Gaulle will refuse to
sign the limited test-ban agree-
ment initialed in Moscow Thurs-
day and will proceed with plans
for an independent French nu-—
clear force.
Communist China already has
declared it would ignore any
agreement reached in Moscow.
The President, speaking “in a
spirit of hope,” said the agree-
ment outlawing nuclear tests in
the atmosphere, outer space and
under water, had its limitations,
But, he added, it “‘can be a step
toward reduced world tensions
an broader areas of agree-
He gave this grim alterna-
tive: “A war today or tomor-
row, if it led to nuclear war,
would not be like any war in
history. A full-scale nuclear ex-
change, lasting less than 60
minutes, could wipe out more
than 300 million Americans,
Europeans and Russians, as
well as untold numbers else-
“And the survivors, as Chair-
re eae through the rubble from whichiman Khrushchey warned the
last month and a Labor Depart- eeuia and calls for help contd Communist Chinese, ‘would envy
ment spokesman said “this isibe heard. Aftershocks were re-|the dead.’ For they would inherit
family, and so on along Main
Street until he comes to a res-
taurant or a hotel?
of this bill ‘would close many
businesses in small towns
throughout the South, don’t
President’s public accommo-
dations bill, By DONALD GRANT
“Socialism in our country is
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
a little less informal,” one of the
“In all these other business
places he is treated just like
any other customer. But when
he comes to the restaurant or
_ hotel, are we going to say that
it ds right and legal for the op-
erators of these businesses, mere-
ly as a matter of convenience,
to insist that the Negro’s citizen-
_ Ship be changed and that, as a
second class citizen, he is to be
refused service?
— “I submit that it is not right
to allow an American's citizen-
Bee. DIXIE Page 3-A, Col. 1
Taside: W ashe ton Report |
Explains Capitol Standstill
Whatever happened to Congress?
ers told the story, speaking
they would not be named,
What hapened to the President's. proposals? Is the
legislative branch of ovr government: breaking down?
To get the answers to these questions, reporters in
The Observer's Washington Bureay talked with, key in-
‘Siders at the White House and in Congress. These - insid-
_ You'll be able to read the answers in The Observer
The Great Internal Struggle
Pei the ation facing the worst domestic erisis since
But when Pastore tried to re-
gain the floor “to make a com-
ment” Thurmond refused to
When Thurmond did yield,
Pastore in a calm voice that
belied his rising feelings de-
livered a lecture “‘to the mem-
bers of this committee” about
the station of many of the wit-
nesses. He said they were “dis-
tinguished men in their own
right” and “entitled to the
‘courtesy of this committee.”
When Pastore had complet-
ed his lecture, Thurmond
frankly when asstred that
taking of property by
you think that would ee
federal government without due
process of the law?’”
Thurmond angrily denied
ean such a question.
Pastore then asked, “Will
the reporter (a stenograph-
er who takes down every-
thing said during a hearing)
read the question back?” —
‘Thurmond interrupted, shout-
ing, ‘Well, all right, suppose
I did ask the question, I re-
serve the right to cross-ex-
amine these witnesses any
way I see fit.”
Pastore, a short, mustached
man, was bristling.
“What do you mean, ‘cross-
examine,” ” he shouted. “This
is not a court room, Pie
ie, The Inside |
i | OA
on Bridge i
HAVANA — () — Premier
Fidel Castro, told a group of
Americans Friday that he would
like to talk to the people of the
United States “but you must
invite me to your house.”
Otherwise, Casiro said,
“it is
for international vistors to the
tenth: anniversary celebration
of the attack on Ft. Moneada,
which marked Caos se. ‘o
power. ray, \ .
officers remarked.
tion from Japan, a man who
ay | S7ow-Blowers
Sell Out Fast
Xi Heat
In addition to the Chinese
there were Russians, a delega-
said he represented the Bud d-
hists of the world, a group of
Indonesians, a gay pair of young
Algerians, a number of Africans,
Canadians, British, and Latin
Americans from all over the
A Cuban official esta that
Castro could have me he) Wir
might attend the Sept 1
,| average housewife paid $4 cents
sion of the U.
“| did a year ago.
dsoiqiaised prices about 3 per cent
q {in June for the first general in-}
dj‘ since 1957. This raised the
eost of a carton of non-filter cig-
| poe Real estate taxes in-
primarily a story of sugar, ciga-
rettes and taxes.””
The department said its con-
sumer price index increased by
four-tenths of 1 per cent in June.
It was the biggest one-month in-
crease in nine months.
The index stood at 106.6 per
cent of average 1957-59 prices.
The reason for the June jump
was attributed primarily to these
Sugar. In May and June,
because of a complicated world
market situation that included
invelvement by speculators and
‘some crop failures, the price
of sugar skyrocketed. Sugar
prices in June were 32 per cent
higher over the month. The
for five pounds of sugar, which
is 42 per cent more than she
—Cigarettes. Manufacturers
arettes by seven cents and push-
p the single-pack price by
Minneapolis, Seattle,
Pittsburgh and Kan-
This raised homeown-
; and pushed up rents.
ales taxes in New York
Tens of thousands of persons
stood in the ruined streets,
some weeping, others just star-
ing blankly at the wreckage of
their homes.
As. a safety precaution,
Stung by charges that the
government was trying to dic-
tate a settlement of the rail-
road crisis, Labor Secretary
Willard Wirtz announced Fri-
day that union and manage-
ment negotiators would make
another atternpt to settle the
work-rules dispute themselves.
Wirtz made the unexpected
disclosure during an appear-
anee before a Senate Com-
merce Committee hearing on
President Kennedy’s proposal
to put the four-year-old hassle
‘into the hands of the Inter-
state Commerce Commission.
His announcement came a
few hours before the union -
management session was
Wirtz’ disclosure of the new
ee bargaining effort.
came pare Presi-
corded, as rescuers: toiled in thea world so devastated by explo-
sions and poison and fire’ that
today we cannot conceive of all
its horrors.”
‘Even without a war, Kennedy
said unlimited testing in the fu-
ture would mean unnatural in- —
creases ‘in the number of chil-
dren and grandchildren with can-
See QUAKE, Page 2-A, Col. 2,See KENNEDY, Page 2A, Col. 2
Wirtz Calls New Huddle
Of RR, Union Delegates
cer in their bones, with leukemia
deni George Meany in ef-
fect rejected the Kennedy
plan and suggested that Con-
gress set up a special | ‘eom-
mittee to oversee a fresh
try at a negotiated setile-
The labor secretary said the
new bargaining session. would |
be held in his office starting:
ab 8:30 p.m. EDT. ‘He will sit.
in on the discussions.
A spokesman for Wirtz ex-
plained that this was not an
- indication that a break-through
might be imminent in the
work-ttles dispute.
Wirte was obviously Se
by charges during the Se
ate hearing, by heads of
rail pee Pr
proposal for the
és dis
eal, dan is
of the i
. “ i; \
. 7 ey a"
rt t % et 4 ’ 4 ie t ir x geil i
Fair z
Fair and warin. | Pe
High 94; low 68. =S —~
More Weather Data—Page 2-A
78th Year, No. 130
Atlanta Mayor
Backs JFK’s
Bill On Rights
Passage Of Accommodations Bill Urged;
Voluntary Action Is Termed Not Enough
Observer Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. told
the Senate Commerce Committee Friday that voluntary
action was not enough to solve the nation’s racial problems.
He urged Congress to enact a federal law outlawing
racial discrimination in places of public accommodation.
Not to do so, he said, would mean turning back the
clock and reversing the uneasy progress that has been made
recently by men of good will.
“Even now, the knowledge that this bill might not
pass has caused some business men who agreed to desegre-
gate their businesses to question whether they made the
right move,” he said.
The graying mayor pleade dwith the Congress to,
“give us some’ direction, give us some definition.”
As he talked he leaned forward toward the micro-
phone on the desk before him and his words came out
softly, distinctly.
The committee and the small
ceilinged hearing reom were
hushed by the drama and the
eloquence of his statement.
“As the mayor of the south-
east's largest city, I can say
to you out of first-hand experi-
ence and first-hand knowledge
that nowhere does the problem
of eliminating discrimination be-
tween the races strike so closely
home as it does to the local
elected public official. He is the
man who cannot pass the
“From this viewpoint,’ he
taid, “I speak of the problem
ak having been brought into
sliarp focus by decisions of the
Supreme Court of the United
States and then generally ig-
Foremost Newspaper of The Carolinas
SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1963 28 Pages
~ \ >
Y bsr ry e — Stories and pictures of fa-
] SN ~\ 4 k | | mous personalities.
Turn To Page 3-A
7 Cents A
FK Call
s Pact
Vital ‘First Step’
. . » Asks Publie Accommodations Law pony sniiitary authorities fails.
‘Your Truth
Is Not
My Truth’
Pastore, Thurmond
Shout Angrily
dz Back. Otho
McNamara OKs
Off-Limits Areas
WASHINGTON — (2) — Secretary of Defense Robert
S$. MeNamara authorized the armed services Friday to de-
clare off-limits areas where “relentless discrimination per _
sists against Negro servicemen and their families.”
McNamara hemmed in this authority, however, re- jedl
quiring that such sanction be applied by base commanders
only with prior approval from the secretary of the service
At the same time, McNamara rejected a proposal that
the Pentagon close military bases near communities where
discrimination is particularly prevalent and where persuas-
McNamara disclosed these
moves in reporting to President
Kennedy on actions taken in
response to recommendations
more than a month ago by the
President’s Committee on Equal
Opportunity in the Armed
That committee, headed by
Washington attorney Gerhard A.
Gesell, had recommended a wide
range of actions to eliminate
housitig, school and other dis
criminations against Negro serv-
icemen stationed at hases in
All World
To Benefit,
He Asserts
Senate May Give
Early Approval
President Kennedy said Fri-
day night that the nuclear
test-ban agreement with the
Soviet Union was “a step to-
ward peace, a step toward
reason, a step away from
be But he warned that “if is not
ROBERT 8. McNAMARA the millenium” in solying East-
+++ “Off Limits” | West differences.
: In a radio-television report to
e the nation on what the agree-
u @e Kills n= “ean mean to you and your
\children and your neighbors,”
fhe President called on the
world’s four nuclear powers—in-
Hundreds, t=s5 e362
8 vent the spread. of nuclear weap-
ons to other nations.
: The President did not mention
Levels City Communist China by name, but
jsaid “a small but significant
number of nations’ would have
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia — (p\the intellectual, physical and fi-
— <A violent earthquake hit the|nan¢ial resources to produce and
heart of Skopje at dawn Feri-|deliver huclear weapons in the
day, badly damaged or destroy-|next several years.
areas practicing racial segrega-
ed 80 per cent of the city’s build-; Vel
ings and killed possibly 1,000 pey| “Neither the United States,
sons, the official Tanjug News| or the Soviet Union, mor the
aaa Bineriam. nae Branca
Aganrawy vansvtaorl —- san
‘MILed Sales:
; “Like a foundling baby, this
awesome problem has been left
on the doorsteps of local govern-
ments throughout the nation.”
After tracing Atlanta’s prog-
ress in race relations and volun-
tary desegregation, and praising
the community spirit that made
it possible, the mayor said:
“I do not believe that any
sincere American citizen de-
sires to see the rights of pri-
vate business restricted by the
federal government unless
such restriction is absolutely
necessary for the welfare of
the people of this country.
“On the other hand, following
the line of thought of the deci-
‘sions of the federal courts in
the past 15 years, I am not con-
vinced that current rulings of
the courts would grant to Ameri-
‘ean business the privilege of
discrimination by race in the se-
lection of its customers. . .
“Are we going to say that it
is all ‘right for the Negro citizen
to go into the bank on Main
Street and to deposit his earnings
or borrow money, then to go into
the department stores to buy
what he needs, to go to the super-
market to purchase food for his
= / iz
Strom Rebuked For ‘Brow-Beating’
Observer Washington Bureau
Pastore, acting chairman of
the Senate Commerce Commit-
tee, publicly rebuked South
Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond
for “brow -beating” Atlanta
Mayor Ivan Allen Rr. on Fri-
When Thurmond objected to
the rebuke, the two senators
engaged in an angry shouting
match, their second in the re-
cent round of hearings on the
President's civil rights bill.
Mayor Allen and the sparse
crowd in the hearing room
looked on in astonishment as
the two senators exchanged in-
sults over the big hearing
room’s public address system.
Pastore’s feelings arose
during Thurmond’s question-
ing of Allen about the
mayor’s endorsement of the
leaned into the microphone
to ask if the acting chairman
was implying that Thurmond
tet been discourteous to Al-
Pastore leaned back in his
chair and laughed. ‘‘Well to
be perfectly frank about it,
yes. You asked a ‘when did
you stop beating your wife
question; and I won’t tolerate
that kind of question from
this committee.’
His temper still rising, he
said, “If it’s necessary we'll
Zo into executive session and
talk about it.”
Thurmond was furious. He
denied asking any ‘loaded’
questions and said he resented
Pastore’s accusations.
Pastore shouted that Thur-
mond had asked a question
that went something like, ‘Mr.
Mayor, since the enactment
are distinguished people whose
presence before this commit-
tee is a service.”
“Tm only trying to get at
the truth,” Thurmond said. .
“Your truth is not my truth,”
replied Pastore.
At that the crowd laughed
and broke into applause.
Thurmond quickly accused
Pastore of not maintaining
the proper decorum in the
hearing room and said Pas-
tore should have erenpee the
“How can I stop it when
it’s already happened,” Pastore
said. “I didn’t know they were
going to laugh.”
The crowd laughed again.
Thurmond accused Pastore
of being an improper chair-
man, of condoning outbursts
from an audience “full of left-
wingers and sympathizers for
this bill.”
“Mr. Thurmond,” roared
Pastore, “I’ve been around
here a long time, and that
question you asked was a
loaded question.”
He then banged the gavel
‘and told the crowd it would
have to control itself.
Fidel Tells
He’d Like Talk In U.S.
committee report to McNa-
mara, Kennedy said “a seri-
ous morale problem is creat-
ed for Negro military person-
nel when various forms of seg-
regation ‘and discrimination
exist in communities neighbor-
ing military bases.”
McNamara’s memorandum to
Kennedy, and an accompanying
directive, contained few specific
actions against discrimination.
Instead, McNamara ordered
the services to outline plans and
to report to him by Aug. 15.
He authorized creation of a
new position — that of deputy
assistant secretary of defense
for civil rights — to carry out
an anti-discrimination program.
Living Costs
Rose Again
Last Month
(UPI) — The
cost of living rose to new heights
Fires” broke out? Great ‘clouds
of dust rose over the city of
270,000 as buildings came crash-
ing down. Thousands fled to
streets and squares in panic,
clad only in night clothes.
Radio Belgrade said there were
be very great.”
Some Americans, tourists or
other visitors, were reported
in the city when the first shat-
tering quake ‘struck. There was
no word whether any had been
killed or injured.
President Tito decreed Friday
and today days of national mourn-
Rescue squads rushed to Skop-
je, a city of minarets and
mosques 210 miles southeast of
Belgrade. From all over Yugo-
slavia trucks and buses were
pressed into service to evacuate
medical supplies.
Rescuers still were
“thousands of injured” but it was
impossible to say yet how many
died, although the number “must
_Tanjug reported a mercy air-
lift was operating between Skopje
and Ljubljana in northern Yugo-
slavia to ferry rescue teams and
By noon (6 am. EST) about
200 bodies had been identified.
Cal Wun LULWoOLU 8 tae Uday
with equanimity,’ Kennedy
said. :
Authoritative sources in Paris
predict French President
Charles de Gaulle will refuse to
sign the limited test-ban agree-
ment initialed in Moscow Thurs-
day and will proceed with plans
for an independent French nu-—
clear force.
Communist China already has
declared it would ignore any
agreement reached in Moscow.
The President, speaking “in a
spirit of hope,” said the agree-
ment outlawing nuclear tests in
the atmosphere, outer space and
under water, had its limitations,
But, he added, it “‘can be a step
toward reduced world tensions
an broader areas of agree-
He gave this grim alterna-
tive: “A war today or tomor-
row, if it led to nuclear war,
would not be like any war in
history. A full-scale nuclear ex-
change, lasting less than 60
minutes, could wipe out more
than 300 million Americans,
Europeans and Russians, as
well as untold numbers else-
“And the survivors, as Chair-
re eae through the rubble from whichiman Khrushchey warned the
last month and a Labor Depart- eeuia and calls for help contd Communist Chinese, ‘would envy
ment spokesman said “this isibe heard. Aftershocks were re-|the dead.’ For they would inherit
family, and so on along Main
Street until he comes to a res-
taurant or a hotel?
of this bill ‘would close many
businesses in small towns
throughout the South, don’t
President’s public accommo-
dations bill, By DONALD GRANT
“Socialism in our country is
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
a little less informal,” one of the
“In all these other business
places he is treated just like
any other customer. But when
he comes to the restaurant or
_ hotel, are we going to say that
it ds right and legal for the op-
erators of these businesses, mere-
ly as a matter of convenience,
to insist that the Negro’s citizen-
_ Ship be changed and that, as a
second class citizen, he is to be
refused service?
— “I submit that it is not right
to allow an American's citizen-
Bee. DIXIE Page 3-A, Col. 1
Taside: W ashe ton Report |
Explains Capitol Standstill
Whatever happened to Congress?
ers told the story, speaking
they would not be named,
What hapened to the President's. proposals? Is the
legislative branch of ovr government: breaking down?
To get the answers to these questions, reporters in
The Observer's Washington Bureay talked with, key in-
‘Siders at the White House and in Congress. These - insid-
_ You'll be able to read the answers in The Observer
The Great Internal Struggle
Pei the ation facing the worst domestic erisis since
But when Pastore tried to re-
gain the floor “to make a com-
ment” Thurmond refused to
When Thurmond did yield,
Pastore in a calm voice that
belied his rising feelings de-
livered a lecture “‘to the mem-
bers of this committee” about
the station of many of the wit-
nesses. He said they were “dis-
tinguished men in their own
right” and “entitled to the
‘courtesy of this committee.”
When Pastore had complet-
ed his lecture, Thurmond
frankly when asstred that
taking of property by
you think that would ee
federal government without due
process of the law?’”
Thurmond angrily denied
ean such a question.
Pastore then asked, “Will
the reporter (a stenograph-
er who takes down every-
thing said during a hearing)
read the question back?” —
‘Thurmond interrupted, shout-
ing, ‘Well, all right, suppose
I did ask the question, I re-
serve the right to cross-ex-
amine these witnesses any
way I see fit.”
Pastore, a short, mustached
man, was bristling.
“What do you mean, ‘cross-
examine,” ” he shouted. “This
is not a court room, Pie
ie, The Inside |
i | OA
on Bridge i
HAVANA — () — Premier
Fidel Castro, told a group of
Americans Friday that he would
like to talk to the people of the
United States “but you must
invite me to your house.”
Otherwise, Casiro said,
“it is
for international vistors to the
tenth: anniversary celebration
of the attack on Ft. Moneada,
which marked Caos se. ‘o
power. ray, \ .
officers remarked.
tion from Japan, a man who
ay | S7ow-Blowers
Sell Out Fast
Xi Heat
In addition to the Chinese
there were Russians, a delega-
said he represented the Bud d-
hists of the world, a group of
Indonesians, a gay pair of young
Algerians, a number of Africans,
Canadians, British, and Latin
Americans from all over the
A Cuban official esta that
Castro could have me he) Wir
might attend the Sept 1
,| average housewife paid $4 cents
sion of the U.
“| did a year ago.
dsoiqiaised prices about 3 per cent
q {in June for the first general in-}
dj‘ since 1957. This raised the
eost of a carton of non-filter cig-
| poe Real estate taxes in-
primarily a story of sugar, ciga-
rettes and taxes.””
The department said its con-
sumer price index increased by
four-tenths of 1 per cent in June.
It was the biggest one-month in-
crease in nine months.
The index stood at 106.6 per
cent of average 1957-59 prices.
The reason for the June jump
was attributed primarily to these
Sugar. In May and June,
because of a complicated world
market situation that included
invelvement by speculators and
‘some crop failures, the price
of sugar skyrocketed. Sugar
prices in June were 32 per cent
higher over the month. The
for five pounds of sugar, which
is 42 per cent more than she
—Cigarettes. Manufacturers
arettes by seven cents and push-
p the single-pack price by
Minneapolis, Seattle,
Pittsburgh and Kan-
This raised homeown-
; and pushed up rents.
ales taxes in New York
Tens of thousands of persons
stood in the ruined streets,
some weeping, others just star-
ing blankly at the wreckage of
their homes.
As. a safety precaution,
Stung by charges that the
government was trying to dic-
tate a settlement of the rail-
road crisis, Labor Secretary
Willard Wirtz announced Fri-
day that union and manage-
ment negotiators would make
another atternpt to settle the
work-rules dispute themselves.
Wirtz made the unexpected
disclosure during an appear-
anee before a Senate Com-
merce Committee hearing on
President Kennedy’s proposal
to put the four-year-old hassle
‘into the hands of the Inter-
state Commerce Commission.
His announcement came a
few hours before the union -
management session was
Wirtz’ disclosure of the new
ee bargaining effort.
came pare Presi-
corded, as rescuers: toiled in thea world so devastated by explo-
sions and poison and fire’ that
today we cannot conceive of all
its horrors.”
‘Even without a war, Kennedy
said unlimited testing in the fu-
ture would mean unnatural in- —
creases ‘in the number of chil-
dren and grandchildren with can-
See QUAKE, Page 2-A, Col. 2,See KENNEDY, Page 2A, Col. 2
Wirtz Calls New Huddle
Of RR, Union Delegates
cer in their bones, with leukemia
deni George Meany in ef-
fect rejected the Kennedy
plan and suggested that Con-
gress set up a special | ‘eom-
mittee to oversee a fresh
try at a negotiated setile-
The labor secretary said the
new bargaining session. would |
be held in his office starting:
ab 8:30 p.m. EDT. ‘He will sit.
in on the discussions.
A spokesman for Wirtz ex-
plained that this was not an
- indication that a break-through
might be imminent in the
work-ttles dispute.
Wirte was obviously Se
by charges during the Se
ate hearing, by heads of
rail pee Pr
proposal for the
és dis
eal, dan is
of the i
. “ i; \
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