Box 19, Folder 18, Document 71

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Box 19, Folder 18, Document 71

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6108 Kimbark avenue
Chicago 37, Tllinois
July 29, 1963

yrayor Tvan Ailen, jr.
RtlLanta, Georgia

Wy dear yWayor Allen;

T want to commend you
for your support of the Civil Rights bill now
before Congress. tT read about your @endorse-
ment of this bill in your testimony before the
Senate gommerce Commission.

T recognize of course that the proposals
of president rennedy wontt go very far and will
be only a short step forward. But they repre-
sent an important step, and a step we should
take now.

vy have read about the progress you have
been making in atlanta in this area of civil
rights. ‘his progress is evidence of intelli-
gent leadership.

7y know you have been reading about the
racial demonstrations here in Chicago. ‘ye
have abolished certains forms of segregation
but it seems to be all the stronger in other
areas. we have to go through the agony here
in the Worth, just as you do in the South.


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