Box 20, Folder 2, Document 48

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 48

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July 30, 1963

The Editor
Chattanooga News-Free Press
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Dear Sir:

nk you for the wonderful manner in which you report the

ional news so accurately and fairly. I subseribe to

er because we do not got this type coverage here in Atlanta
ehind our “paper curtain.”

eannot agree with you more fully than in your editorial
‘ about our Atlanta Mayor, Ivan Allen, and his sell-out to
Atlanta negro block vote.

t is so amazing is that only a few years ago when Ivan
en had his eyes on the Georgia governorship, he was a
unch serpegnieelst.

When Ivan Allen ran for mayor of Atlanta, he apparently
sed the negros the parks and pools, the restaurants,
os lk, tas te aor He on onl a bett ing kee
8 says suppor 8
os that he is willing to give eae rights and those
other property anes as given us under the Constitution.

Most Atlanta white eitizens who are so disgusted by his
ofions feel that he has ruined himself peer but
t some Federal appointment must surely await him. His
tement before the Senate Commerce Comittee sounded
st as if Bobby Kennedy had written it himself.

corely yours,

Ken E. Edwards, Jr.


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