Box 20, Folder 2, Document 49

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 49

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el | Pere ee er ae Are eT eres a a LS a a a a a er ee et eee

July 30, 1963

Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia

Mayor Allen:

I think you made a complete fool out of yourself and the Great State of Georgia
by endorsing the Cival Rights Bill made by the Kentiedy brothers and probably helped
by Martin Luther King;.who has a bunch of Reds on his staff.

I will, and certainly none of my friends, not ever vote for you or anyone like you
who is up just for the political glory of what might be in store for you. Maybe you
will be elected to head King's New York office.

Ong A. che A i

1710 Bridgeport Dr., N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30329


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