Dublin Core
Box 20, Folder 2, Document 50
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Atlanta, Georgia
July 30, 1963
Hon, Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Sir:
I read every day in our newspapers such as this:
Groceryman robbed, Whiskey store robbed, white woman assaulted
and raped.....all by negroes.
It seems that you have created a monster, another Washington, D.C.
for persona] and political gain. Has it ever occurred to you that with-
in a short tiime, we will have a negro mayor, negro councilman, and
negro chief of police? Then, may God have mercy on the whites and your
so-called fair and prosperous city, Even now, we are afraid to walk the
streets of Atlanta after nightfall. PLEASE ask your colored friends to
make some effort to be worthy of what you are doing for them, in return
for their votes.
A White Voter and Taxpayer.