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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 56
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Mrs. E. ). Burner
2932 Cherokee Ave.
‘ Jacksonville 10, Fla.
Mayor Ivan Allen
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:
I was deeply disturbed and disappointed when I read your
testimony before the Congressional Committee favoring the
Administration's Civil Rights Bill.
It seems bbvious that your people do not share your
enchantment at the results of the de-segregation of the
beautiful city of “tlanta. If all were the picture of sweet-
hess and light you painted for the reporters and Congressional
Committee, surely you would feel no need for federal laws to
keep your people from "backslifing".
This bill would bring us to the brink of Totalitarianismé
The taking away of the rights of property owners is one of
the first steps toward a Communistic state.
It is disheartening to realize how many politicians are
Willing to jeopardize our form of government to obtain the
Negro vote, or perhaps a political plum from this Administration.
The stand you have taken on this matter does a grave
disservice to our country.
hla 7 BATE
2932 Cherokee Ave.
‘ Jacksonville 10, Fla.
Mayor Ivan Allen
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:
I was deeply disturbed and disappointed when I read your
testimony before the Congressional Committee favoring the
Administration's Civil Rights Bill.
It seems bbvious that your people do not share your
enchantment at the results of the de-segregation of the
beautiful city of “tlanta. If all were the picture of sweet-
hess and light you painted for the reporters and Congressional
Committee, surely you would feel no need for federal laws to
keep your people from "backslifing".
This bill would bring us to the brink of Totalitarianismé
The taking away of the rights of property owners is one of
the first steps toward a Communistic state.
It is disheartening to realize how many politicians are
Willing to jeopardize our form of government to obtain the
Negro vote, or perhaps a political plum from this Administration.
The stand you have taken on this matter does a grave
disservice to our country.
hla 7 BATE