Box 20, Folder 2, Document 57

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 57

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“van 4) The Boer + ide

ey Ae a gr fs ee ee ee eter kh ore

slanted » reporting

Tox Ka rey. ss
air ry ‘DSc.,
wv ao i the

Senienced to 0 davs in Pasa 5
{ demo pfter’ oieading puilty tp
merala offense. -

: He aisn included’ ¥ 2! free

i - Grds thai showed ‘thst Riuliin
“vehitewast - fou! i ‘favor Oo served-ir'two federai peuiten- ~
‘va Bayard Rustin, ‘Reply ai. | sries. trom March(9, 4944 ta)
rector of the s¢ eduled:s Aug. - Age Tigh, on ane ete
8 civil rig a Sts evasion: charge, _
ingen. yl gaat a Pink Y Pamemet Wihdog thas. ak
%, - WA esp oe though ihe Post sad Xustin’
Led ae charged aie | wasca-imember of the Young ,
3 ir be r¥ of eg eee was. “eo » Cepimunist ‘Ledeue and, lster 4
ad y Coli examo es reawe ae quit ane _ staged the ne -
* . © S repecter = in 5
t a toot ee Pie Bs etonk ms 3c

andy areca ter ines baer ; “hed ie
Tiger pcp 9 gh Lipp / |
has a record, fT pee mating te 3 ese gt |
rect ] ; gilded Why a Fhe 5 ..
eg yl ES the peat ete naas tt ee: Sat een eae “aK
dy CL se ng thd, SRettin Server za Anpethe don, wnt the. marehon Wash: pe
d shows : ut on jon World . et Sa COR. ‘etn a Restis! Mri *
urmon a RLF attr « eiperrtt tes Ena hey Mieeh > 00 ~ bingte ay iste sy a die
a) oe ie od f was env inged aa tena.” rghit AE a. :
‘ LS K Saat: iat Mag Bs if a a ; es sande > SAP oe Mia =
Au ist 29th) teelle: of The North :, 1S chek r “bei ancio: pi d Teale; Bautine
Gefore re oe rg ‘ thi the Ls. A. og Go Swit _ other men, * the paat.. Sof ae Briss rt
Side News. the Mareh of thé Muscle-1ni sinor ities within ame Versha w eine Thu? mand: eid, | eee ;
wilt be the rope cf the day. : vi niet “3 ‘Thwrmoad sate vibe true =) he Oh Invview df the fact. that
It will have bapponed next Wednesday, Aug .st dec, fC Cee ie a ers, that Rustin was © | Mr. Ratioljh's name appensa t) 2
funds have, een yprovided those edger for the bsand <ailpoadf: sp. ak genie nieditoe tating BBlehide | on. the Teltethnad. of the ge)
tides by thelr m@lti-millionaire sympatt Ze 5. What, sort of people oe Nace” by Mite Seleetive “se ow | Gander Center in Knowytlle,
are these who will be aping Mussolini's RReeL i wi | , Vb and Gillare Ya report: “i Rann., a5 "8 see a ee
The NEWS prints "below an extract of a Congressional Fecord the S$ Syyran ty mport oe 4 Apert <Cegtge
tiie of their deputy director, Gavard Rustin fhe a Senate. j Bc ofeau : ietts ob- yy : his Ba
fonees hy ba Quroiuna’s 1S. Sendtor Strom, Thurmond. The , < ) Wias x y jectars, oe ‘ 3 i sy q sis ce re ciate :
story won in The Charlotte @N.C.) Observer exactly as we photon y gt @ “ft Th Sei Carctina, senator, bs. asiglag Tetisns vee iw o¥
graphidally repredice it here, delivered out of Washington'to'flige, - -- on Az A at the Words > ate Is “hay: chit priaameosied’b ion,
- newspaper by the United Press Intecnati¢nal. The NEWS recetved i Ke ee *G nee er : - | sine. 4 Fg
f a clipping of the Observer's article from a Norths whe is baga= eS ye : ‘ ee = ment hale
(| Seng 3 cetyan maa Cantor Carty Mating RE at Wrasse le
racked note id "| bet you won't see the clog sors oe ee re inty and fetus @ : bos if fi Pet is
} either of the) Auanta dally dewspapers. ought yqu 2 a. ¥ - 1 48 shy ertadios int ng
} readers woukd’ bé-imecest@™,”, The note was roe I! a a item fink Sx Ps. “] iagtage waa ay as tag.
Sore Céschtré® @ircle Nortisijer, an Atlantean whe, es gp a 8. urea ee 10 sar! fi j rs.
§ nf ert much forthe atlania Pullding far we Ry r . ms that iy “orig? coir i NaS: of
ih ina eh are seer opts ali the cred F — 3
: : 3 * — . . at —— ety ns ek 3 .
b wll i oF > dr intesd ifthe Auanr Bhtting Tt Wee- «<8 Lit hte tats Mee : !
; most ingens some hres page. ae Charsartamyes at a ’ J
+ Observer gavel ie & 3 wer ot
‘, aw a
lL ail Li a Sees ~~ —s cet — —s ™ dee EE De his i x:


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