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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 5
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’ Al
bee nai meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee combining three public
hearings was held on Friday, July 1h, 1967, at 10:00 A. M. at the City Hall,
Committee Room 2.
All members were present as follows:
Mr. Rodney M. Cook, Chairman
Mr. Hugh Pierce
Mr. Gregory Griggs
Mr. George Cotsakis
Mr. John M. Flanigen
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne
Mr. Frank Etheridge
Also present were:
Alderman G. Everett Millican
Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Director, City of Atlanta
Mr. Robert Sommerville, Chairman, CACUR; President, Atlanta Transit System
Mr. William S. Howland, Executive Director, CACUR
é Mr. John Izard, Attorney, King and Spalding
Mr. Les Persells, Director of R,development, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Howard Openshaw, Chief, -Planning and Engineering Branch, Atlanta
Housing Authority
Mr. James Henley, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Cook called the meeting to order and explained the purpose of this
meeting is to have three public hearings. They will include (1) an Urban Redevelop-
ment Plan for the North Avenue - Boulevard Urban Redevelopment Area (part of the
Bedford Pine Urban Redevelopment Area); (2) a proposed Amendment to the Urban
Redevelopment Plan for the Auditorium Urban Redevelopment Area; (3) a proposed
Amendment to the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Thomasville Urban Redevelop-
ment Area. A fourth item, separate from the public hearings, is a Star-Tex pro-
posal for disposition parcel 22, West End Urban Redevelopment Area.
Chairman Cook introduced Mr. Howard Openshaw, who was to make the pre-
sentations for the Housing Authority. Mr. Openshaw began by orienting those pre-
sent to the North Avenue ~- Boulevard Urban Redevelopment Project. A map was on
display outlining the boundaries. Mr. Openshaw stated there were two reasons for
requesting approval of a portion of the Bedford Pine Urban Redevelopment area at
this time. The first being that it will provide, even while the project is still
in planning, permanent public and private housing for the residents who will be
displaced through the Urban Renewal process and who want to remain in the general
area. Subsequent to the approval of the Plan, the Authority will file with the
Federal Government an application for an Early Land Acquisition Loan to secure
Federal funds to begin acquisition of a limited area. Secondly, to provide re-
habilitation assistance through Federal funds to residents along Boulevard who
are now being subjected to rigid code enforcement by the City.
He continued that the Authority will concentrate its acquisition, reloca-
tion and demolition efforts in the blocks bounded by North Avenue, Parkway Drive,
Linden Avenue and Nutting Street to make public housing available at the earliest
possible time. j
The Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Committee's consideration consists
of a six page narrative document, a boundary and acquisition map, and three exhibits
marked Minimum Property Standards. Secondly, consideration to authorize the Mayor
to enter into an agreement with the Authority to bear any loss resulting from
early land acquisition activities in the event the area acquired is not included
in the total urban renewal area. Mr. Openshaw stated that reuse of this area
will be residential, consisting of public housing or 221 (d)(3) housing.
Mr. Cook opened the floor to anyone wishing to comment or ask questions.
Mr. Robert Sommerville asked if there is any assurance that the area on
North Avenue will be approved by HUD for public housing. Mr. Openshaw replied
that we have had initial meetings with representatives from public housing, HAA
and RAA and have preliminary indication they will go along with public housing,
although we have not had official word it will be approved.
The Committee heard from Reverend Searcy, Chairman of URESCU, State
Representative J. D. Grier and Reverend Dorsey, all of whom endorsed the Plan and
expressed their desire that permission be granted to implement the Plan. Tommie
Weeks, a lay member of URESCU, spoke for the people of Bedford Pine expressing their
desire that the area remain residential.
Mr. Openshaw added in a final note that 77 families are to be relocated
in the area outlined in this Plan. Relocation surveys that have been conducted
indicate that the predominance of people to be moved want to remain in this area;
therefore, included in the application to be filed with the Federal Government,
is a request of funds to provide temporary relocation facilities in the immediate
area. For clarification, Reverend Searcy stated that even before construction
starts, living space will be provided for those who will be displaced and can live
in temporary housing until public housing is complete. Mr. Cook replied this is
correct and explained there is an open space in the Auditorium project area where
temporary housing may be placed.
Mr. Sommerville requested maps showing this area be made available, and
Mr. Openshaw assured him they are available in the Project Office for anyone wishing
to see them and have been made available to Reverend Grier and will be made avail-
able as needed.
Alderman Pierce asked what the nature of the temporary housing will be
and expressed concern for using something of this nature. He stated he would never
go along with this solution unless there is assurance it will be temporary.
Alderman Griggs moved the Committee approve the two resolutions and bring
them to the Board of Aldermen Monday. The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook stated the second public hearing is on the proposed amend-
ment to the urban redevelopment plan for the Auditorium Urban Redevelopment area.
Mr. Openshaw stated this Plan was adopted in 196) to get the Auditorium under way
and has been amended various times since, primarily for auditorium parking and
street widening. This amendment is to permit acquisition of three properties
at the southeast corner of Forrest and Piedmont Avenues. The reason to acquire
these at this point is to facilitate widening of Piedmont Avenue south of Forrest
on the east side, and to relieve hardship or owner of Parcel BB 4-5. The Plan
must be amended to acquire these parcels.
Alderman Griggs moved the Committee acéept the amendment to the Plan.
The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook stated the third public hearing is on a proposed Amendment
to the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Thomasville Urban Redevelopment Area. Mr.
Openshaw explained that this project is nearing completion of its execution stage.
On March 15, 1965, this area was designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
for public housing. This amendment will designate public housing as a permitted
use in the area north of McDonough Road. It will also include acquisition of two
properties located at 10,3 and 1119 Isa Drive. ;
These properties have not been rehabilitated and are a blighting in-
fluence on the surrounding redevelopment. The original plan designated duplexes
as a buffer between the proposed commercial and single-family development. How-
ever, the Zoning Committee turned down the rezoning application to permit duplexes
at the request of the area residents.
Mr. Openshaw pointed out a site designated for school yse and stated
the School Board doesn't have money to buy the entire site. A portion will be
donated as a park site, which will serve the school as well as the community at
large. Also included will be proposed project funds to build a chain link fence
along Moreland Avenue to protect the children in the area.
Mr. Cook stated he has been told final plans should be ready in a few
months and let for public housing by the end of this year with construction under-
way the first of next year.
Mr. E. V. Mosby, a resident in the Thomasville area, stated he felt this
proposal to be very good and asked that work get started as soon as possible. He
thanked the Committee for looking into this situation.
Alderman Griggs moved this amendment be approved. The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook presented the next item for consideration and turned the
meeting over to Mr. Herbert A. Ringle to make his presentation. Mr. Ringle ex-
plained that he is attorney for a group of developers interested in a portion of
property north of Oak Street between Ashby and Lee Streets. This. property is
across the street from the proposed West End shopping center. His clients have
purchased the Adalaide Apartments along with 12 of the 15 other parcels in that
block. They want to develop a motel facility consisting of 296 rooms plus ) pent-
house apartments totaling 300 units. They have hired an architect and have developed
preliminary plans for this facility. He stated his awareness that Urban Renewal
has also projected a motel site in the same general vicinity; but according to his
thinking, more than one motel type facility is needed in the area. He continued
that with the acquisitions they have made and:the offers for development they
have received from national motel chains they are ready to go with the redevelopment
=3- ;
of the site. He stated it will be an Urban Renewal development by private interest
and private money. According to Mr. Ringle, they are ready to enter into any legal
covenants that this property will be developed strictly in accordance with plans
specified by this Committee, and that they are not buying to resell but for develop-
ment. Mr. Ringle introduced Mr. Henry Calb who stated the cost figures they have
assembled. For the entire facility, the cost was estimated to be $2,921,000.
It was Mr. Ringle's wish that the site they are interested in be changed
from a to-be-acquired status to a not to-be-acquired status and give them an
opportunity t purchase the three parcels acquired by the Housing Authority.
At this point the Chairman recognized Mr. Wilson McClure who read a
resolution passed by the West End Citizens Advisory Committee recommending, (1)
"That a plan change be submitted to include the acquisition of the Adelaide Apart-
‘ments and vacant tract of land adjacent to the Adelaide along the expressway;
(2) That the plan change on the north side of Oak Street be deferred to see what
interest is shown by a proposed developer of the shopping center."
Mr. Tom Oxnard, Editor of the WEST END STAR, stated that the primary
consideration is the status of the West End Urban Renewal Project. A fine job
has been done with rehabilitation; and with the proposed shopping center some
time off, the psychological effect of a motel would be immeasurable so long as the
type structure erected can be supervised. This would put a tremendous visual
impact on the community if strict standards are followed.
Mr. Cook asked Mr. Persells if he has any dates or figures for the shopping
center which is the top priority area. Mr. Persells replied that it will be
advertised for sale by the end of this year. A date in mid August is being aimed
for, but will probably have to be postponed. The shopping center has to be ad-
vertised for a considerable length of time, a minimum of 6 months and probably 8
months. He continued that the major delaying factor in the shopping center develop-
ment is the presence of the Lee Street School. The replacement school is to be
bid on and construction started in September. The Board of Education usually pro-
jects about a 15 month construction period for such a school. If the school can
be demolished after 15 months, the shopping center can get underway immediately.
Mr. Cook stated that the relocation of Lee Street School will not affect
the Northern part of the sector and continued that construction of the northern
portion must be included as a part of the Plan. He said this is the main priority
area in Urban Renewal, and hopefully some visual efforts will be evident within
the next few months. He asked Mr. William Greenleaf for the actual status of
acquisition in this block. Mr. Greenleaf replied that all parcels except one
between Zachery and Oak Streets have been bought or are under option. In reply
to Mr. Greenleaf's question to Mr. Ringle regarding the number of parcels his
clients have acquired, he replied that ten have actually be purchased and two are
under option.
Alderman Flanigen asked Mr. Gladin what the effect of the shopping center
will be on the motel. Mr. Gladin replied that this has not been looked into yet.
He added that up to this point estimates that have been made are not projecting
two motels, although he realized these estimates are out of date.
the shopping center. He doesn't want to see everybody moved out then take years
At this point, Mr. Cook turned the meeting over to Mr. E. S. Robinson,
a Real Estate Representative for Gulf Oil Corporation in Atlanta. Mr. Robinson
.was interested in acquisition Parcel 11-1, located at the corner of Lee and Oak
Streets, on which a Gulf Station is now operating. The Gulf Oil Corporation is
interested in leasing Parcel 11-39 which fronts 50 feet on Lee Street. This pro-
perty is now in a to-be-acquired status; they request it be designated not to-be-
acquired to enable Gulf Oil to lease it from the present property owner and facilitate
expansion of the Station.
. Mr. McClure read a resolution passed by the West End Citizens Advisory
Committee recommending that, "...The property be acquired by the Atlanta Housing
Authority and Guld Oil Company negotiate with the developer of the shopping
center for additional space."
Mr. Everett Millican said he spoke as an individual, not as a member
of the Board of Aldermen, when he stated that if the station is to remain in this
location the additional room is needed to make it an asset. Mr. Millican stated
he has assurance from Gulf that the area will be cleaned up, removing any debris
that has accummulated. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Mullican if the Committee approves this
request for the additional 50 feet would Gulf be any less likely in the future
to move across the street if it was shown to be in the best interest of the shopp-
ing center. Mr. Mullican stated it is not the desire of Gulf to move across the
street. He felt the position they presently occupy is better than being directly
on the Interstate.
Mr. Oxnard pointed out that the West End CAC's discussion was not re-
flected in the resolution ready by Mr. McClure. He continued that the general
feeling of the Committee was that the station should not be there. Rather than
allowing it to expand, it should move across the street. The general feeling was
that it should not have been there in the first place and expansion would merely
cut that much more from the shopping center. Mr. Robinson countered that he met
with Mr. McClure and the CAC July 11th and told them their plans were to beautify
the station by landscaping and adding facilities to it, proposing to make that
corner a credit to the area as a whole. Mr. Robinson believes this can be done
by providing the additional frontage. Mr. Cotsakis moved the Committee take this
up in Executive Session. This was agreed on unanimously, and the public hearings
ended and the Committee moved into Executive Session.
When the Committee was called to order in the Executive Session, Mr. Cook
stated in regard to the Star Tex proposal there is need for more pre-planning
rather than just offering for sale and leaving it to the developer to draw the
plans. He felt additional ground work should be laid before letting the site for
bids, and stated this is initially what must be done.
Mr. Cook said an immediate start must be made on the northern sector of
to move them back. New buildings should be ready for occupancy before demolition
begins on the old structures. He thought this is something that must be required
in developing the site. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Openshaw what happened to the idea
of moving Oak Street. Mr. Openshaw replied that Mr. Karl Bevins, City Traffic
Engineer, would not permit Oak Street to be moved because it would interfer with
the expressway ramp. i
a a?
Mr. Edwin Sterne commented in connection with Mr. Ringle's proposed motel
development that apparently Urban Renewal had already planned a motel and asked
what effect another motel development will have on this one and if it would make
our proposed motel less saleable. Mr. Etheridge stated it would tend to create
another constructive activity, and he did not believe there could be an adverse effect.
Mr. Cook expressed more concern about its effect on the shopping center
than on another motel. He continued that when we do have an opportunity to really
put a plan together with something that looks good and can set the tone for the
entire area, we ought to make every effort to tie it together. We ought to go
further than setting a fixed price, then selecting the best plan submitted by
outlining planning criteria and having the developer follow those plans.
Mr. Sterne stated he thought the entire area north of Oak Street ought
to be devoted to motel use rather than adding other facilities. Mr. Gladin bem
it should be designed as one unit following a set design criteria.
Mr. Etheridge suggested we have someone set up the design criteria rather
than relying on the architect. Mr. Gladin suggested the City or a consultant make
the plan.
Mr. Persells suggested the Committee recommend to the Housing Authority
that this be included in the Urban Renewal Plan for acquisition and take no action
at this time and recommend to the Housing Authority that immediate steps be taken
to implement a top notch plan by employing an outside Planner. Mr. Cook stated
we will need to bring someone in from the outside. Mr. Cotsakis did not think
the Housing Authority should be responsible for selecting the consultant, but
Suggested as a ‘possibility the Civic Design Commission. He continued that with
an outside consultant, a plan be effectuated relating the entire area.
Mr. Cotsakis suggested the Committee defer a decision at this time.
The Committee was in general agreement. Mr. Cook concluded that within 60 days
the Committee should have some answers on this issue.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted:
Rodney Mo ob bbe Secretary
Chairman h
bee nai meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee combining three public
hearings was held on Friday, July 1h, 1967, at 10:00 A. M. at the City Hall,
Committee Room 2.
All members were present as follows:
Mr. Rodney M. Cook, Chairman
Mr. Hugh Pierce
Mr. Gregory Griggs
Mr. George Cotsakis
Mr. John M. Flanigen
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne
Mr. Frank Etheridge
Also present were:
Alderman G. Everett Millican
Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Director, City of Atlanta
Mr. Robert Sommerville, Chairman, CACUR; President, Atlanta Transit System
Mr. William S. Howland, Executive Director, CACUR
é Mr. John Izard, Attorney, King and Spalding
Mr. Les Persells, Director of R,development, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Howard Openshaw, Chief, -Planning and Engineering Branch, Atlanta
Housing Authority
Mr. James Henley, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Cook called the meeting to order and explained the purpose of this
meeting is to have three public hearings. They will include (1) an Urban Redevelop-
ment Plan for the North Avenue - Boulevard Urban Redevelopment Area (part of the
Bedford Pine Urban Redevelopment Area); (2) a proposed Amendment to the Urban
Redevelopment Plan for the Auditorium Urban Redevelopment Area; (3) a proposed
Amendment to the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Thomasville Urban Redevelop-
ment Area. A fourth item, separate from the public hearings, is a Star-Tex pro-
posal for disposition parcel 22, West End Urban Redevelopment Area.
Chairman Cook introduced Mr. Howard Openshaw, who was to make the pre-
sentations for the Housing Authority. Mr. Openshaw began by orienting those pre-
sent to the North Avenue ~- Boulevard Urban Redevelopment Project. A map was on
display outlining the boundaries. Mr. Openshaw stated there were two reasons for
requesting approval of a portion of the Bedford Pine Urban Redevelopment area at
this time. The first being that it will provide, even while the project is still
in planning, permanent public and private housing for the residents who will be
displaced through the Urban Renewal process and who want to remain in the general
area. Subsequent to the approval of the Plan, the Authority will file with the
Federal Government an application for an Early Land Acquisition Loan to secure
Federal funds to begin acquisition of a limited area. Secondly, to provide re-
habilitation assistance through Federal funds to residents along Boulevard who
are now being subjected to rigid code enforcement by the City.
He continued that the Authority will concentrate its acquisition, reloca-
tion and demolition efforts in the blocks bounded by North Avenue, Parkway Drive,
Linden Avenue and Nutting Street to make public housing available at the earliest
possible time. j
The Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Committee's consideration consists
of a six page narrative document, a boundary and acquisition map, and three exhibits
marked Minimum Property Standards. Secondly, consideration to authorize the Mayor
to enter into an agreement with the Authority to bear any loss resulting from
early land acquisition activities in the event the area acquired is not included
in the total urban renewal area. Mr. Openshaw stated that reuse of this area
will be residential, consisting of public housing or 221 (d)(3) housing.
Mr. Cook opened the floor to anyone wishing to comment or ask questions.
Mr. Robert Sommerville asked if there is any assurance that the area on
North Avenue will be approved by HUD for public housing. Mr. Openshaw replied
that we have had initial meetings with representatives from public housing, HAA
and RAA and have preliminary indication they will go along with public housing,
although we have not had official word it will be approved.
The Committee heard from Reverend Searcy, Chairman of URESCU, State
Representative J. D. Grier and Reverend Dorsey, all of whom endorsed the Plan and
expressed their desire that permission be granted to implement the Plan. Tommie
Weeks, a lay member of URESCU, spoke for the people of Bedford Pine expressing their
desire that the area remain residential.
Mr. Openshaw added in a final note that 77 families are to be relocated
in the area outlined in this Plan. Relocation surveys that have been conducted
indicate that the predominance of people to be moved want to remain in this area;
therefore, included in the application to be filed with the Federal Government,
is a request of funds to provide temporary relocation facilities in the immediate
area. For clarification, Reverend Searcy stated that even before construction
starts, living space will be provided for those who will be displaced and can live
in temporary housing until public housing is complete. Mr. Cook replied this is
correct and explained there is an open space in the Auditorium project area where
temporary housing may be placed.
Mr. Sommerville requested maps showing this area be made available, and
Mr. Openshaw assured him they are available in the Project Office for anyone wishing
to see them and have been made available to Reverend Grier and will be made avail-
able as needed.
Alderman Pierce asked what the nature of the temporary housing will be
and expressed concern for using something of this nature. He stated he would never
go along with this solution unless there is assurance it will be temporary.
Alderman Griggs moved the Committee approve the two resolutions and bring
them to the Board of Aldermen Monday. The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook stated the second public hearing is on the proposed amend-
ment to the urban redevelopment plan for the Auditorium Urban Redevelopment area.
Mr. Openshaw stated this Plan was adopted in 196) to get the Auditorium under way
and has been amended various times since, primarily for auditorium parking and
street widening. This amendment is to permit acquisition of three properties
at the southeast corner of Forrest and Piedmont Avenues. The reason to acquire
these at this point is to facilitate widening of Piedmont Avenue south of Forrest
on the east side, and to relieve hardship or owner of Parcel BB 4-5. The Plan
must be amended to acquire these parcels.
Alderman Griggs moved the Committee acéept the amendment to the Plan.
The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook stated the third public hearing is on a proposed Amendment
to the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Thomasville Urban Redevelopment Area. Mr.
Openshaw explained that this project is nearing completion of its execution stage.
On March 15, 1965, this area was designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
for public housing. This amendment will designate public housing as a permitted
use in the area north of McDonough Road. It will also include acquisition of two
properties located at 10,3 and 1119 Isa Drive. ;
These properties have not been rehabilitated and are a blighting in-
fluence on the surrounding redevelopment. The original plan designated duplexes
as a buffer between the proposed commercial and single-family development. How-
ever, the Zoning Committee turned down the rezoning application to permit duplexes
at the request of the area residents.
Mr. Openshaw pointed out a site designated for school yse and stated
the School Board doesn't have money to buy the entire site. A portion will be
donated as a park site, which will serve the school as well as the community at
large. Also included will be proposed project funds to build a chain link fence
along Moreland Avenue to protect the children in the area.
Mr. Cook stated he has been told final plans should be ready in a few
months and let for public housing by the end of this year with construction under-
way the first of next year.
Mr. E. V. Mosby, a resident in the Thomasville area, stated he felt this
proposal to be very good and asked that work get started as soon as possible. He
thanked the Committee for looking into this situation.
Alderman Griggs moved this amendment be approved. The vote was unanimous.
Chairman Cook presented the next item for consideration and turned the
meeting over to Mr. Herbert A. Ringle to make his presentation. Mr. Ringle ex-
plained that he is attorney for a group of developers interested in a portion of
property north of Oak Street between Ashby and Lee Streets. This. property is
across the street from the proposed West End shopping center. His clients have
purchased the Adalaide Apartments along with 12 of the 15 other parcels in that
block. They want to develop a motel facility consisting of 296 rooms plus ) pent-
house apartments totaling 300 units. They have hired an architect and have developed
preliminary plans for this facility. He stated his awareness that Urban Renewal
has also projected a motel site in the same general vicinity; but according to his
thinking, more than one motel type facility is needed in the area. He continued
that with the acquisitions they have made and:the offers for development they
have received from national motel chains they are ready to go with the redevelopment
=3- ;
of the site. He stated it will be an Urban Renewal development by private interest
and private money. According to Mr. Ringle, they are ready to enter into any legal
covenants that this property will be developed strictly in accordance with plans
specified by this Committee, and that they are not buying to resell but for develop-
ment. Mr. Ringle introduced Mr. Henry Calb who stated the cost figures they have
assembled. For the entire facility, the cost was estimated to be $2,921,000.
It was Mr. Ringle's wish that the site they are interested in be changed
from a to-be-acquired status to a not to-be-acquired status and give them an
opportunity t purchase the three parcels acquired by the Housing Authority.
At this point the Chairman recognized Mr. Wilson McClure who read a
resolution passed by the West End Citizens Advisory Committee recommending, (1)
"That a plan change be submitted to include the acquisition of the Adelaide Apart-
‘ments and vacant tract of land adjacent to the Adelaide along the expressway;
(2) That the plan change on the north side of Oak Street be deferred to see what
interest is shown by a proposed developer of the shopping center."
Mr. Tom Oxnard, Editor of the WEST END STAR, stated that the primary
consideration is the status of the West End Urban Renewal Project. A fine job
has been done with rehabilitation; and with the proposed shopping center some
time off, the psychological effect of a motel would be immeasurable so long as the
type structure erected can be supervised. This would put a tremendous visual
impact on the community if strict standards are followed.
Mr. Cook asked Mr. Persells if he has any dates or figures for the shopping
center which is the top priority area. Mr. Persells replied that it will be
advertised for sale by the end of this year. A date in mid August is being aimed
for, but will probably have to be postponed. The shopping center has to be ad-
vertised for a considerable length of time, a minimum of 6 months and probably 8
months. He continued that the major delaying factor in the shopping center develop-
ment is the presence of the Lee Street School. The replacement school is to be
bid on and construction started in September. The Board of Education usually pro-
jects about a 15 month construction period for such a school. If the school can
be demolished after 15 months, the shopping center can get underway immediately.
Mr. Cook stated that the relocation of Lee Street School will not affect
the Northern part of the sector and continued that construction of the northern
portion must be included as a part of the Plan. He said this is the main priority
area in Urban Renewal, and hopefully some visual efforts will be evident within
the next few months. He asked Mr. William Greenleaf for the actual status of
acquisition in this block. Mr. Greenleaf replied that all parcels except one
between Zachery and Oak Streets have been bought or are under option. In reply
to Mr. Greenleaf's question to Mr. Ringle regarding the number of parcels his
clients have acquired, he replied that ten have actually be purchased and two are
under option.
Alderman Flanigen asked Mr. Gladin what the effect of the shopping center
will be on the motel. Mr. Gladin replied that this has not been looked into yet.
He added that up to this point estimates that have been made are not projecting
two motels, although he realized these estimates are out of date.
the shopping center. He doesn't want to see everybody moved out then take years
At this point, Mr. Cook turned the meeting over to Mr. E. S. Robinson,
a Real Estate Representative for Gulf Oil Corporation in Atlanta. Mr. Robinson
.was interested in acquisition Parcel 11-1, located at the corner of Lee and Oak
Streets, on which a Gulf Station is now operating. The Gulf Oil Corporation is
interested in leasing Parcel 11-39 which fronts 50 feet on Lee Street. This pro-
perty is now in a to-be-acquired status; they request it be designated not to-be-
acquired to enable Gulf Oil to lease it from the present property owner and facilitate
expansion of the Station.
. Mr. McClure read a resolution passed by the West End Citizens Advisory
Committee recommending that, "...The property be acquired by the Atlanta Housing
Authority and Guld Oil Company negotiate with the developer of the shopping
center for additional space."
Mr. Everett Millican said he spoke as an individual, not as a member
of the Board of Aldermen, when he stated that if the station is to remain in this
location the additional room is needed to make it an asset. Mr. Millican stated
he has assurance from Gulf that the area will be cleaned up, removing any debris
that has accummulated. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Mullican if the Committee approves this
request for the additional 50 feet would Gulf be any less likely in the future
to move across the street if it was shown to be in the best interest of the shopp-
ing center. Mr. Mullican stated it is not the desire of Gulf to move across the
street. He felt the position they presently occupy is better than being directly
on the Interstate.
Mr. Oxnard pointed out that the West End CAC's discussion was not re-
flected in the resolution ready by Mr. McClure. He continued that the general
feeling of the Committee was that the station should not be there. Rather than
allowing it to expand, it should move across the street. The general feeling was
that it should not have been there in the first place and expansion would merely
cut that much more from the shopping center. Mr. Robinson countered that he met
with Mr. McClure and the CAC July 11th and told them their plans were to beautify
the station by landscaping and adding facilities to it, proposing to make that
corner a credit to the area as a whole. Mr. Robinson believes this can be done
by providing the additional frontage. Mr. Cotsakis moved the Committee take this
up in Executive Session. This was agreed on unanimously, and the public hearings
ended and the Committee moved into Executive Session.
When the Committee was called to order in the Executive Session, Mr. Cook
stated in regard to the Star Tex proposal there is need for more pre-planning
rather than just offering for sale and leaving it to the developer to draw the
plans. He felt additional ground work should be laid before letting the site for
bids, and stated this is initially what must be done.
Mr. Cook said an immediate start must be made on the northern sector of
to move them back. New buildings should be ready for occupancy before demolition
begins on the old structures. He thought this is something that must be required
in developing the site. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Openshaw what happened to the idea
of moving Oak Street. Mr. Openshaw replied that Mr. Karl Bevins, City Traffic
Engineer, would not permit Oak Street to be moved because it would interfer with
the expressway ramp. i
a a?
Mr. Edwin Sterne commented in connection with Mr. Ringle's proposed motel
development that apparently Urban Renewal had already planned a motel and asked
what effect another motel development will have on this one and if it would make
our proposed motel less saleable. Mr. Etheridge stated it would tend to create
another constructive activity, and he did not believe there could be an adverse effect.
Mr. Cook expressed more concern about its effect on the shopping center
than on another motel. He continued that when we do have an opportunity to really
put a plan together with something that looks good and can set the tone for the
entire area, we ought to make every effort to tie it together. We ought to go
further than setting a fixed price, then selecting the best plan submitted by
outlining planning criteria and having the developer follow those plans.
Mr. Sterne stated he thought the entire area north of Oak Street ought
to be devoted to motel use rather than adding other facilities. Mr. Gladin bem
it should be designed as one unit following a set design criteria.
Mr. Etheridge suggested we have someone set up the design criteria rather
than relying on the architect. Mr. Gladin suggested the City or a consultant make
the plan.
Mr. Persells suggested the Committee recommend to the Housing Authority
that this be included in the Urban Renewal Plan for acquisition and take no action
at this time and recommend to the Housing Authority that immediate steps be taken
to implement a top notch plan by employing an outside Planner. Mr. Cook stated
we will need to bring someone in from the outside. Mr. Cotsakis did not think
the Housing Authority should be responsible for selecting the consultant, but
Suggested as a ‘possibility the Civic Design Commission. He continued that with
an outside consultant, a plan be effectuated relating the entire area.
Mr. Cotsakis suggested the Committee defer a decision at this time.
The Committee was in general agreement. Mr. Cook concluded that within 60 days
the Committee should have some answers on this issue.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted:
Rodney Mo ob bbe Secretary
Chairman h