Box 20, Folder 20, Document 6

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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 6

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en June 12, 1967

( A joint meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee and the Board of

Commissioners of the Atlanta Housing Authority was held on Monday, June 12,
1967 at 11:15 A. M. in the Hickory Hill Salon of the Marriot to discuss
the awarding of the bid in the University Center Urban Redevelopment Area.

The following Members were present:

Mr. Rodney Cook, Chairman
Mr. E. Gregory Griggs

Mr. John M. Flanigen

Mr. Hugh Pierce

Mr. Frank Etheridge

Mr. Edwin L. Sterne

Mr. George Cotsakis

Also present were:

Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director, Atlanta Housing

Mr. Les Persells, Director of Redevelopment, AHA.

Mr. Howard Openshaw, Chief, Planning-Engineering Department,
Atlanta Housing Authority.

Mr. J. B. Blayton, Member, Board of Commissioners, Atlanta
Housing Authority.

Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Director, City of Atlanta.

Seven redevelopers submitted proposals, listed below, consisting of narrative
statements, accompanied by drawings showing site plans, floor plans, ele-
vations and perspectives, which were on display for discussion and examin-

. Prince Hall Masonic Lodge #1

Prince Hall Masonic Lodge #2

Civic Housing Associates, Inc.

. Atlanta Building & Development Corporation
Celotex Corporation

Department of Minimum Salaries, AME Church
7. Diamond & Kaye Properties


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Mr. Persells explained that the various reviewers had rated each proposal
fairly equal insofar as their claiber of development is concerned.

The committee proceeded to discuss each proposal, pro and con.

The question of modification of plans by FHA (regardless of who the developer
is) and what constitutes a minor and major change of plans was discussed

at length. Mr. Persells said that in discussions with FHA about this
particular point, the Housing Authority was assured that any changes request-
ed would be within the original concept of development. Mr. Cotsakis raised
the question of providing air-conditioning in the units, stating he felt

it would be highly desirable.

Urban Renewal Policy Committee
June 12, 1967 Page 2

Mr. Persells stated that in 221(d)(3) developments this is not an FHA
requirement and there is no way of subjecting a developer to it; that some
consideration is being given to this in a development in the Rawson-
Washington project area; in the case of the 7 proposals at hand, one pro-
poses air-conditioning and the other six can supply unit conditioners
later. Incidentally, Mr. Persells stated this would be considered a minor
plan change.

Mr. Etheridge stated that keeping in mind this property forms the entrance
way to Atlanta's Negro college complex, his concept of development would
be to go high-rise, in order to allow more open space, and orient it to
the college complex, rather than to the overall housing problem. He
suggested the high-rise could be placed in the interior of the development
with the low-rise structures around it, at the entrance way to the college
complex. This concept would tie in with the colleges' proposal to place
low-rise buildings for faculty and students in a fourth of their property.

There was further discussion as to whether or not it would be ethical for
the committee to negotiate with a developer on a plan change after the award
was made.

Mr. Persells stated that minor changes vs. major changes gets to be a matter
of opinion, but he felt you could negotiate with the winning developer
within the concept of the original development, but as to the question

of high rise, per se, he felt if this was deemed advisable for the area,
each developer would have to be given an opportunity to submit plans based
on a high-rise concept since, in his opinion, this would constitute a

major change.

He also mentioned that no waivers were granted in any of the proposals.
The Chairman then called for a decision,
The Committee adopted, by unanimous consent, proposal number 5 by the

Celotex Corporation with proposal number 1 by Prince Hall Masonic Lodge
#l as a second choice.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Approved: Respectfully submitted,
(20). A Wea uke)
Rodney cook, Chairman /soanne Parks, Secretary



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