Box 20, Folder 20, Document 7

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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 7

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A joift meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee and the Board of Commissioners
of the Atlanta Housing Authority was held on Monday, June 19, 1967, at 8:00 A. M.
in the Hickory Hill Salon of the Marriott Motor Hotel.

The following members of the Policy Committee were present:

Mr. Rodney M. Cook, Chairman
Mr. E. Gregory Griggs

The following members of the Board of Commissioners were present:

Mr. Edwin L. Sterne, Chairman
Mr. Frank Etheridge

Also present were:

Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director, Atlanta
Housing Authority

Mr. Lester H. Persells, Director of Redevelopment,
Atlanta Housing Authority

Mr. Collier Gladin, Chief Planning Ingineer, City of

The purpose of this joint meeting of the Policy Committee and the Board
of Commissioners is to recommend and decide which will be the successful redeveloper
for Parcels C-1, 3 and 4 in the Rawson-Washington Street Urban Redevelopment Area.

Mr. Cook asked Mr. Attridge if there are any irregularities present
in any of the proposals that would require a waiver. Mr. Attridge replied there
are some irregularities, and cited as an example the use of 202 as well as 221
financing in the Ebenezer Baptist Church proposal. Their proposed high-rise,
consisting of efficiencies and one-bedroom apartments would be financed under 202
with the garden apartments financed under 221. The developer has been contacted
regarding this and has indicated his willingness to go entirely 221. Mr. Attridge
foresees no difficulty, however, with a waiver of this nature.

A discussion continued between Mr. Cook and Mr. Attridge regarding the
restrictiveness of 202 to elderly. It was noted, however, that certain of the
other proposals, as Wesley Woods, could also restrict their rentals to elderly
since they consist of efficiencies and one-bedroom apartments. Therefore, this
does not seem to be a major factor.

There being no further discussions at this point, Mr. Persells introduced
Mr. Louis Orosz who summarized each proposal as to type of structure, number of
units, parking spaces, community facilities, and good and bad features.

Mr. Persells mentioned that some question was raised regarding the
twelve-story building proposed by Ebenezer Baptist Church conforming to the 100
foot height limitation. The architects and engineers have assured the Authority
in writing that the building will be built within this limitation.

As a background for now and later, Mr. Persells stated that FHA has
looked over the proposals and in giving mortgage insurance they would prefer hav-
‘ing a great difference in appearance between the public housing and this develop-
ment. <A distinction would work to create a different clientele.

Mr. Etheridge stated that his objection to the Ebenezer proposal is
that it provides for large family residence; and with this being a seven acre
downtown site, he does not feel it is appropriate for this use. Mr. Sterne commented
that 2/3 of the development is for elderly, leaving a small percentage for larger
families. In response to Mr. Sterne's question regarding the demand for larger
units in public housing projects, Mr. Satterfield replied that at this time there
is a demand for larger units, and there has been some remodeling to provide these.

Mr. Cook asked for a decision from the Committee and Board. He also
asked that Mr. Pierce be informed of the waiver and racial issue.

With the entire Committee not being present, Mr. Cook suggested that
everyone present vote, then ask those absent to register their vote with him as
Chairman of the Policy Committee.

Messrs. Cook, Griggs, and Sterne voted for Ebenezer Baptist Church with
Wesley Woods as a second choice. Mr. Etheridge voted for Wesley Woods with
Ebenezer Baptist Church as a second choice. With there being a descenting vote,
Mr. Sterne suggested the decision be left open. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Gladin to
contact the remaining members of the Policy Committee today informing them to
contact Mr. Cook regarding their recommendation.

Mr. Persells stated that he would like everything completed 10 days
prior to July lst to allow for adequate public notice prior to the closing date.

This concluding the business, Mr. Griggs moved the meeting be adjourned.


Ae es

Rodney M.( Zook, Chairman


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