Box 20, Folder 33, Document 58

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 58

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Meeting, Thursday, August 24, 1967
Aldermanic Chamber, Second Floor, City Hall, 2:00 P.M.

#Z-67=35-C - An Ordinance to rezone from R~4 (Residential) District to CL (Commercial-

“———s— Limited) District, property fronting 76.7 feet on the west side of West Lake
Avenue, beginning 0 feet from the northwesi corner of Mozley Drive.
Depth approximately 300 feet. Land Lot 148, 14th District, Fulton County,

Mason Alexander & Major Alexander, Owners
Mason Alexander, Applicant WARD 7

(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

#Z~67-89-F = An Ordinance to rezone from R=4 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 590 feet on the southeast side of Campbellton
Road, beginning 203.3 feet northeasterly from the corner of Fort Valley Drive.
Depth approximately 1600 feet. Land Lot 168, 14th District, Fulton Couniy,
Tamar Corporation and Marcus K. Taylor, et al, Owners-Applicanis
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation) WARD 7

#7-67-93-E - An Ordinance to rezone from R=-4 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 202.4 feet on the south side of Simpson Road,
beginning O feet west of West Lake Avenue. Depth 289.3 feet. Land Lot
147, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

T. M, Alexander, Jr., et al, Owner-Applicant WARD 7
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

#Z7-67-100-D = An Ordinance to rezone from R-7 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)

. - District, property fronting 1407 feet on the southwest side of Perry Boulevard,
beginning 693 feet northwest of Johnson Road. Depth 1271.18 feet.
Land Lot 224, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
Atlanta Housing Authority, Owner-Applicant WARD 3
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

#Z-57-103-A - An Ordinance to rezone from A-1 (Apariment) District to A-2 (Aparimeni)
District, property fronting 100 feet on the west side of Peachiree Road, N.W.,
beginning 600 feet north from the corner of Peachtree Battle Avenue, N.W.
Depth 400 feet. Land Lot 112, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
W. Brenner Dunn, Owner
D. R. Cumming, Jr., Applicant WARD 5
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation A=2-C)
MEETING - August 24, 1967 - Page 2

#U-67-32-A - An application for a Special Use Permit for parking on property fronting 30 feet
on the south side of Shery! Place, beginning 802.7 feet east from the corner of
Ardmore Circle. Depth 325 feet. Land Lot 109, 17th District, Fulton County,

W.R. Townsend and D. W. Ghegan, Owners
Chad Corporation, Applicant WARD 5

(Planning Board, favorable recommendation - conditional)

#Z-67-105-D - An Ordinance to rezone from R-4 (Residential) District to M-1 (Light
"ss Indusirial) District, property to the rear of property fronting 250 feet
on the north side of Collier Road, beginning 0 feet east of the northeast
corner of Seaboard Place. Depth 864 feet. Land Lot 186, 17th District,
Fulton County, Georgia.
Rad Investments, Inc., Owner-Applicant WARD 3
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

#Z-67-106-B - An Ordinance to rezone from R-6 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 67.5 feet on the east side of Oakdale Road,
beginning O feet south from the southeast corner of Oakdale Road and
McLendon Avenue. Depth 140 feet. Land Lot 209, 15th District,

DeKalb County, Georgia
Rozzie G. Dumas, Owner
A. F. Rees, Applicant WARD 2

(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

#7Z-67-107-A = An Ordinance to rezone from A-1 (Apartment) District to A-2 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 182.5 feet on the southerly side of Peachtree
Road, N.E., beginning 497.5 feet easterly from the corner of Roxboro Road,
N.E. Depth 270 feet average. Land Lot 10, 17th District, Fulton County,

Samuel A. Miller, ef al, Owners
A. David Kahn, Applicant WARD 8

(Planning Board, favorable recommendation A-2-C)

#Z~67-108-A - An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to C+1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 140 feet on the southwesterly side of Powers Ferry
Road, beginning 158.8 feet northwest from the corner of Roswell Road. Depth
205 feet. Land Lot 97, 17th Disirict, Fulton County, Georgia.
Majella Clark Daly, Owner-Applicant WARD 8
(Planning Board, adverse recommendation)

#U-67-25-B - An application for a Special Use Permit for employee parking at 1511 Iverson
Street, on properiy fronting 241.7 feet on the south side of lverson Street,
beginning 208 feet west of the southwest corner of Mell Avenue. Depth 124
feet. Land Lot 210, 15th District, DeKalb County, Georgia
C. ©. Bloodworth, Owner

Edwards Baking Company, Applicant WARD 2
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation - conditional)
MEETING - August 24, 1967 ~ Page 3

#7-~67-109-B -

#7-67-110-A -

#7-67-121-B -

An Ordinance to rezone from R-6 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 177.5 feet on the north side of DeKalb Avenue,

N.E., seginning at the northwesterly corner of DeKalb Avenue and Gordon
Avenue, N.E. Depth varies. Land Lot 211, 15th District, DeKalb County,

D.S. Hitchcock, Owner
A. F. Rees, Applicant WARD 2

(Planning Board, favorable recommendation)

An Ordinance to rezone from A-1 (Apartment) District to A-2 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 200 feet on the west side of Peachtree Road,
beginning 200 feet south of West Wesley Road. Depth 400 feet. Land Lot
112, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Hayden F. Garges and Mary S. Branch, Owners

Peachiree Park Wesi, Inc., Applicant WARD 5
(Planning Board, favorable recommendation A-2-C)

An Ordinance to rezone from R-6 (Residential) District t0 C-1 (Comme cial)
District, property fronting 51.8 feet on the east side of North Highland
Avenue, beginning 187.6 feet north from the corner of Briarcliff Place.
Depth 153.1 feet. Land Lot 16, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
Gloria H. Craft, Owner-Applicant WARD 6
(Planning Beard, favorable recommendation)


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