Box 20, Folder 33, Document 59

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 59

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#U-67-38-C -


#7-67-104-E -






Meeting, Wednesday, August 16, 1967
Committee Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall, 2:00 P.M.

An application for a Special Use Permit for parking at 22 Whitehouse Drive, on
property fronting 50 feet on the east side of Whitehouse Drive, beginning 150
feet north of the northeast corner of Washington Place. Depth 150 feet. Land
Lot 116, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia

Premium Fidelity Management, Inc., Owner~Applicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property at the end of Willis Mill Road, beginning 414.5 feet
northeast of the northeast corner of Flamingo Drive. Depth varies. Land
Lots 203 and 204, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

W. O. Duvall, Owner ,

John Hartrampt, Applicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from R-4 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 250 feet on the southerly side of Gordon Road,
beginning 323 feet westerly from the corner of Gordon Road and Harlan Road.
Depth 400 feet. Land Lot 212, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
William E. Horton, Owner-Applicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from R-5 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 300 feet on the east side of Harwell Road,
beginning 104 feet south of Oakcliff Road. Land Lots 238, 245, 14th
District, Fulton County, Georgia

Mildred L. Kingloff, et al, Owners

Home Mortgage Company, Applicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from R-5 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 46.0 feet on the south side of Gordon Road,
beginning 259.1 feet west of the perimeter Highway I-285. Depth 255.5
feet. Land Lot 244, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Grady S. Portwood, Owner=A pplicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from M~=1 (Light Industrial) District to A-2 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 1,550 feet on the east side of Fairburn Road, beginning
450 feet north from the northeast corner of Fairburn Road and Sewell Road.

Depth 885 feet. Land Lot 12, 14FF District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Joel Dixon, Owner

C. C. Thornton, Applicant WARD 7

An Ordinance to rezone from R~3 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 650 feet on the south side of Adamsville Drive,
beginning 152.8 feet west of Gordon Road. Depth varies. Land Lot 14,
14FF District, Fulton County, Georgia.

M. L. Kingloff, et al, Owners

Home Mortgage Company, Applicant WARD 7
Agenda - Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Meeting - Wednesday, August 16, 1967 - Page 2








An Ordinance to rezone from R-5 and R-6 (Residential) Districts to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property to the rear of property fronting 530 feet on the north side of
Bakers Ferry Road, beginning 506 feet westerly from the northwest corner of Candle=
light’Lane. Depth 2010 Feet. Land Lot 24, 14FF District, Fulton County,


Mrs. C. V. Burson, et al, Owners

Interstate Credit Corporation, Applicant WARD 7
An Ordinance to rezone from M=1 (Light Industrial) and M-2 (Heavy Industrial)

Districts to A-1] (Apartment) District, property fronting 589 feet on the north
side of Bankhead Avenue, N.W., beginning 0 feet west of Maynard Road,
Depth 900 feet. Also, property fronting 2131 feet on the south side of Bankhead
Avenue, N.W., beginning 0 feet east of the west line of Land Lot 267. Depth
1300 Feet. Land Lots 266, 267, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Ralph W. Brooks, Owner

Ross Arnold, Applicant WARD 3

An Ordinance to rezone from R-5 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 1,046.79 feet on the west side of James Jackson
Parkway, beginning 0 feet south of Proctor Creek. Depth 810 feet. Land
Lots 250 and 258, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

A. L. Roberts, Owner-Applicant WARD 3

An Ordinance to rezone from R-5 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 60 feet on the east side of Edwin Street, beginning

450 feet north from Newman Place. Depth 400 feet. Land Lot 226, 17th District,
Fulton County, Georgia.

Mrs. J. H. Poss, Owner

Percy Helmer, Applicant WARD 3

An application for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a church at

348 Atlanta Avenue, S.E., on property fronting 60 feet on the north side of
Atlanta Avenue, beginning 50 feet northeast from the corner of Grant Street.
Depth 180 feet. Land Lot 43, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Mrs. Annie H. Keith, Owner

Ernest S. Lott, Applicant WARD 1

An application for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a church at

155 Love Street, S.W., on property fronting 42 feet on the south side of
Love Street, beginning 42 feet west of Ami Street. Depth 208 feet. Land
Lot 54, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Will Smith, Owner-Applicant WARD 1

An application for a Special Use Permit for a Heliport at 315 Corput St., N.W.,
on property fronting 239.75 feet on the north side of Corput Street, beginning
0 feet east of Marietia St. Depth 400 feet. Land Lot 82, 14th District, Fulton

County, Ga.
Coca-Cola Company, Owner

E. H. Sutter, Coca-Cola Company, Applicant WARD 3
Agenda ~ Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Meeting - Wednesday, August 16, 1967 - Page 3

#Z-67-134-C = An Ordinance to rezone from M-1 (Light Industrial) District to C-3 (Commercial)

District, property fronting 142.5 feet on the north side of Tenth Street and
217.8 feet on the east side of Juniper St., N.E., beginning at the northeast
corner of Juniper Street and Tenth Street. Depths 216.9 feet and 132.6
feet. Land Lot 106, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia

A.F.D., Inc., Owner=Applicant WARD 5

#Z-67-137-C- An Ordinance to rezone from A-1 & A-2 (Apartment) Districts to R-9

(Residential) District and C-3 (Commercial) District, property fronting 199
feet on the north side of Fourteenth Street, beginning 109 feet east of Peach-=
tree Street, and property fronting 302 feet on the south side of Fifteenth
Street, beginning approximately 142 feet east of the southeast corner of
Fifteenth Street and Peachtree Street. Depth varies. Land Lots 105, 106,
17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Cushman Corporation, et al , Owners

Alston, Miller & Gaines, Applicant WARD 5

#7-67-133-C- An Ordinance to rezone from R-4 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial )

District , property fronting 170 feet on the north side of Avery Drive, beginning
O feet west from Piedmont Avenue. Depth 168 feet. Land Lot 55, 17th District,

Fulton County, Georgia.
George G. Finch, Jr., Owner-Applicant WARD 5

#Z-67-140-C - An Ordinance to rezone from R-4 (Residential) District to R-9 (Residential)

#7-67-139 =

#7~-67-145 =

District, property fronting 180 feet on the southeasterly side of Beverly Road,
beginning 390 feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of Avery Drive.
Depth varies. Land Lot 56, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
Piedmont Monroe Shopping Center - Owner

Donald E. O'Brien, Applicant WARD 5

An Ordinance to amend Article XIV, Section 2 of the 1954 Zoning Ordinance,
as amended, to include a motel or tourist home as a permitted use in the C=1
(Community Business) District; also to amend Article XXI, Section 1, to

delete "Motel" from the Special Use Permit Article.

An Ordinance to amend Paragraph 7 of Article V, Section 2, of the 1954
Zoning Ordinance, as amended, by the deletion of said paragraph in its
entirety and substituting a new Paragraph 7, relating to temporary signs
in residential districts.
Agenda = Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning Board
Meeting - Wednesday, August 16, 1967 - Page 4


#7-67-56-A =

#7-67-90-H -

#7-67-95-G- |



#Z-67=112-A =

An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to A-2 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 586.81 feet on the east side of Howell Mill Road,
beginning approximately 300 feet north from the corner of I-75 (West Paces
Ferry) Exit. Depth approximately 400 feet. Land Lot 197, 17th District,
Fulton County, Georgia.

Willie J. Rolader, Owner

Paul Silverman, Applicant WARD 8
(Holding for plans)

An Ordinance to rezone from R-4 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 511 feet on the north side of East Confederate
Avenue., beginning 0 feet west from the northwest corner of East Confederate
Avenue and Walker Avenue. Depth 1733 feet. Land Lots 10, 22 and 23, 14th
District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Mayme B. Mansour, Owner=Applicant WARD 1
(Deferred on June 14 for 90 days for submission of plans)

An Ordinance to rezone from R~4 (Residential) District to A-L (Apartment=
Limited) District, property fronting 50 feet on the north side of Conley Road,
beginning 846 feet southeast from the northeast corner of Forest Park Road.
Depth 1,763 feet. Land Lot 1, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Mrs. John W. McLean, Owner-Applicant WARD 4
(Deferred on June 14 for submission of plans)

An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property fronting 200 feet on the southern side of Campbellton
Road, beginning 600 feet westerly from the Land Lot Line. Depth 1310 feet.
Land Lot 218, 14th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Bennie R. Morris, Sr., Owner >

Berry Realty Company, Applicant WARD 7
(Deferred on June 14 for submission of plans)

An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 120 feet on the northeast side of Lenox Road,
N.E., beginning 0 feet north of Kingsboro Road. Depth 281 feet. Land Lot
45, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Walter E. Anderson, et al, Owners

Charles J. Bradshaw, et al, Applicants WARD 8
(Deferred on July 12 for consideration of a more suitable

commercial use)

An Ordinance to rezone from R=3 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 100 feet on the southwestern side of Roxboro

Road, beginning 119.5 feet southwardly from the intersection of the
Agenda = Atlanta-Fulton Couniy Joint Planning Board
Meeting = Wednesday, August 16, 1967 = Page 5



#7-67-120-D -

#U-67-37-D -

western line of Roxboro Road with the original north line of Land Lot 45.
Depth 400 feet. Land Lots 9 and 45, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.
Mrs. Betty Jane Meyers, Owner

William R. Mellen, Applicant WARD 8
(Deferred July 12)

An Ordinance to rezone from R=3 (Residential) District to C-1 (Commercial)
District, property fronting 149.7 feet on the west side of Roxboro Road,
beginning 219.5 feet north from the north line of Land Lot 9. Depth varies.
Land Lots 9 and 45, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

Estate of Sam Purswell, et al, Owners

William R. Mellen, Applicant WARD 8
(Deferred July 12)

An Ordinance to rezone from R=3 and R-4 (Residential) Districts to A-L
(Apartment-Limited) District, property fronting 1019.35 feet on the north
side of Bohler Road (Parcel #1), beginning 370 feet northwesterly from the
intersection of the north side of Bohler Road with the east line of Land Lot
194 and fronting 1505.2 feet on the southerly side of Bohler Road, beginning
0 feet northwesterly from the corner of DeFoors Ferry Road. Depth varies.
Land Lot 194, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

F. M. and Mary Adair Bird, Owners

DeFoors Properties, Inc., Applicant WARD 3
(Deferred July 12)

An Ordinance to rezone from R-3 (Residential) District to A-1 (Apartment)
District, property to the rear of property fronting 207.4 feet on the
northeasterly side of DeFoors Ferry Road, beginning 1017 feet northerly

from the northeast corner of DeFoor Avenue and Collier Road. Depth varies.
Land Lots 184, 185, 194 and 195, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia
FM Land Co. and CPI Land Company, Owners-Applicants WARD 3
(Deferred July 12)

An application for a Special Use Permit for a private club facility on property
fronting 187 feet on the north side of Cross Creek Parkway beginning 480

feet east of the northeast corner of Bohler Road. Depth 545 feet. Land Lots
194 and 195, 17th District, Fulton County, Georgia.

FM Land Co. and CPI Land Co., Owners-Applicants WARD 3
(Deferred July 12)


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